TAA Tools

The  Fix Data  Base  Field  changes a  character  field (or  an  entire
record)  in   a  member  to  trim  leading   blanks,  remove  specified
characters,  and translate characters.  A  single field may be used for
selection.    FIXDBFFLD may  be  useful  when  data  is  received  from
another system that contains unwanted characters.

Only a user with all rights to the file may use FIXDBFFLD.

A typical command would be:

             FIXDBFFLD   FILE(xxx) UPDFLD(yyy)
                           FROMCHAR(#$) TOCHAR(@_)

The UPDFLD  field name would  be checked for  each record in  the file.
Leading  blanks would be trimmed  off (data is left  adjusted).  If the
characters X, Y,  or Z are found,  they would be  removed and the  data
shifted left.  If  a '#' character is found, it would  be translated to
'@'.  If a '$' character is found, it would be translated to '_'.

For  example, the following describes  a field value  before and after.

        Before    '   AYB#C'
        After     'AB@     '

The completion message  will describe how  many records were  processed
and how many were changed.

The sequence of processing is:

       - Trim leading blanks
       - Remove characters
       - Translate characters

FIXDBFFLD escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

FIXDBFFLD Command parameters                          *CMD

   FILE          The qualified name of  the file to be processed.   The
                 library value  defaults to *LIBL.   A specific library
                 or *CURLIB may also be used.

                 The  file must not  have null fields  defined and must
                 not exceed 5000 bytes of record length.

   UPDFLD        The name of  the field to  be updated.   It must be  a
                 character  field   of  1000   bytes  or  less.     For
                 externally described files, a field must be named.

                 The  special value *RCD may be  entered if the file is
                 not externally described.   All  positions within  the
                 record are subject to change.

   TRMLDGBLK     A  *YES/*NO value  for whether  leading blanks  should
                 be trimmed.

                 *NO is the default to not trim any leading blanks.

                 *YES  may be  specified to trim  leading blanks.   The
                 data is shifted to the left.

   RMVCHAR       The characters to be removed.

                 *NONE is the default to not remove any characters.

                 A list of up  to 50 characters may  be specified.   If
                 a character  is found,  the character  is removed  and
                 the data is shifted to the left.

                 A  leading  or  trailing  blank  is  not  valid.    An
                 embedded  blank is valid  such as '$ T'.   A hex value
                 may be entered such as X'40A2E9'

   FROMCHAR      The list of characters  to be translated from.   Up to
                 50 characters  may be entered.  The  From character is
                 translated   to  the  corresponding  position  in  the
                 TOCHAR parameter.

                 The FROMCHAR  value  may not  contain an  embedded  or
                 trailing blank.  Hex values may be entered.

                 The  FROMCHAR  and  TOCHAR  values must  be  the  same

   TOCHAR        The  list of characters  to be  translated to.   Up to
                 50 characters may be entered.   The From character  is
                 translated  to  the  corresponding   position  in  the
                 TOCHAR parameter.

                 A  leading  or  trailing  blank  is  not  valid.    An
                 embedded   blank  is  valid.    A  hex  value  may  be

   MBR           The member  to be  processed.  *FIRST  is the  default
                 for the  first member  in the file.   A  specific name
                 or *LAST may be entered.

   SELFLD        The  field to  select.   The default is  *NONE meaning
                 all records in the file will be processed.

                 Any type  of  field  may  be specified.    Only  those
                 records selected by  the SELOP and SELVAL  values will
                 be processed.

                 Selection occurs via the use of OPNQRYF.

   SELOP         The selection operator.

                 *EQ is  the default which is  ignored if SELFLD(*NONE)
                 is used.  The other  boolean values may be entered  as
                 well as *CT (contains).

   SELVAL        The selection value.   Up to 20 bytes may  be entered.
                 If the  selection is on a blank  value, enter *BLANKS.


  **   Only a user with all rights to the file may use FIXDBFFLD.

  **   The file must not have null fields.

  **   The record length must be 5000 bytes or less.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     RTVFLDA         Retrieve field attributes
     RTVVALA         Retrieve value attributes
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDJLGMSG       Send job log message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   FIXDBFFLD     *CMD                   TAADBMC       QATTCMD
   TAADBMCC      *PGM       CLP         TAADBMCC      QATTCL
   TAADBMCR      *PGM       RPG         TAADBMCR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools January 15, 2009

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