TAA Tools
DSPJOBLOG2      DISPLAY JOB LOG 2                      TAALOGD

The Display  Job Log 2  command displays  or prints a  job log with  or
without selection  criteria.  For  example, a job log  can be displayed
or  printed with one  or more specific  or generic message  IDs, or one
or more message types.  This provides  a way to 'net out' a job  log to
look for specific messages.

A typical command to display a job log would be:

             DSPJOBLOG   JOB(xxx)

To select only *ESCAPE messages, the command would be:

             DSPJOBLOG   JOB(xxx) MSGTYPE(*ESCAPE)

To select only CPF2105 message IDs, the command would be:

             DSPJOBLOG   JOB(xxx) MSGID(CPF2105)

The  listing  produced  is similar  to  the  system  job log  with  the
following exceptions:

  **   Unit of work information is not displayed.

  **   The  first line  of each  page of  output describes  the current
       date instead  of the  date  of the  release plus  an  indication
       that the output occurred from the DSPJOBLOG2 tool

  **   The  selection criteria  for Message  types and  Message IDs  is
       listed on the first page.

Re-using the same job log

The  default  of SPLNBR(*)  causes DSPJOBLOG  to  be used  to  create a
temporary spooled file if the job is currently active.

If you want  to re-use the  same spooled file, use  DSPJOBLOG and  then
specify SPLNBR(*LAST).

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   JOB           The qualified  name of  the job  log to be  converted.
                 The  default  is  *  meaning  the current  job.    The
                 spooled file must be named QPJOBLOG.

   MSGID         The  Message IDs to  select.  The default  is *ALL.  A
                 list of up  to 40 Message  IDs or generic Message  IDs
                 may be entered such as CPC* CPF98* and MCH3601.

   MSGTYP        The Message Type  to select.  The default  is *ALL.  A
                 list of up to 13 Message Types may be entered.

                 You  may  specify  from  the  list  of  *INFO,  *COMP,
                 *ESCAPE, *DIAG, *RQS,  *NOTIFY, *INQ, *SEND  (Sender),
                 *RPYL (Reply), *CMD, or *OTHER.

   SPLNBR        The spooled  file number.  The  default is *.   If the
                 job  is  active,  * causes  DSPJOBLOG  to  be used  to
                 create a temporary job log  for use with the  command.
                 At the end of the command, the job log is deleted.

                 If the  job is not  active, the last  job log for  the
                 job is  used if it exists.   If it does  not exist, an
                 error occurs.

                 The   other  values  (*LAST,   *ONLY,  or  a  specific
                 number) have the same definition as on CPYSPLF.

   OUTPUT        Selects where the output from the command is sent.

                 * -  If  interactive,  display the  information  using
                 DSPSPLF.  If in batch, the information is printed.

                 *PRINT - Print the information.

   SPACE         The number  of spaces following  a message in  the job
                 log.   1 is the default.   2 may be entered to provide
                 for better readability.


See previous comments.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CVTDAT          Convert date
     CVTJOBLOG       Convert job log
     CVTSPLNBR       Convert spool number
     EXCOUTPUT       Execute output
     EXTLST2         Extract list 2
     RTVSPLFID       Retrieve spooled file ID
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DSPJOBLOG     *CMD                   TAALOGE       QATTCMD
   TAALOGEC      *PGM       CLP         TAALOGEC      QATTCL
   TAALOGER      *PGM       RPG         TAALOGER      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1998

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