TAA Tools

The Convert Object Description  4 command creates an outfile  of object
descriptions based  on the DSPOBJD V5R3 outfile format.   This allows a
program  which  uses the  outfile  that is  created  on a  more current
release  to   be   transferred  to   a   prior  release   and   operate
successfully.   The  V5R3 format  is created  using the  model  file is
TAAOBLXP with a format name of QLIDOBJD.

The  problem being solved by CVTOBJD4 is  when a program is compiled on
one release  which uses  the DSPOBJD  outfile and  then  restored on  a
different  release.   Even if  the program  is created  for a  previous
release,  the format of the  file may not match  because it expects the
same format as when the program  was compiled.  CVTOBJD4 uses a  unique
format that  will operate  successfully on  any release beginning  with

The model file is TAAOBLXP with a format name of QLIDOBJD.

A typical command would be:

              CVTOBJD4   OBJ(xxx/*ALL) OUTFILE(xxx/yyy)

All  objects  in the  named  library  would be  converted  so that  one
record  per object  would appear  in the  outfile.   If the  outfile is
read in  a  program (it  could be  created in  the  same program),  the
program  can  be restored  to  a  different  release and  will  operate

CVTOBJD4  also supports a  generic library name.   To  achieve this and
still remain  compatible to V5R3,  the outfile  is copied  to a  second
version of  TAAOBLXP and  an RPG program  is used  to perform  the copy
based on the generic name.

CVTOBJD4 escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CVTOBJD4 Command parameters                           *CMD

   OBJ           The  qualified object name  to be output.   The object
                 name can be generic or the special value *ALL.

                 The library value  defaults to *LIBL.   A specific  or
                 generic library  name  may be  entered or  one of  the
                 special  values *USRLIBL,  *CURLIB, *ALL,  or *ALLUSR.

   OUTFILE       The  qualified  name  of the  outfile  to  be written.
                 Any name may be used.

                 The library  defaults to  *LIBL.   A specific  library
                 or *CURLIB  must be used  if the file does  not exist.

   OUTMBR        The  member  of the  outfile to  be  written to.   The
                 default is *FIRST.

   REPLACE       A *YES/*NO  value  for  whether to  clear  the  member
                 before writing  any data.   *YES is the  default which
                 causes the member to be cleared.

                 *NO  may be specified  to add records  to the existing

   OBJTYPE       The object  type  or  types  to  be  converted.    The
                 default  is  *ALL  for all  object  types.    See  the
                 prompter  for the  list of  supported  values.   Up to
                 300 object types may be entered.

                 If  a  single  object  name  is  used  with  a library
                 qualifier  of *LIBL  or  *USRLIBL,  OBJTYPE(*ALL)  may
                 not be used.

   ASPDEV        Specifies  the  auxiliary  storage pool  (ASP)  device
                 name  where  storage for  the  library  containing the
                 object is allocated.   If  the library  resides in  an
                 ASP  that is  not part  of the  thread's library  name
                 space,  this  parameter must  be  specified  to ensure
                 the correct library  is searched.   If this  parameter
                 is used when  the library qualifier specified  for the
                 Object  prompt (OBJ parameter)  is *CURLIB,  *LIBL, or
                 *USRLIBL, ASPDEV(*) is the only valid value.

                 This  parameter  can be  specified  as a  list  of two
                 values  (elements)  or  as   a  single  value.     The
                 possible single values are:

                 * = The  ASPs that are currently part  of the thread's
                 library  name  space will  be searched  to  locate the
                 library.  This  includes the system  ASP (ASP 1),  all
                 defined  basic user  ASPs  (ASPs  2-32), and,  if  the
                 thread  has an  ASP group,  the primary  and secondary
                 ASPs in the thread's ASP group.

                 *ALLAVL = All available ASPs  will be searched.   This
                 includes the  system ASP  (ASP 1),  all defined  basic
                 user ASPs  (ASPs 2-32), and all  available primary and
                 secondary   ASPs,  (ASPs  33-255)  with  a  status  of

                 *CURASPGRP =  If  the thread  has  an ASP  group,  the
                 primary and  secondary ASPs in the  thread's ASP group
                 will  be searched to  locate the library.   The system
                 ASP (ASP 1)  and defined basic  user ASPs (ASPs  2-32)
                 will not be  searched.  If no ASP  group is associated
                 with the thread, an error will be issued.

                 *SYSBAS  =  The system  ASP  (ASP 1)  and  all defined
                 basic user  ASPs  (ASPs  2-32)  will  be  searched  to
                 locate  the library.   No  primary  or secondary  ASPs
                 will  be  searched  even  if  the  thread has  an  ASP

                 Element 1: Device

                 The  device name  of the  primary or  secondary ASP to
                 be searched.  The  primary or secondary ASP must  have
                 been  activated (by  varying  on the  ASP device)  and
                 have  a status  of 'Available'.   The system  ASP (ASP
                 1) and defined  user basic ASPs  (ASPs 2-32) will  not
                 be searched.

                 Element 2: Search type

                 *ASP  =  Specifies  that  only  the  single  auxiliary
                 storage  pool (ASP)  device named in  element 1  is to
                 be searched.

                 *ASPGRP =  Specifies  that  the entire  group  of  the
                 primary auxiliary storage  pool (ASP) device  named in
                 element 1 is to be searched.


See the Considerations section.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     DUPTAADBF       Duplicate TAA data base file
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTVFMT          Retrieve format
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CVTOBJD4      *CMD                   TAAOBLX       QATTCMD
   TAAOBLXC      *PGM       CLP         TAAOBLXC      QATTCL
   TAAOBLXP      *FILE      PF          TAAOBLXP      QATTDDS
   TAAOBLXQ      *FILE      PF          TAAOBLXP      QATTDDS

TAAOBLXQ is created from the TAAOBLXP source

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 15, 2010

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