TAA Tools
LIBGRP           LIBRARY GROUP                      TAALIBT

The Library Group  tool allows you to  define a list of libraries  in a
group and  a current library.   The group  names may then  be specified
on  the CHGLIBGRP, ADDLIBGRP, or RMVLIBGRP  commands to modify the user
portion of the library list.

A typical command would be:

             CHGLIBGRP     LIBGRP(GRP1 GRP2 ...)

The command  will  replace the  existing user  portion  of the  library
list with  the libraries specified  in the group  names.  It  also sets
the  current library to  the value  specified on the  first group (GRP1
in the example).

The current library  can be  defined as  *SAME for a  library group  in
which case no change occurs to the current library.

Up to  10 library groups may  be named on either  CHGLIBGRP, ADDLIBGRP,
or  RMVLIBGRP.    The total  number  of  libraries  which result  after
determining the unique list cannot exceed the system limit of 250.

The major advantage of  the Library Group tool  is that you can  change
the  library list  without  changing CL  programs.   In  addition,  for
those  users who are  reaching the library  system limit, the  tool may
allow  a simpler means of controlling  what is really needed at various
processing points.

The library groups  can be helpful in  identifying a list of  libraries
for a specific  application that all need to exist  on the library list
when the application is run.

Add and Remove library groups

ADDLIBGRP  adds one or  more groups of  libraries to  the existing user
portion of the library list.  The current library is not changed.

An option exists  on ADDLIBGRP to add  at the beginning  or end of  the
current library list.   The default is POSITION(*FIRST)  which adds the
libraries  at the  beginning of  the list.   If a  library about  to be
added already exists  on the library  list, it is  bypassed without  an
error occurring.

RMVLIBGRP removes the  libraries found in  the library groups  from the
user  portion  of  the  library  list.    The current  library  is  not
changed.   If one or all  of the libraries named  does not exist on the
library list, it is not considered an error.

For example, a typical solution would be:

             ADDLIBGRP     LIBGRP(GRP1)
               .             /* Your function */
             RMVLIBGRP     LIBGRP(GRP1)

In this  example, care  must be taken  that a  library in  GRP1 is  not
already  on the  library  list when  ADDLIBGRP  is run  because of  the
RMVLIBGRP function.  Assume the library list is:


Assume LIBA is also in GRP1
when ADDLIBGRP is run.
Since only unique libraries would be added to the list, no
error occurs.
However, when RMVLIBGRP is run, it would find the LIBA
library and remove it.
Therefore, the library list would now be:


If  you are  concerned about  this possibility, a  good solution  is to
use the RTNLIBL TAA Tool as follows:

             DCL           &LIBL *CHAR LEN(2750)
             RTVJOBA       USRLIBL(&LIBL)
             ADDLIBGRP     LIBGRP(GRP1)
               .             /* Your function */
             RTNLIBL       USRLIBL(&USRLIBL)

Creating a library group description

To create a  library group, you must  first create a  set of data  base
files (LIBGRPP  and LIBGRPA)  that are  used by  the tool  to hold  the
Library Group Description.

A typical command would be:


By  default, the required data  base files would be  created in library
QGPL so they will be  available to all jobs.   You can create  multiple
sets of files, but only one set per library.

To enter a library  group description, the EDTLIBGRPD command  would be
used such as:


A  subfile will be  displayed of the  existing library groups  (if any)
and  you are allowed the  options of display, change,  and delete.  The
F6 key  is used  to enter  a new  group.  Each  group must  be given  a
unique name and a text description.

The basic  display for change  or add of  a list of libraries  for each
group  is similar  to  the system  display used  by  EDTLIBL.   You may
enter new libraries,  delete existing libraries,  or change the  order.
After making  a change and pressing  Enter, the current  information is
sorted based  on sequence number and then  re-displayed.  When Enter is
pressed without making any changes,  the information is updated in  the
data base.

No checking  occurs that  the name entered  is a  valid library  on the
system.   This allows you to  create groups where the  library does not
yet exist (a similar function exists on CRTJOBD).

