TAA Tools
FNDCMD          FIND COMMAND                           TAACMFB

The Find  Command  command displays  a list  of commands  that match  a
string  somewhere in  the name such  as 'JOBD'  or a  beginning generic
name  such as RTVJ*.  A file of  commands is created by the TAA install
process  which  contains  all   commands  on  the  system  except   for
duplicates  in QSYS  and  the  previous release  libraries.   When  the
FNDCMD display appears, options exist to:

          - Prompt for the command
          - Use the TAA DSPOBJD2 command to see description details
          - Use the TAA DSPCMDHLP command to view command help
          - Use the TAA DSPTAA command to view TAA Tool documentation
              if the command exists in the TAATOOL library.

A  separate  command  CRTFNDCMD  may  be  used  to  build  the file  of
commands for named libraries.

A typical command would be:

            FNDCMD    CMDDNAM(JOBD)

All commands found  in the TAACMFBP  file in TAATOOL  that have  'JOBD'
in the name would be displayed.

Another typical command  would be where you want all  commands with the
letters  'JOB', but you want  to omit the commands  with 'JOBD', 'JOBQ'
and 'JOBSCD':


Another typical  command would  be where  you want  commands  beginning
with RTVJ*.

            FNDCMD    CMDDNAM(RTVJ*)

The LIB  parameter  defaults to  *ALL meaning  all  library names  that
exist in the TAACMFBP file of commands.

The CMD  parameter supports a qualified  name so that you  can look for
a specific or generic name in a specific library such as:

            FNDCMD    CMDDNAM(XYZ/ABC*)

All   commands  beginning  with  ABC  in   the  XYZ  library  would  be
displayed.   Note  that  the commands  from  the  XYZ library  must  be
included in the TAACMFBP file of commands.

If  you want  to search  several  libraries, but  not all  that have  a
record  in  the  TAACMFBP  file, an  'include'  or  an  'omit'  list of
libraries may be  entered into INCLLIB  and OMITLIB.   For example,  if
you want the ABC*  commands in LIB1, LIB2, and LIB3, you  would use the
INCLLIB  parameter  rather than  the qualified  CMDDNAM  parameter such


The inverse could be used to omit these libraries such as:


CRTFNDCMD to tailor the commands in the TAACMFBP file

The file TAACMFBP  in TAATOOL is built  at the time  the TAA tools  are
installed.       The   CRTFNDCMD   is    used   with    LIB(*ALL)   and
OMITLIB(*BYPSYSDUP).    This  builds  the  file  with commands  on  the
system except for:

  **   Duplicates  found in the  QSYS library.  As  of V5R4, the system
       will create  a 'proxy'  command in QSYS  for a  command such  as
       CRTBNDRPG  which  is shipped  in  the  QDEVTOOLS  library.   The
       proxy  command in QSYS will  be placed in  the TAACMFBP file and
       the QDEVTOOLS version is not.

  **   Commands for the previous release libraries such as QSYSVnRnMn

  **   Any commands in QRPLOBJ.

CRTFNDCMD allows you  to name a  list of libraries  (or *ALL) that  you
want to  include commands  for.  The  special OMITLIB  *BYPSYSDUP value
should  normally  be used.   You  must  have *ALLOBJ  authority  to use

If  you  use  CRTFNDCMD  and  install  a  a  new  version  of  the  TAA
Productivity Tools,  you must  re-build the  TAACMFBP file as  required

An additional  command FNDDUPCMD exists to find  any duplicate commands
in  the  TAACMFBP file.   This  may assist  you in  omitting additional

FNDCMD escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    The command string does not exist

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

FNDCMD Command parameters                             *CMD

   CMDDNAM       The string  to scan for  such as  'JOBD' or a  generic
                 name such as 'RTV*'.

                 If  a  non-generic name  is  entered  (eg 'JOBD')  the
                 string is used to scan the command names.

                 If  a generic name is entered  (eg 'RTVJ*') the string
                 is  used  as  a  generic  request  and  only  commands
                 beginning with the string are displayed.

                 Only  the commands  in the  TAACMFBP  file in  TAATOOL
                 are  considered.     The  file  is  built  during  the
                 install of  the TAA  Productivity Tools  as  described
                 earlier.    You  may  re-create   the  file  by  using
                 CRTFNDCMD with your own list of libraries.

                 The  qualified library name  defaults to  *ALL meaning
                 all  libraries  are  considered.   A  specific library
                 may be named.

                 If you want  to include or  omit a list of  libraries,
                 see the INCLLIB and OMITLIB parameters.

   TYPE          The  type of  command to  be included.   *AUTH  is the
                 default  meaning  only  those  commands  the  user  is
                 authorized to.

