TAA Tools

The  Job Scheduling  function  allows  a  convenient means  of  storing
information  about jobs that  will be  submitted on a  regular schedule
and  grouping them by category  such as daily, weekly,  Monday etc.  It
then  allows a  simple  means  of  submitting the  jobs  for  specified

The Job Scheduling  function uses the file JOBSCHP  to hold records for
the  jobs you want  submitted.   There is one  record for  each job and
the job  name must be  unique.   The MTNJOBSCH  command maintains  this
file (Add, delete, change) and the fields to be entered include:

        Job name
        Job category (such as DAILY, WEEKLY)
        Job description
        Job queue
        Text description
        User name (to be used during execution)
        Command to be executed

Since  not all  of the  possible options  from the  SBMJOB command  are
used.  A specific job description may be needed in some cases.

You  may have as  many categories as  are needed.   When it  is time to
submit the  appropriate  jobs, you  would  use the  SBMJOBSCH  command.
For  example,  if   you  wanted  to   submit  the  DAILY   and  TUESDAY
categories, you would specify:


Note  that  the  function  does  not  automatically submit  jobs  on  a
specific  date or  time.   It relies on  a manually  entered command to
specify the  various  categories.   This differs  from  the system  job
scheduling function.

Scheduling  of jobs  with a  rigid calendar  can be  difficult  to work
with.   For  example, if you  normally do  some jobs  on Tuesday night,
there may be legitimate reasons that  cause the Tuesday jobs to be  run
on Wednesday instead of  Tuesday.  For example, if  Monday is a holiday
or  a one  time  critical job  must  be run  on Monday  instead  of the
normal work,  it  may  push  most  of  the  normal  work  back  a  day.
Therefore, a manual submit  by category may be a  practical alternative
that minimizes the amount of individually entered commands.

For  flexibility  reasons,  you may  want  to  have several  categories
instead  of just a single  version.  For example,  you might use DAILY1
for critical daily jobs, DAILY2 for less critical etc.

CRTJOBSCH command                                     *CMD

Creates  the job  schedule  files  (JOBSCHP  and JOBSCHL)  in  a  named

   LIB           The library to create the files in.

   SRCLIB        The source library  to use for the QATTDDS  file.  The
                 default  is *TAAARC which  means to use  the source in
                 the TAA Archive.

MTNJOBSCH command                                     *CMD

Maintains the  JOBSCHP  file.   There  are  no parameters.    A  prompt
screen  is displayed  and allows  options  to display,  change, add  or
delete the records from the master file.

   JOB           The unique job name to identify the job.

   ACTION        The  type  of  action  to  be  performed  on  the  job
                 record.  The  entries are *ADD,  *CHG, *DLT and  *DSP.
                 *CHG is the default.

SBMJOBSCH command parameters                          *CMD

Submits the jobs  from the JOBSCHP  file for the  categories specified.

   CATEGORY      A  list  of  up to  20  category  names  which can  be

PRTJOBSCH command parameters                          *CMD

Prints the JOBSCHP file in one of two sequences.

   SEQ           The  default is *JOBCAT  which will cause  the file to
                 be printed in  sequence by Job category,  Job sequence
                 and Job name.

                 *JOB will cause the printing in Job name sequence.


The fields  to be entered  are fairly obvious  from the prompts  with a
few exceptions:

   JBSEQ         This  is a sequencing field to  allow the jobs for the
                 same  category  to   be  submitted   in  a   specified
                 sequence.   This is  a 5 byte  character field  with a
                 default of  '50000'.  The collating  sequence of JBSEQ
                 determines which  job for  the category  is  submitted
                 first.    Jobs  with  the   same  sequence  value  are
                 submitted in name order.

   JBTEXT        This  is a text  field to help  describe the job.   It
                 is not used during processing.

   CMD           The  command to be executed in  batch.  You can prompt
                 for this command by entering a '?' such as:


                 The command string  following the command prompt  will
                 appear in  the CMD field  to allow you to  confirm the
                 entry.    The  command  is  checked  with  the QCMDCHK
                 function when it is entered.