The  PRTLIBGRPD command can be used to  check that all of the libraries
specified exist on your system.   PRTLIBGRPD may also be used  to print
the detail  of each of the groups  or to find each  group that contains
a specific library.

Using library groups from different files

When  CHGLIBGRP,  ADDLIBGRP,  or  RMVLIBGRP  are  used,  all groups  of
libraries must be specified  in the same LIBGRPP  file.  If the  groups
are  in  files  in  different libraries,  it  is  possible  to  specify
multiple commands such as:

             ADDLIBGRP     LIBGRP(GRP2) LIBGRPPLIB(xxxx)

Retrieving a library group description

The  RTVLIBGRPD command allows  you to  retrieve the list  of libraries
in a group.   The libraries are  returned in a 275  byte variable in  a
similar manner the  USRLIBL value is  returned on RTVJOBA.   The format
is the library name followed by a blank (25 libraries x 11 = 275).

Note  that  RTVJOBA  returns  up  to  250  libraries  while  RTVLIBGRPD
returns up to 25.

A typical set of commands would be:

             DCL           &LIBLIST *CHAR LEN(275)

For  example, if you wanted  to do SAVCHGOBJ against  the the list that
is returned,  the list is  in the  proper format  to be executed  using
QCMDEXC.   You  would  need to  build  up the  SAVCHGOBJ  command in  a
variable before using QCMDEXC.

Getting started

  1.   Determine  the library where the files  LIBGRPP and LIBGRPA will
       be kept that are  used by the tool.   The default is QGPL  which
       will be used in  the following examples and is  assumed to be on
       your  library  list.   For  most situations,  you  probably only
       want a single  set of  files for  the entire  system.   However,
       some individuals may want  their own set for testing  or special
       situations.  QGPL is assumed in the following examples.

  2.   Create the files used by the tool with:


  3.   Use the edit command to create the required groups:


       Use F6  to enter each group  and fill in the  list of libraries.

  4.   You  are now ready  to use the  CHGLIBGRP command.   To test the
       function, name  a few  of your groups  and then  use DSPLIBL  to
       check the user portion of the library list.

            CHGLIBGRP   LIBGRP(GRP1 GRP2 ...)

  5.   Try the ADD/RMVLIBGRP commands also.

CRTLIBGRPD Command parameters                         *CMD

   LIBGRPPLIB    The library  to contain the LIBGRPP  and LIBGRPA files
                 used by the tool.  The default is QGPL.

   SRCLIB        The  source library  of  the DDS  source.   *TAAARC is
                 the  default  to  access  the  source  from   the  TAA
                 Archive.  A  specific library may also be  used if you
                 have  first  copied  the source  from  the  Archive to
                 your library.  QATTDDS must  be the source file  name.

EDTLIBGRPD Command parameters                         *CMD

   LIBGRP        The library  group to 'position  to' when  the subfile
                 is  displayed.   If left  blank,  the subfile  will be
                 'positioned  to' the first library  group in the file.
                 If  the library  group  does  not exist,  the  subfile
                 will be  'positioned to' the first  library group name
                 that is less than what was specified.

   LIBGRPPLIB    The  library  that contains  the  LIBGRPP  and LIBGRPA
                 files used  by  the  tool.    The  default  is  *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB may also be used.

CHGLIBGRP Command parameters                          *CMD

   LIBGRP        The library  groups to be  used to replace  the entire
                 user  portion of the library  list.  Up  to 10 library
                 groups may be  named.  If  a library is  in more  than
                 one group, only the first occurrence will be used.

                 The  total  number of  libraries  which  result  after
                 determining the  unique list cannot  exceed the system
                 limit of 250.

   RPLCURLIB     Whether  to replace the  current library or  not.  The
                 default is  *YES.    If  a current  library  value  is
                 specified  for  the  first  library group  named,  the
                 value will be used.