                 *ALL  may   be  entered   to  display   all   commands
                 including  those  the  user   is  not  authorized  to.
                 Using  *ALL allows  the user to  see the  command, but
                 may  not  prompt  for  it.    The  help  text  may  be

   INCLLIB       Up  to 20  libraries  to be  included  in the  search.
                 *FILE  is the default  meaning all files  described in
                 the TAACMFBP file.

                 When   CRTFNDCMD   is  used,   it  may   include  more
                 libraries than  a specific search  requires.  You  may
                 specify  1-20  libraries  where  the  command  may  be
                 found.   If only  one library should  be included, you
                 may use either  the INCLLIB  parameter or a  qualified
                 name of the CMDDNAM parameter.

   OMITLIB       Up  to  20 libraries  to  be  omitted in  the  search.
                 *NONE is the default.

                 When   CRTFNDCMD  is   used,   it  may   include  more
                 libraries than a  specific search requires.   You  may
                 specify  1-20  libraries  where  the  command  may  be
                 found that you want omitted.

   OMITSTRING    The strings  to scan for to be omitted.   A list of 20
                 strings may be entered.

                 For  example, if you want  commands that have 'JOB' in
                 the name,  but want to  omit those  that have  'JOBD',
                 'JOBQ',  and 'JOBSCD',  you  would enter  the list  of
                 omitted strings.

                 Strings  may also  be  omitted if  a generic  value is
                 entered for the CMD parameter.

   OUTPUT        How to  output  the results.    *  is the  default  to
                 display the results on an interactive display.

                 If  the  command is  entered  in  batch or  *PRINT  is
                 specified, a spooled file (FNDCMD) is output.

CRTFNDCMD Command parameters                          *CMD

   LIB           The  list of  libraries to  be processed.   Up  to 300
                 libraries may  be  entered (including  generic  names)
                 or the special value *ALL for all libraries.

   LIBTYPE       Whether to  select all  or a  specified library  type.
                 *ALL is the default to select all types.

                 *PROD  may be  used to  select only  production (PROD)

                 *TEST   may  be  used  to   select  only  test  (TEST)

   OMITLIB       A list  of  up to  300  libraries or  generic  library
                 names that should be omitted.

                 *BYPSYSDUP is  the default.  This  will omit libraries
                 such  as QDEVTOOLS,  QTCP,  QIWS, etc  which duplicate
                 their commands into library  QSYS when the product  is
                 installed.   Also  omitted  are  the previous  release
                 libraries  QSYSVnRnMn  and  any  commands in  QRPLOBJ.
                 For a full list of  the omitted libraries, use  DSPTAA
                 TAACMFBC2 and scan for QDEVTOOLS.

                 *BYPSYSDUP may be  entered along with  other libraries
                 such as:

                    OMITLIST(*BYPSYSDUP LIB1 LIB2)

                 Any library entered is checked for existence.

                 No check  occurs to see if an  omit library would have
                 been  selected.   For example, if  LIB(ABC) is entered
                 with OMITLIB(ABC), no error occurs.

FNDDUPCMD Command parameters                          *CMD

No parameters exist.


You must have *ALLOBJ authority to use CRTFNDCMD.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ABORT           Abort
     CHKALLOBJ       Check *ALLOBJ special authority
     CHKDAT3         Check date 3
     CHKDUPLST       Check duplicate list
     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     DSPCMDHLP       Display command help
     DSPOBJD2        Display object description 2
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST          Extract list
     EXTLST2         Extract list 2
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     PRINT           Print
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVPRVRLS       Retrieve previous release
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDLNGMSG       Send long message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   FNDCMD        *CMD                   TAACMFB       QATTCMD
   CRTFNDCMD     *CMD                   TAACMFB2      QATTCMD
   FNDDUPCMD     *CMD                   TAACMFB3      QATTCMD
   TAACMFBC      *PGM       CLP         TAACMFBC      QATTCL
   TAACMFBC2     *PGM       CLP         TAACMFBC2     QATTCL
   TAACMFBC3     *PGM       CLP         TAACMFBC3     QATTCL
   TAACMFBC11    *PGM       CLP         TAACMFBC11    QATTCL
   TAACMFBC12    *PGM       CLP         TAACMFBC12    QATTCL
   TAACMFBC13    *PGM       CLP         TAACMFBC13    QATTCL
   TAACMFBR      *PGM       RPG         TAACMFBR      QATTRPG
   TAACMFBR2     *PGM       RPG         TAACMFBR2     QATTRPG
   TAACMFBP      *FILE      PF          TAACMFBP      QATTDDS


FNDCMD      Cmd
   TAACMFBC   CL pgm
       TAACMFBC11  CL Pgm
       TAACMFBC12  CL Pgm
       TAACMFBD    Display file

   TAACMFBC2   CL pgm
       TAACMFBC13  CL Pgm

   TAACMFBC3   CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools June 30, 2007

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