TAA Tools
CPYSPLF2        COPY SPOOLED FILE 2                    TAASPLZ

The Copy  Spooled File  2 command  is like the  system CPYSPLF  command
except that it  adds blank lines and a new  page indication to the data
base  file.   If you are  going to transfer  print lines  to some other
medium, CPYSPLF2 may be helpful.

A typical command would be:

             CPYSPLF2    FILE(xxx) TOFILE(yyy)

The TOFILE  must exist.   It must  be a physical  file TYPE(*DATA)  and
must have sufficient record length to hold the print lines.

A blank  data base record  would exist for  each blank line  that would
appear in the printed output.

On the  first page and for every new  page, a special record is written
to the data  base file.   The default is  **NEWPAGE** which appears  in
positions 1-15 of the data base record.

You  may  enter  your  own NEWPAGE  indication  by  using  the  NEWPAGE
parameter.   For example,  if the medium  you will eventually  write to
requires a special  value to  cause a  skip to  a new  page, you  could
insert that value for the NEWPAGE parameter.

You may specify either  a 'shift left' or 'shift right'  value to shift
the print lines in the TOFILE.


Some applications  may want to store the spooled  information in a data
base  file  to  allow  a  display using  a  program  rather  than using
DSPSPLF.   When the display  appears, it  may be  desirable to offer  a
print  option.  The  PRTCPYSPL2 command  will allow  you to  generate a
spooled file from the data base file that was output by CPYSPLF2.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FILE          The spooled file to be copied.

   TOFILE        The  data  base  file to  contain  the  copied spooled

                 The file  must exist.    It must  be a  physical  file
                 TYPE(*DATA)  and must  have  sufficient record  length
                 to hold the print lines.

   JOB           The  qualified job  name of the  job with  the spooled
                 file.  The default is * meaning the current job.

   SPLNBR        The file number  of the spooled  file.  This  defaults
                 to  *ONLY.    *LAST  or  a   specific  number  may  be

   TOMBR         The  member of the  data base  file that  will contain
                 the copied spooled file.  The default is *FIRST.

                 If the member does not exist, it will be added.

   MBROPT        Whether  to  clear  the  member  before  writing data.
                 *REPLACE causes the member to be cleared.

                 *ADD causes data  to be added to  the member.  If  you
                 are going  to combine multiple spooled  files into the
                 same member, use *ADD.

   RMVOVRPRT     Whether  to attempt to remove  overprint records.  The
                 default  is  *NO  meaning  that  every  spooled   file
                 record   that  is   read  is   output  assuming   that
                 MRGOVRPRT(*NO)  is  also  specified.    If  a line  is
                 overprinted, multiple spooled records may exist.

                 *YES may be  specified to  bypass duplicate  overprint
                 records  in  some   cases.    CPYSPLF2   uses  CPYSPLF
                 internally  with  CTLCHAR(*PRTCTL).   This  outputs  4
                 characters  at  the  beginning of  the  record  (3 for
                 skip before  and  1 for  space before).    If *YES  is
                 specified, any  lines with a 0 space  before value and
                 identical print line data are bypassed.

   MRGOVRPRT     Whether  to merge overprint  records.   The default is
                 *NO meaning  that every  spooled file  record that  is
                 read  is   output  assuming  RMVOVRPRT(*NO)   is  also
                 specified.     If  a  line  is  overprinted,  multiple
                 spooled records may exist.

                 *YES may  be  specified  to  merge  the  output  to  a
                 single   output  record.      CPYSPLF2  uses   CPYSPLF
                 internally  with  CTLCHAR(*PRTCTL).   This  outputs  4
                 characters  at  the  beginning of  the  record  (3 for
                 skip before  and 1 for  space before).   Note that  no
                 skip  or space  after information  is available.   All
                 space/skip  controls from the  high level language are
                 turned into space/skip before.

                 If MRGOVRPRT(*YES)  is specified,  a print  record  is
                 stored  internally and  not  output  immediately.   If
                 the next  record has 0 space before  and 0 skip before
                 values, the data from this  record is merged with  the
                 previous record.  This  means if the 2nd record  has a
                 non-blank  value in  one  of the  print  positions, it
                 overlays  the  data from  the  previous record  in the
                 same position.

                 More  than  2  records  can  contribute  to  the  same
                 merged  line.   As long  as the  current record  has 0
                 space  and 0 skip  before values, the  data is merged.

                 When a new  record has a plus  value for either  space
                 or  skip   before,  the  stored  internal   record  is

   SHIFTLEFT     Whether  to shift the  print lines  to the left.   The
                 default is 0, so no shifting occurs.

                 If a value  is entered  between 1 and  100, the  print
                 lines will be  shifted to the  left.  For  example, if
                 your  first printing position  in the spooled  file is
                 position   5,  you   can  shift   to  position   1  by
                 specifying SHIFTLEFT(4).

   SHIFTRIGHT    Whether to shift  the print lines  to the right.   The
                 default is 0, so no shifting occurs.

                 If a  value is  entered between 1  and 100,  the print
                 lines  will be shifted to the  right.  For example, if
                 your first printing  position in  the spooled file  is
                 position  5,   you  can   shift  to  position   15  by
                 specifying SHIFTRIGHT(10).

   CTLCHAR       Whether  to include  the  print control  characters in
                 the output.   The default is  *NONE meaning only  data
                 (no control characters) will be in the output.

                 *PRTCTL  may  be   specified  to  include   the  print
                 control  characters in  the first  4 positions  of the
                 output.   The value generated  from the same parameter
                 on  CPYSPLF  is  passed  thru  to  the  output.    The
                 NEWPAGE value continues to begin in position 1.

   NEWPAGE       The  'new page'  indication  that will  appear at  the
                 beginning of each new page including the first.

                 The  default  is  **NEWPAGE**  which  will  appear  in
                 positions 1-11 of the data base record.

                 A  specific  value  (up  to  15  characters)   may  be
                 entered.    For  example,  if   the  medium  you  will
                 eventually  write  to  requires  a  special  value  to
                 cause a  skip to  a new  page, you  could insert  that
                 value for the NEWPAGE parameter.

                 A  single blank  ('  ') may  be  entered for  a  blank


  **   Only DP output is supported (no special graphics).

  **   Overprinting  (printing  multiple print  lines  on  top of  each
       other)  is  not supported  in all  cases.   An option  exists to
       attempt  to   bypass  records   caused   by  overprinting   (see

       Since a  spooled file  is read, any  overprinting may  have been
       handled  by   the  program  that  creates  the  spooled  record.
       Consequently, the data base record  may contain the merged  data
       from any overprinting  and therefore the data  base record would
       contain the  same information.  An exception  to this is the use
       of underlines.   Any  use of  underlines will  cause a  separate
       data base record.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

The TOFILE must exist.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CPYSPLF2      *CMD                   TAASPLZ       QATTCMD
   TAASPLZC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPLZC      QATTCL
   TAASPLZR      *PGM       RPG         TAASPLZR      QATTRPG
   TAASPLZR2     *PGM       RPG         TAASPLZR2     QATTRPG


   TAASPLZC   CL pgm
     TAASPLZR   RPG program - normal use

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1997

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