                 Note  that the value  specified for  the library group
                 may be *SAME,  *CRTDFT, or  a named library.   If  the
                 value  is  *SAME,  no  change occurs  to  the  current

   LIBGRPPLIB    The  library  that contains  the  LIBGRPP  and LIBGRPA
                 files used  by  the  tool.    The  default  is  *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB may also be used.

ADDLIBGRP Command parameters                          *CMD

   LIBGRP        The library  groups  to be  used to  add libraries  to
                 the  user  portion of  the  library list.    Up to  10
                 library  groups  may  be  named.    If  a  library  is
                 already on the library list, it is bypassed.

                 The  total  number of  libraries  which  result  after
                 determining the  unique list cannot  exceed the system
                 limit of 250.

   POSITION      The  position  to place  the groups.    This is  a two
                 part  parameter  that  is  similar  to  the   POSITION
                 parameter on ADDLIBLE.

                 The first part  is the list position.   The default is
                 *FIRST meaning  one or more library  groups are placed
                 before any existing libraries  on the user portion  of
                 the library list.

                 *LAST may  be specified to  place one or  more library
                 groups  after  any  existing  libraries  on  the  user
                 portion of the library list.

                 *AFTER  may be specified to  place one or more library
                 groups after  a  specified  reference library  on  the
                 library list.

                 *BEFORE  may  be  specified   to  place  one  or  more
                 library  groups before  a specified  reference library
                 on the library list.

                 The second  part  of the  parameter is  the  reference
                 library.   If the first part  is *AFTER or  *BEFORE, a
                 reference  library  that exists  on  the  library list
                 must be specified.

                 If the first  part is *FIRST  or *LAST, the  reference
                 library must be blank.

   LIBGRPPLIB    The  library that  contains  the LIBGRPP  and  LIBGRPA
                 files  used  by  the  tool.   The  default  is  *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB may also be used.

RMVLIBGRP Command parameters                          *CMD

   LIBGRP        The  library  groups to  be  used to  remove libraries
                 from the user portion  of the library list.  Up  to 10
                 library groups may  be named.  If a  library is not on
                 the  library list, it  is bypassed.   No error occurs.

   LIBGRPPLIB    The library  that  contains the  LIBGRPP  and  LIBGRPA
                 files  used  by  the  tool.   The  default  is  *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB may also be used.

PRTLIBGRPD Command parameters                         *CMD

   LIB           The  library to be checked  for.  *ALL  is the default
                 and will cause all libraries to be considered.

                 If a specific library  is named, any group  containing
                 the  library will  be  printed.   This  can assist  in
                 determining  all of  the  library groups  that  name a
                 specific library.

   CHECK         A  *YES/*NO value  that defaults  to *YES  to check if
                 every library  specified  exists on  the system.    If
                 not, the  library group and an  appropriate error line
                 are printed.

                 *NO   bypasses  the  'existence   check'  and  lets  a
                 listing occur as described in the LIB parameter.

   LIBGRPPLIB    The library  that  contains the  LIBGRPP  and  LIBGRPA
                 files  used  by  the  tool.   The  default  is  *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB may also be used.

RTVLIBGRPD Command parameters                         *CMD

   LIBGRP        The library group to be retrieved.

   RTNLIBS       An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 list  of  libraries  in  the  library  group.     Each
                 library name  is 10  bytes long  followed by a  single
                 blank making  275 bytes (25 x 11).   If specified, the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(275).

   CURLIB        An  optional  return  variable that  will  contain the
                 current library specified  for the library group.   If
                 specified,  the variable  must  be  declared as  *CHAR

   LIBGRPTXT     An  optional  return variable  that  will  contain the
                 text description provided for  the library group.   If
                 specified,  the variable  must  be  declared as  *CHAR

   LIBGRPPLIB    The  library  that contains  the  LIBGRPP  and LIBGRPA
                 files used  by  the  tool.    The  default  is  *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB may also be used.


  **   EDTLIBGRPD ensures  that the  libraries named  are valid  names,
       but does  not check for existence or  authority.  The PRTLIBGRPD
       command can be used to check existence.

