The Create TAA Tool command creates the objects for a named TAA
Productivity Tool.
* *
* Because the object form of the tools are *
* shipped with the TAA Productivity Tools *
* (in addition to source), there is far less *
* need for CRTTAATOOL than when the TAA *
* Tools were part of i5/OS QUSRTOOL and *
* only source was shipped. *
* *
CRTTAATOOL may be useful to:
** Allow the creation of certain tools that require changes to
the source before the tools can be used (The vast majority of
tools do not require any changes).
** Allow the modification of tools. Since the source is also
shipped with the TAA Productivity Tools, you can access the
source, make changes, and then use CRTTAATOOL to re-create the
modified version.
A typical command would be:
Only a user with *ALLOBJ special authority can re-create a tool.
The TAACTL area in TAATOOL is accessed to determine the name of your
command library. If the tool has one or more commands, a version of
the commands is always created in TAATOOL. If your command library
is other than TAATOOL, a second version of any commands is created in
your command library. The command library can only be changed at
install time or by use of the DUPTAACMD command.
Some tools use RPG code. To re-create these tools requires the RPG
compiler exist on your system. If you do not need to re-create a
tool, you can use the object form of any RPG program without having
the RPG licensed product installed on your system.
Only the object form of CRTTAATOOL is shipped (no source exists for
the tool).
Modifying and re-creating a tool
The source for the tools is shipped in the TAA Archive. You must
copy the source from the archive to source files in order to
re-create a tool.
The recommended solution for modifying and re-creating a tool is
described with the CRTTAASRCF tool. CRTTAASRCF lets you create a
QATTxxx source files in a library so that changes can be made.
Some tools are used frequently as prerequisite tools and CRTTAATOOL
is restricted for these tools for integrity purposes. If CRTTAATOOL
is attempted on one of these tools, messages will be sent describing
how to make modification.
You should avoid using the source files in the TAATOOL library as the
data will be overlaid on a new release of the TAA Productivity Tools
and you would lose the changes that you have made.
You should avoid using CRTCMD, CRTCLPGM, etc. directly against the
TAA source. Using the CRTTAATOOL command is preferred because:
** Some of the CRT commands that are run by CRTTAATOOL use
special parameters for various functions such as security,
help text, etc.
** Some of the object creation steps require temporary objects be
created or a specific sequence of steps. CRTTAATOOL performs
these steps correctly.
** Some tools require prerequisite tools. CRTTAATOOL does a
better job for checking for the existence of these tools
rather than having the compiler or run time code fail.
The DUPTAPIN tool uses PL/1 object code. The object code exists in
TAATOOL. CRTTAATOOL does not create the PL/1 object code for
DUPTAPIN (it does create the commands and CL programs). You do not
need the PL/1 compiler to be able to use DUPTAPIN.
The majority of code can be created with standard i5/OS functions
such as the CL compiler and DDS. Many of the tools require the RPG
Many TAA tools require the use of other TAA tools. For example, the
EDTVAR tool is used by many different tools.
The dependent tools are described in the 'Prerequisites' section of
each tool description. When you use CRTTAATOOL for a specific tool,
the command first ensures that the dependent tools already exist. If
not, the request is rejected.
Command parameters *CMD
TOOL The tool you want to create.
SRCLIB The source library name. The default is *TAAARC
which means that QATTxxx source files will be
created in QTEMP, the members for the tool will be
copied from the TAA Archive to QTEMP, and the tool
If a library is named, you should avoid specifying
TAATOOL and use your own library as described
previously and in the CRTTAASRCF tool description.
RMVOBS A *YES/*NO parameter that defaults to *YES to remove
the observability of the programs. This means that
the program cannot be debugged nor can a formatted
dump occur. This results in a significant space
saving. If you need to debug one of the tools,
recreate it with RMVOBS(*NO).
ALWRTVSRC A *YES/*NO parameter that defaults to *NO meaning
the CL source will not be stored with the CL
programs and therefore cannot be retrieved using the
RTVCLSRC command. This saves about 15% space in the
object sized of the programs. The *YES option
stores the source with the CL programs and allows
for retrieval with the RTVCLSRC command.
LOG A *YES/*NO parameter that defaults to *NO meaning
the commands will not be logged from CL programs.
Some tools are always created with LOG(*NO) either
for security reasons or to reduce potential high
INCLIB A list of up to three libraries that will be
searched for includes. During the compilation
process the library list will be the SRCLIB, these
libraries, QTEMP, and QGPL. The library list is
restored when the command completes.
None, the tool is ready to use.
Object only tool
CRTTAATOOL is shipped in object form only. The source does not exist
on your system.