TAA Tools

The General  Data Base File  tool provides a  simple ready to  use data
base  application  with standard  fields.   The  tool  is intended  for
applications  where a simple internal data  base file is needed for the
application and  actions must occur  from a  CL Program.   The tool  is
designed for low use activity.

The  use of the  tool is  up to  your own imagination.   See  the later
section for a demonstration of the capability.

The following commands are provided:

        ADDGNLDBF       Adds a record
        RMVGNLDBF       Removes a record
        UPDGNLDBF       Updates a record
        RTVGNLDBF       Retrieves a record

While  these 4 commands  are intended to  be used in  CL programs, only
RTVGNLDBF is restricted to be used in a program.

The data base record  that is standard for  the tool has the  following

        3   Key fields (10 bytes each)
        5   Character fields (10 bytes each)
        3   Decimal fields (9/0 digits each)
        2   Text fields (50 bytes each)
        2   Date fields (7 bytes in the CYMD format)
        1   Last date change field (display or retrieve only)
        1   Last time change field (display or retrieve only)

The  file is  defined as  having a  unique  key.   Not all  of the  key
fields need  to be used, but the combination of  the key fields must be

For ADD, UPD, and RTV, all of  the update fields supported by the  tool
are  available  on  the  command  interface.    The  RTV  command  also
supports  a retrieval  of the  last change  date/time fields  which are
automatically updated by the ADD and UPD functions.

The owner of the application has other commands:

       CRTGNLDBF        Creates the files used by the tool
       EDTGNLDBF        Subfile of the data with normal options
       DLTGNLDBF        Deletes the files used by the tool

The   intent  of  the  EDT  command  is  to  allow  the  owner  of  the
application to be  able to review  or fix the  file if problems  occur.
Only the owner or a user with *ALLOBJ authority can use EDTGNLDBF.

While the intent  of the application is to allow the  ADD, RMV, and UPD
commands  to run  from a CL  program, it  is possible  to authorize the
files for  *PUBLIC  *USE.    and  allow the  *PUBLIC  to  use  the  RTV
command.  In  this case, the owner of  the file would enter all  of the
data  with either the ADD  or EDT command.   The *PUBLIC  could use the
RTV command.

A demonstration command  (DMOGNLDBF) is also  available (see the  later

You can use the  tool for multiple applications, but each  set of files
must be in a unique library.

Getting started

The  best solution would  be to  first run the  demonstration described
in  a later section.   After you are familiar  with the basic functions
and have  reviewed the code  in the  demonstration program, you  should
be ready to proceed.

  1.   Select  a library  where the  files used  by GNLDBF  will exist.
       An  existing library would  normally be  used.  You  may use the
       GNLDBF files for  multiple applications, but  the files must  be
       unique in a library.

       Select  a library  for the  application  and also  one that  you
       back  up regularly.   In  these  steps, it  is assumed  that the
       library is on your library list.   If this is not the case,  the
       GNLDBFPLIB parameter must be specified on each command.

  2.   Use CRTGNLDBF to create the required files.

             CRTGNLDBF   GNLDBFPLIB(xxx) TEXT('...')

       The two files created are:

           GNLDBFP   Physical file
           GNLDBFL   Logical file with access by arrival sequence

  3.   The files  are created with  *PUBLIC allowed  *CHANGE authority.
       If this  does not meet  your requirements, use  EDTOBJAUT on the
       physical file.

  4.   Use EDTGNLDBF to review the file:


  5.   Determine  what  fields are  needed in  your application  use of
       GNLDBF.   You  can review  all  of the  fields  by using  F6  to
       prompt for a new record.

       You must at  least use the 'Key 1' field.   All other fields are
       optional.   Determine which fields will  be assigned values.  It
       would be normal to not use all of the fields.

  6.   If you  want to test  your application  use of  GNLDBF, you  can
       enter some  test data  using the  Add record  prompt or use  the
       ADDGNLDBF command.

  7.   You  may  have   similar  requirements  to  that  shown  in  the
       demonstration program  to  add  a  record,  retrieve  a  record,
       check or  use values, and  remove a record.   Use the  ADD, RTV,
       RMV  commands as  shown in  the  demonstration program  and also
       the UPD command if needed.