  **   If  a library is on the system  portion of the library list when
       it is  attempted  to  be added  by  ADDLIBGRP or  CHGLIBGRP,  an
       error  will occur.    This  error also  occurs  with the  system
       commands such as CHGLIBL.

  **   If  a library is on the product  portion of the library list, no
       conflict occurs with ADDLIBGRP or  CHGLIBGRP.  This is the  same
       as the system commands.

  **   The current  library is  only changed  by the  CHGLIBGRP command
       and  only if the  first library  group specified on  the command
       has a current library that is other than *SAME.

  **   If a  library  is  in  more than  one  group  for  ADDLIBGRP  or
       CHGLIBGRP, only the first occurrence will be used.

  **   If ADDLIBGRP  is  used and  the library  already  exists on  the
       library list,  no error occurs.   The first  occurrence is used.
       If   POSITION(*FIRST)  is   used,  the   existing  duplicate  is
       removed.   If  POSITION(*LAST) is  used,  the new  duplicate  is

  **   It  is  not  an error  for  RMVLIBGRP  to  attempt to  remove  a
       library that is not on the list.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKNAM          Check name
     CHKOBJ2         Check object description 2
     CPYTAADDS       Copy TAA DDS
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     FILEFDBCK       File feedback
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     LOCKMSG         Lock message
     RPGSTSDS        RPG status data structure
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     WRTSRC          Write source


None,  the tool is  ready to use,  but you must first  create the files
used and enter library groups.  See the previous discussion.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHGLIBGRP     *CMD                   TAALIBT       QATTCMD
   CRTLIBGRPD    *CMD                   TAALIBT2      QATTCMD
   EDTLIBGRPD    *CMD                   TAALIBT3      QATTCMD
   PRTLIBGRPD    *CMD                   TAALIBT4      QATTCMD
   ADDLIBGRP     *CMD                   TAALIBT5      QATTCMD
   RMVLIBGRP     *CMD                   TAALIBT6      QATTCMD
   RTVLIBGRPD    *CMD                   TAALIBT7      QATTCMD
   TAALIBTC      *PGM       CLP         TAALIBTC      QATTCL
   TAALIBTC2     *PGM       CLP         TAALIBTC2     QATTCL
   TAALIBTC3     *PGM       CLP         TAALIBTC3     QATTCL
   TAALIBTC4     *PGM       CLP         TAALIBTC4     QATTCL
   TAALIBTC5     *PGM       CLP         TAALIBTC5     QATTCL
   TAALIBTC6     *PGM       CLP         TAALIBTC6     QATTCL
   TAALIBTC7     *PGM       CLP         TAALIBTC7     QATTCL
   TAALIBTC14    *PGM       CLP         TAALIBTC14    QATTCL
   TAALIBTR      *PGM       RPG         TAALIBTR      QATTRPG
   TAALIBTR3     *PGM       RPG         TAALIBTR3     QATTRPG
   TAALIBTR4     *PGM       RPG         TAALIBTR4     QATTRPG
   TAALIBTR7     *PGM       RPG         TAALIBTR7     QATTRPG
   TAALIBTP      *FILE      PF          TAALIBTP      QATTDDS
   TAALIBTA      *FILE      LF          TAALIBTA      QATTDDS

The TAALIBTP  source  is  used for  the  LIBGRPP file.    The  TAALIBTA
source is used for the LIBGRPA file.


   TAALIBTC   CL pgm
     TAALIBTR    RPG Pgm

   TAALIBTC2  CL pgm

   TAALIBTC3  CL pgm
     TAALIBTR3   RPG Pgm
       TAALIBTD    Display file

   TAALIBTC4   CL pgm
     TAALIBTR4   RPG Pgm
       TAALIBTC14  CL Pgm

   TAALIBTC5  CL pgm
     TAALIBTR4   RPG Pgm

   TAALIBTC6  CL pgm
     TAALIBTR4   RPG Pgm

   TAALIBTC7  CL pgm
     TAALIBTR7   RPG Pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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