TAA Tools

The Display  TAA commands function  provides a  subfile display of  all
or selected TAA commands.  Options from the subfile include:

      - Prompt for the command
      - The DSPTAATOOL function (text for the tool)
      - DSPOBJD of the command
      - Function key for access to the TAASUMMARY text

The  command defaults to  start at  the first command  (name sequence).
An  option  exists  to start  the  display at  whatever  characters are
keyed.  For example, if you specify:


the display would begin with the RTV commands.

Another option exists to  scan.  You may  scan either the command  name
or  the  text description  of  the command.    For  example, you  could


The  only commands on the display would  be those which have JOB within
the command name.

When the  TAATOOL library  is  installed, a  file named  TAATOLFP  will
exist.  All of the TAA commands will exist in this file.

Some TAA tools do  not have commands in which case the  command name is
blank.   You  can still  access the  documentation and  attributes, but
there is no command to prompt for.  The following types exist:

   DOC           This is a documentation  type.  The  tool may be  only
                 documentation or  it may have  source code  or objects
                 available  for  your  use.     The  tool  may  have  a
                 demonstration  program, but  it is not  a program that
                 you can use for your  work.  If it is a DOC  type, you
                 need to  use DSPTAA  to see what  the tool is  and how
                 to use it.

   PGM           This  is a program type.   The tool is  a program that
                 you  can  use.    You  will  need  to  use  DSPTAA  to
                 determine the program name and how to use it.

   CMD           This  is a  command  type.   You  can  prompt for  the
                 command  and access the  description of  the tool with
                 DSPTAA.  All commands support  help text which can  be
                 accessed from the command prompt.

                 Most tools  have  only a  single command.   Some  have
                 more than one and there may be several commands.

A second  command is provided with the  DSPTAACMD tool named CPYTAACMD.
You  may use it  to add other  commands (either user  written or system
commands) to the TAATOLFP  file.  The purpose  of this is to allow  you
to use the  scan function on all  of the commands on your  system.  The
display  identifies which commands are TAA  types.  A typical CPYTAACMD
command would appear as:


All of the command  objects in the QSYS library  would be added to  the
TAATOLFP file.   If  the command already  exists, the  text information
is  updated.   Since  the  TAATOLFP file  will  be refreshed  by  a new
release of  the TAA  Productivity  Tools and  the  system may  add  new
commands, you would have to use CPYTAACMD on every release.

Another  alternative  is  to create  a  separate  TAATOLFP  file  in  a
library  other than TAATOOL  (use CRTDUPOBJ).   Both the  DSPTAACMD and
CPYTAACMD   commands  allow  you  to  specify  a  library  (other  than
TAATOOL) for the TAATOLFP file.   Thus you could put your  own commands
or system commands in separate files.

DSPTAACMD command parameters                          *CMD

   CMD           The command  name, the starting value of  a command or
                 the string to be scanned.

                 To  start the display  at the CVT  commands, you would
                 specify CMD(CVT)  and  SCAN(*NONE).    This  does  not
                 limit  the display  to the  CVT  commands, but  rather
                 starts  the  subfile  display  with  the first  record
                 that begins with CVT.

                 If SCAN(*NAME)  or SCAN(*TEXT)  is used,  the  subfile
                 will  only  contains  the  commands   that  match  the

   SCAN          Whether  to  scan  or  not.    The  default  is  *NONE
                 meaning  the  value in  the CMD  parameter is  used to
                 start the search.   If *NAME is entered, the  value in
                 the CMD parameter  is used to scan against  all of the
                 command  names in the file.   If *TEXT is entered, the
                 CMD parameter value  is used  to scan  against all  of
                 the object  descriptions that are associated  with the
                 commands (Either upper or lower case is found).

   TAATOLFPLB    The  library which  contains the  TAATOLFP file.   The
                 default is TAATOOL.

CPYTAACMD command parameters                          *CMD

   LIB           The library where  the commands exist  to be added  to
                 the TAATOLFP file.   If the command does not  exist in
                 the  TAATOLFP file, it  is added.   If it  does exist,
                 the text description is updated.

   TAATOLFPLB    The  library which  contains the  TAATOLFP file.   The
                 default is TAATOOL.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

      DSPOBJD2     Display object description nbr 2
      DSPTAATOOL   Display TAA tool
      EDTVAR       Edit variable
      SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
      SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
      SNDSTSMSG    Send status message
      TAAARC       TAA Archive


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   DSPTAACMD     *CMD                      TAATOLF        QATTCMD
   CPYTAACMD     *CMD                      TAATOLF2       QATTCMD
   TAATOLFP      *FILE         PF          TAATOLFP       QATTDDS
   TAATOLFD      *FILE         DSPF        TAATOLFD       QATTDDS
   TAATOLFC      *PGM          CLP         TAATOLFC       QATTCL
   TAATOLFC2     *PGM          CLP         TAATOLFC2      QATTCL
   TAATOLFC4     *PGM          CLP         TAATOLFC4      QATTCL
   TAATOLFR      *PGM          RPG         TAATOLFR       QATTRPG
   TAATOLFR2     *PGM          RPG         TAATOLFR2      QATTRPG


      TAATOLFP     PF
      TAATOLFC4    CL

      TAATOLFP     PF

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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