  8.   Messages you may want to monitor for are:

       TAA9892   A record with the same key already exists
       TAA9893   No record exists for the specified key
       TAA9895   Not authorized


Assume  you  have  an application  where  the  users add  members  to a
certain file, but  should only  be allowed to  remove the members  they
have added.   The  system only tracks  ownership at a  file level.   If
the  user  is authorized  to add  a  member to  the  file, he  can also
remove any member.   Therefore,  the application must  provide its  own
level of security for this function.

What is needed  is a small file where  each record would have  a key of
the  member name and a  data field that  contains the name  of the user
who added the member.

To begin the demonstration,  you must create a  file (TSTMULTMBR) in  a
library on  your  library list  that will  allow  multiple members  and
specify AUT(*ALL) to allow other users to be able to add members:

            CRTPF       FILE(xxxxx/TSTMULTMBR) RCDLEN(10) MAXMBRS(25) +

Use  CRTGNLDBF to  create the  files  needed by  the GNLDBF  tool  in a
library on your library list:

            CRTGNLDBF   GNLDBFPLIB(xxxxx)

CRTGNLDBF creates two files:

            GNLDBFP     Physical with unique keys
            GNLDBFL     Logical in arrival sequence

Do the following steps:

  1.   Use the demonstration command to add a member:

             DMOGNLDBF    RQS(*ADD) MBR(MBR1)

       The  program  uses the  ADDPFM command  to add  a member  to the
       TSTMULTMBR file  and the ADDGNLDBF  command to  add a record  to
       the GNLDBFP  file.   A later step  will describe how  to display
       the code.

  2.   Add a second member:

             DMOGNLDBF    RQS(*ADD) MBR(MBR2)

  3.   Because  you  are  the  owner of  the  file,  use  the EDTGNLDBF
       command to review the GNLDBFP file.


  4.   You should  see the  GNLDBFP file  displayed  with two  records.
       The 'Key 1'  values should be the  member names you added.   The
       other   two  Key   fields  are   blank   (not  needed   in  this
       application).  The description  field is an abbreviated  version
       of the  text  description of  the user  profile  that added  the
       record.   This was  done by using  RTVUSRPRF to access  the text
       description  of the user  profile and then  specifying it on the
       TXT1 parameter of the ADDGNLDBF command.

  5.   Use Option  5 to display  one of  the records.   You should  see
       that  the 'Character  1' field  contains  the name  of the  user
       profile  who added the  record.   The last change  date and time
       are filled in automatically by the ADDGNLDBF command.

       The other fields  are blank.   They could have  been entered  by
       specifying other parameters on ADDGNLDBF.

  6.   From a  different job,  signon as a  different user  profile and
       try to add one of the existing members such as:

             DMOGNLDBF    RQS(*ADD) MBR(MBR2)

       You should see the message that the member already exists.

  7.   Try to remove the member:

             DMOGNLDBF    RQS(*RMV) MBR(MBR2)

       You  should see the  message that you  are not the  owner of the
       member and therefore  cannot remove  it.  This  message is  sent
       by  the application.    The  term  'owner' represents  what  the
       application  considers to be  the owner  and is not  the 'owner'
       in terms of i5/OS terminology.

  8.   Signoff and return to the original job.

  9.   Remove a member:

             DMOGNLDBF    RQS(*RMV) MBR(MBR2)

       Because  you added  the member,  the code  allows you  to remove

  10.  To review the code for the demonstration, use:

            DSPTAA    TAADBHWC9

       The code checks  for the files and  then handles the ADD  or RMV
       requests.  The ADD, RTV, and RMVGNLDBF commands are used.

  11.  If you are  finished with the demonstration, delete  the 3 files
       you created:


The  weakness of the  demonstration is that  any user  who could access
ADDPFM or RMVM could destroy  the integrity of the application  because
the  TSTMULTMBR file  must  allow the  *PUBLIC user  to  add or  remove
members  (the user must  have *OBJMGT authority  to the file  to add or
remove a member).

A better solution would be  to not allow the  *PUBLIC to add or  remove
members, but  instead use  the ADPMBR  tool commands  of ADDPFMADP  and
RMVMADP  within the CL  program.  This  would prevent a  user operating
from  command entry from  destroying the integrity  of the application.