                 If you want  to enter  a command  with an  apostrophe,
                 you must use  4 apostrophes.  For  example, assume you
                 want a TEXT description of:

                       O'Neils library

                 You must enter the command as:

                   ... TEXT('O''''Neils library')

Submit job parameter implications

The  SBMJOBSCH command causes  one or more  jobs to be  submitted.  The
majority of  the  parameters  will  be taken  from  the  specified  job
description (QBATCH is the default).  The following will not:

   USER          The value  in the JOBSCHP  record is  used.  The  same
                 entries  as  exist on  SBMJOB  may  be  used (a  name,
                 *CURRENT,   or  *JOBD).     The  default  is  *CURRENT
                 meaning  that  the  user  who  entered  the  SBMJOBSCH
                 command  will be used  (not the  user who  entered the
                 record with MTNJOBSCH).

   JOBQ          The  job queue  in the  JOBSCHP record  is used.   The
                 default is QBATCH in QGPL.

   CMD           The command to  be entered.  This  is used to  specify
                 the RQSDTA parameter on SBMJOB.

   CURLIB        The  value *USRPRF  is specified.   If  the data  base
                 record  has  a value  for  USER  other than  *CURRENT,
                 then the name  of that  user is used  and his  current
                 library is used for  the batch job.  If  the data base
                 record   specifies  *CURRENT,   then   the  submitting
                 user's current library is used.

   INLLIBL       The  value *JOBD  is used.   When  a JOBD  is created,
                 the INLLIBL  default is *SYSVAL  meaning the  QSYSLIBL
                 system  value.   You may  need to  specify  the proper
                 libraries   in  a   JOBD  to  correctly   execute  the
                 submitted job.

Note that the  library list used  is from the  job description and  not
from the job which enters SBMJOBSCH.

Security implications

No checking  occurs on  the USER  or JOBD field  in the  JOBSCHP record
during  the  MTNJOBSCH command.    Therefore, anyone  may  enter values
regardless of whether they are authorized to the objects.

When the  SBMJOBSCH  command  is  executed,  it  will  issue  a  SBMJOB
command with the  USER parameter filled in  from the job record  in the
JOBSCHP  file.    The normal  security  checking  for  any SBMJOB  then

  **   If  a user  name is specified,  the system will  ensure that the
       submitter is authorized to the user profile named.

  **   If  USER(*JOBD) is  specified,  the  submitting user  must  have
       *USE authority to the job description.

You may  want to authorize the JOBSCHP  file so that not  all users can
enter  job records.   You  may also  want to  control who  executes the
SBMJOBSCH command.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system.

      ALCTMPMBR    Allocate temporary member
      CHKAPOST     Check apostrophe
      EXTLST       Extract list
      EDTVAR       Edit variable
      SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
      SNDDIAGMSG   Send diagnostic message
      SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
      SNDSTSMSG    Send status message
      TAAARC       TAA Archive


The tool is ready  to use, but the the  CRTJOBSCH command must be  used
to create the files in one of your libraries.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   JOBSCH        *DTAARA                        No source
*  JOBSCHP       *FILE         PF          TAAJOBLP       QATTDDS
*  JOBSCHL       *FILE         LF          TAAJOBLL       QATTDDS
   TAAJOBLD      *FILE         DSPF        TAAJOBLD       QATTDDS
   MTNJOBSCH     *CMD                      TAAJOBL        QATTCMD
   SBMJOBSCH     *CMD                      TAAJOBL2       QATTCMD
   PRTJOBSCH     *CMD                      TAAJOBL3       QATTCMD
   CRTJOBSCH     *CMD                      TAAJOBL4       QATTCMD
   TAAJOBLC      *PGM          CLP         TAAJOBLC       QATTCL
   TAAJOBLC2     *PGM          CLP         TAAJOBLC2      QATTCL
   TAAJOBLC3     *PGM          CLP         TAAJOBLC3      QATTCL
   TAAJOBLC4     *PGM          CLP         TAAJOBLC4      QATTCL
   TAAJOBLR      *PGM          RPG         TAAJOBLR       QATTRPG
   TAAJOBLR2     *PGM          RPG         TAAJOBLR2      QATTRPG
   TAAJOBLR3     *PGM          RPG         TAAJOBLR3      QATTRPG

* These files will exist in the library specified for CRTJOBSCH.



        JOBSCHP   PF (read, update, add, delete)

        JOBSCHP   PF (read, update)

        JOBSCHP   PF (read)
        JOBSCHL   PF (read)

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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