TAA Tools

The  Convert   Job   Performance  command   converts  job   performance
information  for  specified  active  jobs  to  an  outfile.    A  reset
capability  exists.  This  provides a simple summary  of such things as
CPU seconds  used,  the percentage  of  CPU seconds  used,  transaction
count, and  response time.   The model file  is TAAJOFDP with  a format
name of JOBPERFR.

The  APIs  QUSLJOB and  QUSRJOBI  are used.   Most  of  the information
comes  from  QUSRJOBI   with  format   JOBI1000  (Elapsed   performance

A typical command would be:

             CVTJOBPERF   SBS(xxx) OUTLIB(QTEMP)

All jobs  in the specified  subsystem would  be output with  one record
each to the JOBPERFP file in QTEMP.

Working with the results

Any  query function will  allow you to  work with the  results that are
generated into JOBPERFP.

A good TAA Tool to work with the  data is PRTDBS.  This will allow  you

  **   Select

  **   Sort in a sequence

  **   Print the required fields

You begin by entering:


  **   The TAA  Tool DSPFMT  is used to  list the  fields in  the file.
       Write  down the  field  names that  you  want to  use  to select
       and/or  sort.   Option 5  allows you  to see more  details about
       the fields, but probably none is needed.

  **   When F3 is  pressed, you will see  a prompt for the  SORTDBF TAA

  **   Enter the field names you want for selection.

  **   Rollup to enter the field names for sorting (key fields).

  **   Press Enter when all selection and sorting is specified.

  **   A prompt  for the  PRTDB command will  appear.  The  command has
       several options, but for a simple use, take the defaults.

  **   Press  Enter  and  a list  of  all  of the  fields  in  the file
       (similar to what was displayed previously) will appear.

  **   If you  enter X's  for the  fields you  want to  print and  then
       press Enter,  the fields  you selected  will appear  at the  top
       with  a sequence  number for each.   You  can add fields  to the
       list or  change the  sequence.   When  you press  Enter  without
       making any changes, the command will execute.

  **   You should see a  listing with the fields printed  left to right
       according  to  the  sequence that  was  assigned.   For  decimal
       fields,  a total, an average, a  maximum, and minimum are always

PRTDBS uses  the TAA Tools  DSPFMT, SORTDBF,  and PRTDB.   You may  use
SORTDBF directly  to create a  selected/sorted version of  JOBPERFP and
then PRTDB to display the results.

Reset capability

The  first usage of  CVTJOBPERF for a  job causes an  internal reset of
the information  held for  the jobs  which are  selected regardless  of
the setting  of the  RESET parameter.   The performance  information is
returned as zeros.

If  a later  request uses  RESET(*YES),  the values  are reset  for the
selected jobs and the performance information is returned as zeros.

After a reset, the use of  RESET(*NO) returns the values from the  last

Note that  the 'reset'  function occurs  when the  format JOBDI1000  is
requested  for a  specific job.   This  occurs  after selection  of the
jobs you requested.

For  example,  assume you  first  requested information  on  all users.
You  then  ran  the  command  again  and  asked  for  USER(USERA)  with
RESET(*YES).    This   will  reset  the  values  for   USERA,  but  the
information for the other users would not be reset.

Note  also that the  information is unique  for the current  job.  Each
job that runs CVTJOBPERF  has its own internal  counters for each  job.
Therefore, two jobs  may request CVTJOBPERF.  Using  RESET(*YES) in one
of these jobs would not affect the other job.

Performance considerations

The QUSLJOB  API is used to  access a list of jobs.   Some selection is
allowed by the  API.   The QUSRJOBI  format JOBDI0200 is  then used  to
access  the  subsystem  name  and  current   function.    Finally,  the
QUSRJOBI   format  JOBDI1000   is  used   to  access   the  performance

If  possible, you  should make a  selection based on  the qualified job
name or the  job type as this  will allow selection  to be done by  the
QUSLAPI to improve the performance.

  **   Qualified job name.

       The  job portion defaults  to *ALL.   Specifying  '*', *CURRENT,
       or  a  specific  job  name allows  selection  via  the  API.   A
       generic name  is valid,  but generic  processing  occurs in  the
       CVTJOBPERF program and not in the API.

       The user  portion defaults to *ALL.   Specifying *CURRENT,  or a
       specific  user name  allows selection  via the  API.   A generic
       name is valid, but generic  processing occurs in the  CVTJOBPERF
       program and not in the API.

       A job number may not be specified.