CRTGNLDBF Command parameters                          *CMD

   GNLDBFPLIB    The  library  where  the  GNLDBFP  and  GNLDBFL  files
                 should  be created.    *CURLIB is  the  default.   The
                 files must not exist.

   TEXT          The text description of the files.

   SRCLIB        The  source library  of  the DDS  source.   *TAAARC is
                 the  default  to  access  the  source  from   the  TAA
                 Archive.  A  specific library may also be  used if you
                 have  first  copied  the source  from  the  Archive to
                 your library.  QATTDDS must  be the source file  name.

EDTGNLDBF Command parameters                          *CMD

   POSKEY1       The first key  of the record  to 'position to'  at the
                 top of  the subfile.  A partial key  may be entered in
                 which  case  a 'set  lower  limit' type  function will
                 occur.   If the field  is not  used, the first  record
                 in the file is displayed.

   POSKEY2       The second key  of the record to 'position  to' at the
                 top  of the subfile.  A partial  key may be entered in
                 which case  a 'set  lower  limit' type  function  will

   POSKEY3       The third  key of the record  to 'position to'  at the
                 top of  the subfile.  A partial  key may be entered in
                 which case  a 'set  lower  limit' type  function  will

   GNLDBFPLIB    The  library  where  the  GNLDBFP  and  GNLDBFL  files
                 exist.    *LIBL  is  the  default.    *CURLIB  may  be

ADDGNLDBF Command parameters                          *CMD

   KEY1          The  first key of the  record to be added.   This is a
                 required field.   The other  key fields are  optional,
                 but the  value of all 3  key fields must  be unique in
                 the file.  Up to 10 bytes may be specified.

   KEY2          The  second key of the record to  be added.  The field
                 is optional.  Up to 10 bytes may be specified.

   KEY3          The third key of  the record to  be added.  The  field
                 is optional.  Up to 10 bytes may be specified.

   CHR1          An optional  character field.  Up  to 10 bytes  may be

   CHR2          An  optional character field.   Up to 10  bytes may be

   CHR3          An optional character field.   Up to  10 bytes may  be

   CHR4          An optional character  field.  Up  to 10 bytes  may be

   CHR5          An optional  character field.   Up to 10  bytes may be

   DEC1          An  optional decimal field.   The field  is defined as
                 9 digits  with  0 decimals.   You  may  use a  smaller
                 size field, but it must have 0 decimals.

   DEC2          An optional  decimal field.   The field is  defined as
                 9  digits  with 0  decimals.   You  may use  a smaller
                 size field, but it must have 0 decimals.

   DEC3          An optional decimal  field.  The  field is defined  as
                 9  digits with  0 decimals.    You may  use a  smaller
                 size field, but it must have 0 decimals.

   TXT1          An  optional character field.   Up to 50  bytes may be
                 specified.  An abbreviated  version of the field  will
                 appear on the subfile used by EDTGNLDBF.

   TXT2          An optional character  field.  Up  to 50 bytes  may be

   DAT1          An optional  date field.  The date  must be entered in
                 job  format  and is  stored in  the record  in CYYMMDD

   DAT2          An optional date field.   The date must be  entered in
                 job  format and  is stored  in the  record  in CYYMMDD

   GNLDBFPLIB    The  library  where  the  GNLDBFP  and  GNLDBFL  files
                 exist.    *LIBL  is  the  default.    *CURLIB  may  be

UPDGNLDBF Command parameters                          *CMD

   KEY1          The first  key of the record  to be updated.   This is
                 a   required  field.     The  other   key  fields  are
                 optional, but  the  value of  all  3 key  fields  must
                 specify a  record in  the file.   The TAA9893  message
                 ID  is sent as  an escape  message if the  record does
                 not exist.

   KEY2          The second key of the record to be updated.

   KEY3          The third key of the record to be updated.

   CHR1          An  optional character field.   Up to  10 bytes may be
                 specified.   The  default  is  *SAME which  means  the
                 current value in the record is not changed.

   CHR2          An optional  character field.   Up to 10 bytes  may be
                 specified.    The  default is  *SAME  which  means the
                 current value in the record is not changed.

   CHR3          An optional character  field.  Up to  10 bytes may  be
                 specified.   The  default  is  *SAME which  means  the
                 current value in the record is not changed.

