TAA Tools

The Delete Data  Base Records command  deletes records in a  file based
on a  value in a single field.   The user of the  command must have all
rights  to the file.  OPNQRYF is  used internally to select the records
to provide for  fast processing.   DLTDBFRCD provides a simple  cleanup

The user of the command must have all rights to the file.

A typical command would be:


Any records  with a  value of 'X'  in field AAA  would be deleted.   By
default,  '*EQ'  is  used  as the  comparison  operator.    Any  of the
operators  such  as  *GE,  *NE,   etc  may  be  used  along  with   *CT
(contains).  An option  exists to allow a translation  to upper case if
the data base field may contain lower case values.

Only  character   and  decimal  fields  are  supported.    Multi-format
logical files are not supported.

If the  file is  not externally  described, use  the file  name as  the
SELFLD name.

DLTDBFRCD escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9896    The field does not exist in the file.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Audit journal entry

When DLTDBFRCD  is  run, the  TAA Tool  SNDAUDE is  used internally  to
send  a  journal entry  to  the  QAUDJRN journal  if  it  exists.   The
journal  code assigned is U with  a type of TA.   The first 10 bytes of
the entry will be DLTDBFRCD.

If the  journal does not  exist, a message  is sent  to QSYSOPR.   This
serves  as an  audit trail  that  the command  was used  to change  the

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FILE          The  qualified  name  of the  file  to  delete records
                 from.  The library value  defaults to *LIBL.   *CURLIB
                 may also be used.

   SELFLD        The field  name in the  file to select  on.   Only the
                 types   character,  packed,   zoned,  or   binary  are

                 If the  file  is  not externally  described,  use  the
                 file name as the SELFLD name.

   SELVAL        The value of  the selection field to cause  the record
                 to be deleted.

                 The  special value *BLANKS  may be  entered (beginning
                 in position 1) to select on a blank value.

                 If  the  selection  field  is  declared  as  a decimal
                 type, the value  must contain  digits and an  optional
                 decimal  point.    The  special value  *ZEROS  may  be
                 entered  (beginning in position  1) to  test for zeros
                 in the selection field.

                 The value  entered  is case  sensitive.   If  a  field
                 should be  deleted that  contains an  upper case  'A',
                 SELVAL(A)  should be  entered.   This will  not delete
                 any fields containing a lower case 'a'.

                 Conversely,  if  a  field   should  be  deleted   that
                 contains  a  lower  case  'a',   SELVAL(A)  should  be
                 entered.   This will not delete  any fields containing
                 an upper case 'A'.

                 If  the data  base has  mixed case,  see the TRANSLATE

   SELOP         The operation to be  used for selection.   The default
                 is *EQ.   The other  values that may be  specified are
                 *GE  *GT  *LE *LT,  *NE or  *CT  (contains).   The *CT
                 function  scans  the  field  in  the  record  for  the
                 select  value  and  may  only  be  used  on  character

   MBR           The  member to  delete records from.   The  default is
                 *FIRST for the first member in the file.

   TRANSLATE     Whether to use  the translation table  defined by  the
                 TAA Tool  RTVTRNTBL to translate  to upper case.   The
                 default is  *NO.  Use  the default when  the data base
                 field to select on is decimal.

                 The  SELVAL  field  value  may  be  entered  in either
                 upper or  lower case to  match your  data base  value.
                 If a match will always occur, use TRANSLATE(*NO)

                 TRANSLATE(*YES)  should  be  specified when  the  data
                 base   field  contains  both   lower  and  upper  case
                 characters.    This   causes  the  translation   table
                 defined for  the TAA  Tool RTVTRNTBL  to be  used (the
                 default   is  QSYSTRNTBL  in  QSYS)   on  the  OPNQRYF
                 command.   Translation  forces  the  data  base  field
                 value  to  all   upper  case  characters   before  the
                 comparison is made.


The maximum number of fields in a file is 998.

Only character and decimal fields are supported for selection.

Multi-format logical files are not supported.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     RTVFLDA         Retrieve data base field attributes
     RTVTRNTBL       Retrieve Translate table
     RTVVALA         Retrieve CLP variable value attributes
     SNDAUDE         Send audit entry
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DLTDBFRCD     *CMD                   TAADBJE       QATTCMD
   TAADBJEC      *PGM       CLP         TAADBJEC      QATTCL
   TAADBJER      *PGM       RPG         TAADBJER      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools February 28, 2000

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