The Fix Source Date command checks for invalid dates in the SRCDAT
field of source members. Only the YYMMDD format should exist. A
single member, generic members, or all members can be checked in one
or all files in a library. A listing occurs of any invalid dates.
An update option exists to to change the dates to valid dates.
SEU statement dates are 6 characters and should exist in a YYMMDD
format. Invalid dates may exist due to such conditions as an APAR
situation which occurred several years ago. Or the source data may
be written from a program with an incorrect date or blanks or zeros.
A typical command would be:
All members in all source files in the specified library would be
checked. If any dates in the source statements were in error, they
would appear on the listing. The date that would be assigned (based
on other command parameters) would be shown.
If some source statements appear, you may want to correct them by
using the same command with OPTION(*UPDATE).
You can specify the same date be used to replace any invalid dates or
the default of *CALC which means:
** If blanks or all zeros exist, the member creation date is
** If an invalid date exists, you can rearrange the date based on
the BADDATFMT parameter. This defaults to *MDY meaning the
date in the records is in MMDDYY format.
An option exists to bypass blank and zero values.
The check to determine if a bad date exists ensures valid digits, but
only checks that the month be between 01 and 12 and the day be
between 01 and 31.
FIXSRCDAT escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9894 You do not have proper authority to the file
TAA9897 No source files exist in the library
TAA9896 More than 999 source files exist in a library
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Command parameters *CMD
SRCFILE The source file to be scanned. The default is *ALL
meaning all source files found in the library.
*STD may be entered to mean all the system source
files such as QCLSRC and QRPGSRC. For a listing of
these, use the PRTSRCTYP tool.
*SRC1, *SRC2, and *SRC3 mean that a data area must
exist on the library list by the corresponding names
of SRCLST1, SRCLST2, and SRCLST3. These data areas
must contain the name of the source files to be
checked. Only source files that exist and match one
of those found in the data area will be returned.
See the discussion with the CRTSRCFLST tool.
*QATT may be entered to mean the source files used
by the TAA Productivity Tools. *QATT2 may be
entered to mean all the QATTxxx source file names
that exist in QUSRTOOL. Use the PRTQATTF command
for a list of the files.
LIB The library containing the source files. The
default is *DFT meaning the current library if it
exists and if not the first library on the user
portion of the library list is used.
MBR The member to be processed. The default is *ALL for
all members in a file. A specific name or a generic
name may also be entered.
OPTION The type of processing to occur. The default is
*CHECK which means that only a listing will occur.
Only the statements in error will be listed. The
'NewDat' column will describe the date that would be
assigned based on other options.
*UPDATE may be entered to cause both the listing and
updating of the existing source to occur. Only the
statements with invalid source dates will be
BYPBLANKS Whether to bypass dates that are blanks or zeros.
The default is *NO meaning the dates are considered
If *YES is specified, blank or zero dates are
considered valid.
NEWDATE The new date to be assigned to any source statements
that have invalid dates.
The default is *CALC which means 1) If the date has
invalid data, blanks, or zeros, the member creation
date is used or 2) if an invalid date exists, the
date is rearranged according to the BADDATFMT
A specific date may be entered (in job format) to be
assigned to any statements that have invalid dates.
*CURRENT may be specified to use the current date.
The check to determine if a bad date exists ensures
valid digits, but only checks that the month be
between 01 and 12 and the day be between 01 and 31.
BADDATFMT The format of the bad date. The default is *MDY
meaning the bad dates exist in MMDDYY format. The
date in the source statement is rearranged to the
standard SEU format of YYMMDD.
*DMY may be entered if the bad dates exist in DDMMYY
format. The date in the source statement is
rearranged to the standard SEU format of YYMMDD.
You must have *CHANGE authority to the file to use OPTION(*UPDATE)
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKOBJ3 Check object 3
EDTVAR Edit variable
HLRMVMSG HLL Remove messages
RTVDAT Retrieve date
RTVLIBSRCF Retrieve library source files
RTVMBRLST Retrieve member list
RTVSYSVAL3 Retrieve system value 3
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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