  **   Job type.

       The default  is *ALL.   A specific job  type such as  B=Batch or
       I=Interactive should  be specified if  you only want  a specific

All  other selections (such  as Subsystem) are done  by first using the
QUSLJOB API  for all  jobs  and then  performing the  selection in  the

CVTJOBPERF escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9892    No jobs exist to convert.  Check selection.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CVTJOBPERF Command parameters                         *CMD

   SBS           The subsystem  name to be  converted.  The  default is
                 *ALL for all subsystems.

   JOB           The  job name  to convert.   *ALL  is the  default for
                 all jobs.   * meaning the current  job may be  entered
                 (the  user name  is ignored).   *CURRENT  may also  be
                 entered  to mean the name  of the current  user of the
                 job.  A  generic name or  a specific job  name may  be

   USER          The user  name to convert.   *ALL  is the default  for
                 all  users.  A  generic name  or a specific  user name
                 may  be entered.  *CURRENT may  be entered to mean the
                 name of the user of the current job.

   JOBNBR        The job number  of the  job to convert.   *ALL is  the
                 default for all job numbers.

   JOBTYPE       The job type  to convert.  * is  the default and means
                 all job types.  The other supported values are:

                    A  =  Autostart
                    B  =  Batch (includes BCH, BCI, PJ etc)
                    I  =  Interactive
                    M  =  Monitor
                    R  =  Spool reader
                    S  =  System job
                    W  =  Spool writer

   TYPEDSC       The  type description to  be converted.  A  list of up
                 to 10 entries  may be entered.   The default is  *ALL.

                 The values that may be entered are:

                    ASJ = Autostart
                    BCH = Batch
                    BCI = Batch immediate
                    EVK = Started by a procedure start request
                    INT = Interactive
                    M36 = Advanced S/36 server job
                    MRT = Multiple requester terminal
                    PJ  = Prestart job
                    PDJ = Print driver job
                    RDR = Reader
                    SBS = Subsystem monitor
                    SYS = System
                    WTR = Writer

                 The TYPEDSC  parameter works  in conjunction  with the
                 JOBTYPE   parameter.      Specifying  JOBTYPE(B)   and
                 TYPEDSC(ASJ) is  a  better  performing  solution  that
                 specifying JOBTYPE(*ALL) and TYPEDSC(ASJ).

                 One of  the major  purposes of  the TYPEDSC  parameter
                 is  to be  able to  distinguish  Batch jobs  which can
                 have a description of either BCH or BCI.

                 If  you  specify an  inconsistency such  as JOBTYPE(B)
                 and  TYPEDSC(INT),  no  jobs  will  be   converted  as
                 B=Batch jobs cannot have a description of INT.

   STATUS        The status  to convert.  *ALL  is the default.   Up to
                 20  values may  be  entered such  as SELW,  MSGW, etc.
                 Use the prompter for the list of values.

                 See the  WRKACTJOB help  text  of the  'Status'  field
                 for a full discussion of the valid entries.

   RESET         A   *YES/*NO   value   for  whether   to   reset   the
                 statistics.   The value  applies to  the selected jobs
                 (not necessarily  all  jobs).   For  example,  if  you
                 select for a  specific user, other  user's performance
                 statistics are not reset.

                 *NO is  the default to  not reset the  statistics.  If
                 no  statistics  have  previously  requested  from  the
                 current  job,  it  acts  as  a  reset  and  zeros  are
                 returned for the performance information.

                 *YES  causes  a  reset  of  the  information  for  the
                 selected jobs.

   OUTLIB        The  library  to output  the  JOBPERFP file  to.   The
                 default  is *LIBL  which  may  only  be  used  if  the
                 JOBPERFP file  may be found on  the library list.   If
                 the file does not exist, a library must be named.

   OUTMBR        The  member  to   be  written  to.    The  default  is

   REPLACE       A *YES/*NO parameter for  whether to replace the  data
                 in the outfile.

                 *YES  is  the  default which  will  clear  the  member
                 before writing any records.

                 *NO may be specified to add to the existing data.




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CRTUSRSPC       Create user space
     DUPTAADBF       Duplicate TAA data base file
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST2         Extract list 2
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CVTJOBPERF    *CMD                   TAAJOFD       QATTCMD
   TAAJOFDC      *PGM       CLP         TAAJOFDC      QATTCL
   TAAJOFDR      *PGM       RPG         TAAJOFDR      QATTRPG
   TAAJOFDP      *FILE      PF          TAAJOFDP      QATTDDS

Added to TAA Productivity tools October 15, 2009

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