   CHR4          An  optional character field.   Up to 10  bytes may be
                 specified.   The  default  is *SAME  which  means  the
                 current value in the record is not changed.

   CHR5          An optional character  field.  Up  to 10 bytes  may be
                 specified.    The default  is  *SAME  which means  the
                 current value in the record is not changed.

   DEC1          An  optional decimal field.   The field  is defined as
                 9 digits  with  0  decimals.   The  default  is  *SAME
                 which  means the current  value in  the record  is not
                 changed.   The value -999999999 may  not be used.  You
                 may use  a smaller  size  field, but  it must  have  0

   DEC2          An optional  decimal field.   The field is  defined as
                 9  digits  with  0 decimals.    The  default is  *SAME
                 which means the  current value  in the  record is  not
                 changed.  The value  -999999999 may not be used.   You
                 may  use a  smaller  size field,  but it  must  have 0

   DEC3          An  optional decimal field.   The field  is defined as
                 9  digits with  0  decimals.   The  default  is  *SAME
                 which  means the current  value in  the record  is not
                 changed.   The value -999999999 may  not be used.  You
                 may use  a smaller  size  field, but  it must  have  0

   TXT1          An optional  character field.  Up  to 50 bytes  may be
                 specified.   An abbreviated version of  the field will
                 appear  on  the  subfile  used  by  EDTGNLDBF.     The
                 default  is *SAME  which means  the  current value  in
                 the record is not changed.

   TXT2          An optional  character field.   Up to 50  bytes may be
                 specified.    The  default is  *SAME  which  means the
                 current value in the record is not changed.

   DAT1          An optional date field.   The date must be  entered in
                 job  format and  is stored  in the  record  in CYYMMDD
                 format.     The  default  is  *SAME  which  means  the
                 current value in the record is not changed.

   DAT2          An optional date field.   The date must be entered  in
                 job  format and  is stored  in the  record in  CYYMMDD
                 format.     The  default  is  *SAME  which  means  the
                 current value in the record is not changed.

   GNLDBFPLIB    The  library  where  the  GNLDBFP  and  GNLDBFL  files
                 exist.    *LIBL  is  the  default.    *CURLIB  may  be

RMVGNLDBF Command parameters                          *CMD

   KEY1          The first  key of the  record to be removed.   This is
                 a   required  field.     The  other   key  fields  are
                 optional, but  the  value of  all  3 key  fields  must
                 specify  a record in  the file.   The  TAA9893 message
                 ID  is sent  as an escape  message if  the record does
                 not exist.

   KEY2          The second key of the record to be removed.

   KEY3          The third key of the record to be removed.

   GNLDBFPLIB    The  library  where  the  GNLDBFP  and  GNLDBFL  files
                 exist.    *LIBL  is  the  default.    *CURLIB  may  be

RTVGNLDBF Command parameters                          *CMD

   KEY1          The  first key of  the record  to be retrieved.   This
                 is a  required  field.    The  other  key  fields  are
                 optional, but the  value of all  3 key fields  must be
                 unique  in   the  file.    Up  to   10  bytes  may  be
                 specified.    The TAA9893  message  ID is  sent  as an
                 escape message if the record does not exist.

   KEY2          The second  key of the  record to  be retrieved.   The
                 field is optional.   Up to 10 bytes  may be specified.

   KEY3          The  third key  of the  record to  be retrieved.   The
                 field is optional.  Up  to 10 bytes may be  specified.

   CHR1          An  optional  character  field  to be  returned.    If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared  as *CHAR

   CHR2          An optional  character  field  to  be  returned.    If
                 specified,  the variable  must  be declared  as  *CHAR

   CHR3          An  optional  character  field  to  be returned.    If
                 specified,  the  variable  must be  declared  as *CHAR

   CHR4          An  optional  character field  to  be  returned.    If
                 specified,  the variable  must  be  declared as  *CHAR

   CHR5          An  optional  character  field  to  be  returned.   If
                 specified, the  variable  must be  declared  as  *CHAR

   DEC1          An  optional  decimal  field  to   be  returned.    If
                 specified,  the  variable  must  be  declared as  *DEC
                 LEN(9 0).

   DEC2          An  optional  decimal  field  to  be  returned.     If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared  as  *DEC
                 LEN(9 0).

