The Hold Job Until command allows you to release a held job at a
specific time. You can either use HLDJOB to hold the job or submit
the job with HOLD specified. The job being held cannot be an
interactive job. You can release the job either in the current day
or the next day. HLDJOBUNTL may be helpful when you want to hold a
job for a period of time and avoids having to remember to release the
You must have job control authority to hold a job other than your
own. An interactive job cannot be held.
A typical command would be:
HLDJOBUNTL JOB(nnnnnn/user1/joba) RLSTIME(100000)
The RLSHLDUNTL job would be submitted to the QSYSNOMAX job queue to
release the specified job at 10:00:00. The current time must be less
than 10:00:00. If not, RLSDAY(*TOMORROW) must be specified.
If the job is already held, it is not considered an error. The
completion message will describe whether the job was already held or
If the job no longer exists when the job is released or is on an
output queue, an escape message will occur in the RLSHLDUNTL batch
job. You can bypass this type of failure by specifying ESCAPE(*NO).
HLDJOBUNTL escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9891 The job does not exist
TAA9892 The job is on an output queue and cannot be held
TAA9893 The release time cannot be less than current
TAA9894 An interactive job cannot be held
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
HLDJOBUNTL Command parameters *CMD
JOB The qualified name of the job. This is a 3 part
value for the job, user, and job number. All 3
values are required.
RLSTIME The time the job should be released. The time must
be greater than the current time unless
RLSDAY(*TOMORROW) is specified.
RLSDAY The day to release the job. *TODAY is the default.
*TOMORROW must be entered if the RLSTIME is less
than the current time. *TOMORROW may be entered if
the RLSTIME value is greater than the current time,
but you want the job released after more than 24
ESCAPE A *YES/*NO value for whether the RLSHLDUNTL job will
end abnormally if an error occurs when attempting to
release the job.
*YES is the default to cause an escape if the job no
longer exists or is on the output queue. This could
occur if the job is cancelled or released by a
different job.
*NO may be specified to bypass the escape message
and let the job end normally.
You must have job control authority to hold a job other than your
An interactive job cannot be held.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
ADDDAT Add date
CHKJOBCTL Check *JOBCTL special authority
CVTTIM Convert time
RSNLSTMSG Resend last message
RTVJOBA2 Retrieve job attributes 2
RTVJOBSTS Retrieve job status
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------
Added to TAA Productivity tools January 15, 2014