TAA Tools
DSPTXT          DISPLAY TEXT                           TAADSPN

The  Display  Text  tool  simulates (as  best  it  can)  a  PC  browser
function  on i5  System.   The data  to be  displayed  is passed  in an
array  of up  to 9,999 elements  of 78 bytes  each.  You  must supply a
program to  interface to  the Display  Text  tool.   Use the  DMODSPTXT
command for a demonstration.


The  display appears  and allows  rollup, rolldown,  move to  top, scan
for a value, first page, last page, and a print option.

A  selection can be  made by the user  of the command  to return one of
the array elements.  Enter:

         DSPTXT         ALWSELECT(*YES)

When the  display appears,  position the  cursor to  a  line and  press
F19.   The  index to  the array  entry is  passed back  to the  calling

F17 and F18 keys

F17  may be used  to position to  the first page.   F18 may  be used to
position to the last page.   Both keys are  prevented if only a  single
page is displayed.

Scanning the data

F16 may  be used to scan  the data for  a string.   If a hit  is found,
the  word containing the  string is hi-lighted  and appears at  the top
of the display.

Formatting data for the DSPTXT program

In  the demonstration  program, the  data that  is displayed is  just a
string  of text.    It  is possible  to  format  columnar data.    Your
program  would have  to align  the data  in the  array elements  as you
want it displayed.

If  you have  decimal fields  and are  using RPG  III, the  EDTVAR2 TAA
Tool may be used to help align the data.

Interfacing to the DSPTXT (TAADSPNR) program

You can  use  the  sample  program  TAADSPNR2 to  see  how  the  DSPTXT
command is coded.  To copy the source for this RPG III program do:


An RPG  IV version also  exists (it is not  used for DMODSPTXT,  but is
the same code).


This will place the source in QATTRPG in TAATOOL.

The  program  has  a  parameter  list  of  3  fields  passed  from  the
DMODSPTXT CPP (TAADSPNC2).  You may not need any of these.

The program  assembles  the  TITLE  (used at  the  top  of  the  DSPTXT
display),  the COLHDG  (used  for  the  column heading  line)  and  the
SPLNAM (name of spooled file if printing is requested).

The  array of data  is passed as  9999 78  byte elements read  from the
source.     When  the   TAADSPNR  program  is   called,  the  following
parameters must be passed.

   TITLE         A 40  byte character field  with the  title that  will
                 appear at  the top  of the display.   You  must center
                 the  title with your own technique.   It may be blank.

   COLHDG        The column heading line  that appears above the  first
                 line of text on each page.  It may be blank.

   SPLNAM        The  name   of  the   spooled  file  if   printing  is
                 requested.   If  the value is  blank, the  name DSPTXT
                 is used.

   RTNOPT        The Return Option.   If  *NO is entered,  the F19  key
                 is not  available.   If  the value  is  blank, *NO  is

                 If *NO2  is entered, the F19 key  is not available and
                 the scan line and F16 are not available.

                 *YES  may  be specified  to allow  the  F19 key  to be
                 used  in  conjunction  with  the  cursor  position  to
                 return  the element  of the  array that  the  user has
                 selected.   The index value is  returned in the RTNIDX
                 field.   This  allows  for further  processing  of  an

                 *YS2  may  be specified  to  allow  the F19  key,  but
                 prevent  the scan line.   The index  value is returned
                 in the RTNIDX field.

   RTNIDX        The  Return  Index.    If  RTNOPT(*NO)  or  (*NO2)  is
                 specified,   RTNIDX  will   always   be  zero.      If
                 RTNOPT(*YES) or  (*YS2) is specified and  the user did
                 not make a selection, the RTNIDX value will be 0.

                 If  RTNOPT(*YES) or  (*YS2) is specified  and the user
                 made a selection using  F19, the index of the  element
                 that was  selected will be  returned.  Note  that only
                 the  index is returned.  Your  program must access the
                 information  from  the  array  as  is  shown   in  the
                 demonstration program.

                 Normally,  the RTNIDX  value  should be  passed as  0.
                 However, there  are cases where you  will want to pass
                 a value.

                      1) If you have  a large amount  of text and  want
                      to pass the  entire array, but start  the display
                      somewhere  other than  page  1 of  the  text, you
                      should  pass  the  index  location  of  the first
                      record to be displayed.

                      If  your  first  program  invokes  DSPTXT  (which
                      allows rollup  for more  than a single  page) and
                      then  based   on  the  F19  selection  invokes  a
                      second  program  which  uses  DSPTXT,  you   will
                      normally  want  to  position  to  the  last  page
                      displayed  by  the  first  program.   To  achieve
                      this,  save  the  RTNIDX  value  from  the  first
                      program and  place it  in the  RTNIDX field  when
                      DSPTXT is invoked again.

   ARA           The  Array of data  to be passed.   The array  must be
                 defined  as 9999  entries of 78  bytes each.   See the
                 section on 'Determining the end of the array'.

                 In the demonstration program,  the array data is  part
                 of  the source program.   This  is not  a requirement.
                 The  array  information  could  be  generated  in many
                 different methods.

Determining the end of the array

The DSPTXT function allows you to  identify the 'end of array data'  by
placing  '%% ENDARR  %%'  in  the first  12  positions  of the  element
following  your last  data element.   When '%%  ENDARR %%'  sensed, the
DSPTXT function  knows the  maximum  amount of  data that  exists  (the
demonstration program uses this technique).

If no  '%% ENDARR %%'  element is found,  the DSPTXT will  allow rollup
until  45 consecutive blank  elements have been  read and then  sends a
message stating that it has assumed the end of data.

If  no '%% ENDARR %%' exists and the  user presses F18 (last page), the
DSPTXT will check for  45 consecutive blank lines and then  display the
last page that had data.

Using the function twice from the same interface

In some  cases, you may  want a function  that does an  initial display
using  DSPTXT  and then  based  on  the F19  selection,  invoke another
program using DSPTXT.   If the first program  allows rollup to  another
page,  the return  from the  second program  will cause  the same  page
that F19 was pressed on to be displayed again.

DSPTXT escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

DMODSPTXT Command parameters                          *CMD

   ALWSELECT     A  *YES/*NO parameter that determines  whether the F19
                 command key option  will exist  to allow  the user  to
                 select an item on the display.

                 *NO is  the default meaning  the F19  key will not  be
                 displayed and is not active.

                 *YES  may be  specified  to allow  the F19  key  to be
                 used.   The  index of  the element  selected is passed
                 back to the calling program.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     FILEFDBCK       File feedback
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


You must have  a program  that interfaces to  the Display Text  program

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DMODSPTXT     *CMD                   TAADSPN2      QATTCMD
   TAADSPNR      *PGM       RPG         TAADSPNR      QATTRPG
   TAADSPNR2     *PGM       RPG         TAADSPNR2     QATTRPG
                            RPGLE       TAADSPNR3     QATTRPG

The TAADSPNR3  program is the RPGLE  version of the  TAADSPNR2 used for


TAADSPNR    RPG Pgm   - Display Text main program
   TAADSPND   Display file

     TAADSPNR2   RPG Pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 15, 2005

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