TAA Tools

The Display Audit  Record command works  with the files created  by the
AUDLOG tool  to display the last audit  record for a user or  job.  The
display  includes  the  same  information as  exists  in  the DSPAUDLOG
detail record display  including the  ability to use  F6 to access  the
details of the audit information.

A typical command would be:


This  would display  the last  audit entry  found for  the  the current

A  typical command to display the last  audit entry for a specific user
would be:


Another typical command would  be to display  the last audit entry  for
a specific job.

             DSPAUDRCD   NAME(JOB1) TYPE(*JOB)

A count  of the duplicate  audit records  would be included  along with
the  date  and time  of  the first  duplicate.   You  may  roll  to the
previous records of the same name.

Conversion of audit journal entries

The information is  displayed from the  AUDLOGP file which  is part  of
the AUDLOG  tool.   To  keep the  file up  to  date, you  must use  the
CVTAUDLOG  command (part  of AUDLOG)  or  the separate  tool CVTAUDLOG3
which  allows the conversion  of the audit journal  entries as they are
added to the journal.

Security considerations

You must have *USE authority  to the Audit Log files to  use DSPAUDRCD.

When  CRTAUDLOG is  used to  create the  files required  by  the AUDLOG
tool,  the user of  the command becomes  the owner of the  file and the
*PUBLIC user  is specified  as *EXCLUDE.   The  owner  may grant  other
users the ability to have *USE authority to the file.

See  the  discussion  in  the   AUDLOG  tool  concerning  the  security
requirements  to  convert  the QAUDJRN  journal  audit  entries to  the
AUDLOG tool files.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   NAME          Either a  user name  or  a job  name must  be  entered
                 based on  the  TYPE parameter.   The  name entered  is
                 used to  access the last  audit entry record  with the
                 same name.

                 The  default is *CURRENT  which may only  be used when
                 TYPE(*USER) is specified.   It  will display the  last
                 job  in the  file for  the current  user.   A specific
                 user name may also be entered.

                 A  job name may be entered  with TYPE(*JOB) to display
                 the last audit entry for the specific job name.

   TYPE          The type of  request (either  *JOB or  *USER).   *USER
                 is the  default to access by  user name.  *JOB  may be
                 entered to access by job name.

   SYSTEM        The system  to be accessed for  the audit log records.
                 The Audit  Log  tool  allows audit  log  records  from
                 multiple systems to be  stored in the same file.   The
                 default is *CURRENT meaning the current system.

   AUDLOGLIB     The  name of  the library  where  the Audit  Log files
                 exist.   The  default is *LIBL.   *CURLIB  may also be
                 used.    The files  must  have  been  created  by  the
                 AUDLOG TAA Tool.


The  AUDLOG   tool  must  be   used  to  create  the   required  files.
Conversion  of  the  entries  from the  QAUDJRN  is  required  (see the
AUDLOG tool).


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     AUDLOG          Audit log
     DSPDBFDTA       Display data base file data
     PRTJRNCDE       Print journal code
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DSPAUDRCD     *CMD                   TAASEDX       QATTCMD
   TAASEDXC      *PGM       CLP         TAASEDXC      QATTCL
   TAASEDXR      *PGM       RPG         TAASEDXR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools November 1, 1997

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