   DEC3          An  optional  decimal   field  to  be  returned.    If
                 specified,  the  variable  must  be  declared  as *DEC
                 LEN(9 0).

   TXT1          An  optional character  field  to  be  returned.    If
                 specified,  the variable  must  be  declared as  *CHAR

   TXT2          An  optional  character  field  to  be  returned.   If
                 specified, the  variable  must be  declared  as  *CHAR

   DAT1          An  optional   date  field   to  be   returned.     If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared  as *CHAR
                 LEN(7)  and  the  date  will  appear  in  the   format

   DAT2          An  optional   date  field   to  be   returned.     If
                 specified,  the  variable must  be  declared as  *CHAR
                 LEN(7)   and  the  date  will  appear  in  the  format

   LSTCHGDAT     An  optional   date   field  to   be  returned   which
                 represents the  last date  the record was  changed on.
                 If  the record has not been  changed, this is the date
                 the record  was added.    If specified,  the  variable
                 must be  declared as  *CHAR LEN(7)  and the date  will
                 appear in the format CYYMMDD.

   LSTCHGTIM     An   optional  time   field   to  be   returned  which
                 represents  the  last  time  of  day  the  record  was
                 changed.   If the  record has  not been changed,  this
                 is the  time the record was added.   If specified, the
                 variable  must  be declared  as  *CHAR LEN(7)  and the
                 date will appear in the format CYYMMDD.

   GNLDBFPLIB    The  library  where  the  GNLDBFP  and  GNLDBFL  files
                 exist.    *LIBL  is  the  default.    *CURLIB  may  be

DLTGNLDBF Command parameters                          *CMD

   GNLDBFPLIB    The  library  where  the  GNLDBFP  and  GNLDBFL  files
                 exist.  *CURLIB is the default.

DMOGNLDBF Command parameters                          *CMD

   RQS           The  request type.    Either  *ADD  or  *RMV  must  be

   MBR           The member name to add or remove.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKOBJ2         Check object 2
     FILEFDBCK       File feedback
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     LOCKMSG         Lock message
     RPGSTSDS        RPG Status data structure
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     TAAARC          TAA Archive
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     WRTSRC          Write source


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTGNLDBF     *CMD                   TAADBHW       QATTCMD
   ADDGNLDBF     *CMD                   TAADBHW2      QATTCMD
   RMVGNLDBF     *CMD                   TAADBHW3      QATTCMD
   RTVGNLDBF     *CMD                   TAADBHW4      QATTCMD
   UPDGNLDBF     *CMD                   TAADBHW5      QATTCMD
   EDTGNLDBF     *CMD                   TAADBHW6      QATTCMD
   DLTGNLDBF     *CMD                   TAADBHW7      QATTCMD
   DMOGNLDBF     *CMD                   TAADBHW9      QATTCMD
   TAADBHWC      *PGM       CLP         TAADBHWC      QATTCL
   TAADBHWC2     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHWC2     QATTCL
   TAADBHWC3     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHWC3     QATTCL
   TAADBHWC4     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHWC4     QATTCL
   TAADBHWC5     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHWC5     QATTCL
   TAADBHWC6     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHWC6     QATTCL
   TAADBHWC7     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHWC7     QATTCL
   TAADBHWC9     *PGM       CLP         TAADBHWC9     QATTCL
   TAADBHWR      *PGM       RPG         TAADBHWR      QATTRPG
   TAADBHWR4     *PGM       RPG         TAADBHWR4     QATTRPG
   TAADBHWR6     *PGM       RPG         TAADBHWR6     QATTRPG
   TAADBHWP      *FILE      PF          TAADBHWP      QATTDDS
   TAADBHWL      *FILE      LF          TAADBHWL      QATTDDS


   TAADBHWC   CL pgm

   TAADBHWC2  CL pgm
     TAADBHWR   RPG pgm

   TAADBHWC3  CL pgm
     TAADBHWR   RPG pgm

   TAADBHWC4  CL pgm
     TAADBHWR4  RPG pgm

   TAADBHWC5  CL pgm
     TAADBHWR   RPG pgm

   TAADBHWC6  CL pgm
     TAADBHWD   Dsp file
     TAADBHWR6  RPG pgm

   TAADBHWC7  CL pgm

   TAADBHWC9  CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools August 1, 1996

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