The Display Spooled File 3 command is similar to the system DSPSPLF
command, but allows heading information to be omitted on and after
the first page. This can be helpful when displaying a spooled file
where the page heading information causes clutter. An optional
outfile allows you to output a spooled file to a 'headingless' data
base file to allow processing by a program.
The data appears without any blank lines (same as DSPSPLF).
A typical command would be:
The spooled file would be read and the first 4 non-blank lines on
page 1 would be omitted along with the first 2 non-blank lines on
each succeeding page.
DSPSPLF3 operates by converting the spooled file using CPYSPLF to a
data base file in QTEMP and then re-writing the records to a second
member in the same file. The new member is then displayed with
Because CPYSPLF is used, the data is limited to normal DP type of
output (no special graphics).
The default is to display the data. An option exists to output the
spooled data to a data base file. The file must be created before
using DSPSPLF3 and must have a record length that will hold the width
of the spooled file.
The default for the first OMITLINES value is 0 and the second is
*PAGE1 (meaning the same value as for the first page). You must
specify at least one of the omit values.
DSPSPLF3 escape messages you can monitor for
TAA9896 Both OMITLINE values are 0
Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
Command parameters *CMD
FILE The spooled file name to be displayed.
JOB The job name, user name, and job number of the
spooled file. The default is * meaning the current
SPLNBR The spooled file number. The default is *ONLY. The
special value *LAST or a spooled file number may be
OMITLINES This is a two part parameter for the lines to be
omitted on the first and subsequent pages. The
default is 0 for the first page and *PAGE1 for the
subsequent pages (*PAGE1 means to use the same value
as for the first page). An error will occur if the
default is used for both values. You must specify
at least one of the values with a number between 1
and 99.
The number of lines to omit is expressed in terms of
non-blank lines. If the heading appears on lines 6,
7, and 8 of a page and you want to omit all three
lines, specify a 3. It does not matter where the
lines appear.
In some cases, the spooled file may have more
heading lines on the first page (such as the
printing of parameter values). The OMITLINES
parameter allows for a entry for the first page and
a separate entry for each succeeding page.
OUTPUT The type of output. The default is * meaning the
spooled file will be displayed. This is only valid
in an interactive environment.
*OUTFILE may be specified if you want to output the
data to a data base file. When *OUTFILE is
specified, you must name a file in the OUTFILE
OUTFILE The qualified data base file to contain the output
if OUTPUT(*OUTFILE) is specified. The file must
exist and have a record length that is large enough
to hold the record size of the spooled file. Any
'all blank' spooled file lines are bypassed even if
they cause spacing or skipping.
The library name defaults to *LIBL. A specific
library *CURLIB may also be specified.
OUTMBR The member of the OUTFILE to be output to. The
default is *FIRST.
REPLACE Whether to replace the data in the member being
output to. *YES is the default.
*NO may be specified to add to any existing data.
Because CPYSPLF is used, the function is limited to those spooled
files that can be converted (no special graphics can exist).
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
EDTVAR Edit variable
HLRMVMSG Remove HLL messages
RTVDBFA Retrieve data base file attributes
RTVSPLFA Retrieve spooled file attributes
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use. If you use the OUTFILE function, you
must first create the outfile to be used.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
------ ---- --------- ---------- ----------
Added to TAA Productivity tools February 28, 2000