TAA Tools

The Display  User Signon command  displays the  hours and minutes  that
one  or more users  were signed on.   The  JOBACG tool is  required and
the   latest  job  information  must  be  converted  from  the  QACGJRN
journal.   The default option  lists each  signon by a  user (from  any
device)  with day  and user  totals for  the days  requested.   You may
request a day total or just a user total.

To use DSPUSRSGN, there are three important requirements:

  **   You  must be  using the  JOBACG tool  which creates  the JOBACGx
       files.   If you have  not set  up the  JOBACG tool  nor the  job
       accounting journal,  see the  documentation with  DSPTAA JOBACG.

  **   You  must convert  the job accounting  entries from  the QACGJRN
       journal to  the JOBACGx  files.   Normally, CVTJOBACG  is  used.
       Only jobs  that have been  completed cause  a journal entry  and
       are converted by CVTJOBACG.

  **   You must be authorized to *USE of the JOBACGP file.

A typical command would be:

             DSPUSRSGN   USRPRF(*ALL) FROMDATE(nnnnnn)

A listing  would be displayed in  user profile order with  one line for
each  signon  by user  beginning with  the date  specified.   A summary
would exist for  the number of  hours and minutes  the user was  signed
on by day and a total for each user.

The  LISTTYPE parameter  allows you  to request  a day  total  for each
user or just the total for each user.

Determining the number of hours/minutes of signon time

Each  job causes a job accounting entry  (assuming job accounting is in
use) when the  job completes.   When the records  are converted to  the
JOBACGx files,  there is  one record  per job  with the  start and  end

The use  of group jobs or system request jobs  also creates a record so
there may be  multiple jobs  with overlapping  times for  a given  day.
In  addition,  the  user may  be  signed  onto  multiple  devices  also
causing additional job records with overlapping times.

DSPUSRSGN counts  the unique minutes that a user  is signed on for each
day  regardless of the  number of jobs  for the user  and the amount of
overlap.  This  occurs by building  a table of  minutes that were  used
by each  record and then summarizing  them when a  different day record
is read.

The  count is only valid for  jobs that begin and end  in the same day.

DSPUSRSGN escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

DSPUSRSGN Command parameters                          *CMD

   USRPRF        The  user  profile  to  analyze  signons  for.     The
                 default is  *ALL.  A specific  or generic name  may be

   USERTYPE      The type of user to be selected.

   USERTYPE      *JOBUSER is  the default meaning the  user of the job.

                 *CURUSER may  be specified  to mean  the current  user
                 profile that was swapped to during the job.

   FROMDATE      This is  a two part  parameter for  the date and  time
                 to begin processing.

                 The date  defaults to *FIRST meaning  the first record
                 in  the JOBACGP file.   A specific  date in job format
                 or the  special value  for *TODAY  may be  used.   You
                 must ensure  that the job accounting  records exist in
                 JOBACGP  which  means  that  the  jobs have  completed
                 which causes a  job accounting  journal entry and  the
                 information has been converted to JOBACGP.

                 The second part  is the time associated  with the From
                 date.   *FIRST  is the  default  for the  first record
                 found for  the From  date.   A  specific time  may  be
                 entered in HHMMSS format.

   TODATE        This is  a two part  parameter for  the date and  time
                 to end processing.

                 The  date defaults  to *LAST  meaning the  last record
                 in  the JOBACGP file.   A specific  date in job format
                 or the special value for *TODAY may be used.

                 The second  part is the  time associated  with the  To
                 date.    *LAST is  the  default  for  the last  record
                 found  for  the  To  date.   A  specific  time  may be
                 entered in HHMMSS format.

   LISTTYPE      The type of listing to be output.

                 *DETAIL is  the  default meaning  one line  is  listed
                 for each  job accounting record  that is selected.   A
                 total  for each  day  and all  days for  each  user is
                 also output.

                 *DAYTOT may  be  specified to  output  one line  as  a
                 summary of each day  a user was signed on  and a total
                 for each user.

                 *USRTOT may  be specified to output one  line per user
                 as  a summary of  all the days that  a user was signed

   SYSTEM        The system to  analyze the results  for.  The  JOBACGP
                 file  may contain  records  from  multiple systems  if
                 they have been copied to a central system.

                 *CURRENT is the default for the current system.

                 A specific system name may be entered.

   JOBACGLIB     The library where the Job Accounting files exist.

                 *LIBL  is the default.  A  specific library or *CURLIB
                 may be specified.

   OUTPUT        How to  output  the results.    *  is the  default  to
                 display the  spooled file  if the  command is  entered
                 interactively.   The spooled file is  deleted after it
                 is displayed.

                 If the  command  is  entered in  batch  or  *PRINT  is
                 specified, the  spooled file  is output and  retained.


The information is  only valid for jobs that begin  and end in the same


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     CVTDAT          Convert date
     CVTTIM          Convert time
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     JOBACG          Job accounting
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     SORTDBF         Sort data base file


See the previous requirements.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DSPUSRSGN     *CMD                   TAASEIR       QATTCMD
   TAASEIRC      *PGM       CLP         TAASEIRC      QATTCL
   TAASEIRC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASEIRC2     QATTCL
   TAASEIRR      *PGM       RPG         TAASEIRR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 15, 2011

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