TAA Tools

The  Grant   User  Group   Authority  command   allows  you  to   grant
authorities by  specifying a User Group as created  by the USRGRP tool.

A typical command would be:

             GRTUSGAUT    USG(xxx) OBJ(yyy) OBJTYPE(*zzz) AUT(*USE)

This  would grant *USE authority to  the object specified for all users
of the  named user  group.   Any  existing users  of  the object  would
retain their authority.

A spooled  file is created with  the users who  were granted authority.
Low level messages will also exist for the individual objects.

As  with the system command  GRTOBJAUT, if a user  already has a higher
authority (such as *CHANGE) and  a lower authority is granted (such  as
*USE), no change actually occurs.

An option  exists on the  command to first  revoke all of  the existing
users  that  are   authorized.    For  example,  assume  you  want  the
authorized users to match  the list of users  as specified in the  user

             GRTUSGAUT    USG(xxx) OBJ(yyy) OBJTYPE(*zzz) +
                            AUT(*USE) RVKAUTUSR(*YES)

When RVKAUTUSR(*YES) is specified:

  **   The owner of  the object (unless he  is part of the  User Group)
       would retain his authority.

  **   The *PUBLIC user retains its authority.

  **   All other users are revoked

  **   All users of the User Group are added.

As with  GRTOBJAUT, you may  specify a generic  name for the  object or
all  objects.   You  may  also specify  an  object type  or  all object

The companion command is RVKUSGAUT.  A typical command would be:

             RVKUSGAUT    USG(xxx) OBJ(yyy) OBJTYPE(*zzz)

This would  remove all  authority from all  users of  the current  user
group from  the specified object.   Note that any other  users that are
authorized  to the object (including the  owner and *PUBLIC) remain the

A spooled file  is created with  the users who  had authority  revoked.
Low level messages will also exist for the individual objects.

If the owner of  the object is part of the user  group, the owner would
be revoked (the owner can grant back any authorization).

As  with RVKOBJAUT,  if you revoke  a lesser  authority (such  as *USE)
and  the  user  has  a  greater  authority  (such  as  *CHANGE),   some
authority remains.    Because of  this, the  default  for RVKUSGAUT  is
AUT(*ALL).   This removes all authorities for each  of the users of the
User Group.

If  you use GRTUSGAUT to  grant authority, remove a  user from the user
group,  and then  use  RVKUSGAUT,  the  user who  was  removed  retains
authority.   RVKUSGAUT only  operates on the  current list of  users in
the group.

GRTUSGAUT command parameters                          *CMD

   USG           The user group to be granted to.

   OBJ           The  qualified object name  of the object.   A generic
                 name may be  used or  the special value  *ALL for  all

                 The  library qualifier  defaults to  *LIBL.   *CURLIB,
                 *ALL, *ALLUSR, or *USRLIBL may be specified.

   OBJTYPE       The  object  type.    The  standard  object types  are

   AUT           The authority to grant.  The default is *CHANGE.

                 The same values as exist  on GRTOBJAUT are valid  such
                 as *USE, *CHANGE, *OBJMGT, and *READ.

   RVKAUTUSR     Whether  to  revoke  the  existing  authorized  users.
                 The default is *NO.

                 If *YES  is specified, the owner (unless  he is in the
                 User   Group)   and  *PUBLIC   retain   their  current
                 authority.   Any other users  are revoked (they  would
                 have no  authority).  Then the  authority specified by
                 the  AUTHORITY parameter  is granted  to the  users of
                 the group.

   USGLIB        The library where the USRGRPx  files exist.  *LIBL  is
                 the default.  *CURLIB may be specified.

RVKUSGAUT command parameters                          *CMD

   USG           The  user group  to have  its authority  revoked.   If
                 the  owner of the  object is  part of the  User Group,
                 he will  have  the  specified  authorizations  revoked
                 (the owner can grant back any authorization).

   OBJ           The qualified  object name of  the object.   A generic
                 name  may be used  or the  special value *ALL  for all

                 The  library  qualifier defaults  to *LIBL.   *CURLIB,
                 *ALL, *ALLUSR, or *USRLIBL may be specified.

   OBJTYPE       The  object type.    The  standard  object  types  are

   AUT           The  authority to be  revoked.   The default  is *ALL.
                 This  is a change  from the  system command RVKOBJAUT.

                 The same values as exist  on RVKOBJAUT are valid  such
                 as *USE, *CHANGE, OBJMGT, and *READ.

   USGLIB        The library where  the USRGRPx files exist.   *LIBL is
                 the default.  *CURLIB may be specified.


The  tool uses  the GRT/RVKOBJAUT  system  commands which  require that
the user be appropriately authorized to the objects.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST          Extract list
     PRINT           Print
     RTVPUBAUT       Retrieve public authority
     RTVUSG          Retrieve user group (USRGRP tool)
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


The tool is ready to  use, but you you must  have a User Group  defined
as specified by the User Group tool.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   GRTUSGAUT     *CMD                   TAASEDN       QATTCMD
   RVKUSGAUT     *CMD                   TAASEDN2      QATTCMD
   TAASEDNC      *PGM       CLP         TAASEDNC      QATTCL
   TAASEDNC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASEDNC2     QATTCL
   TAASEDNC9     *PGM       CLP         TAASEDNC9     QATTCL


   TAASEDNC   CL pgm
     TAASEDNC9  CL Pgm

   TAASEDNC2  CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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