The Copy From Output Queue command provides a method of storing
spooled files in a data base file so they can be printed later. The
type of spooled output that can be copied is limited to normal DP
type of output (e.g. no graphics) and some spooled attributes are
not converted. See the comments in the restriction section. Also
see CVTFRMOUTQ which uses APIs and has no restrictions.
A typical command would be entered as:
Each spooled file in the output queue becomes a separate member in
the named data base file. An option exists to delete the spooled
files after they are copied.
The companion command (Copy To Output Queue) copies the members from
the data base file and prints them to an output queue. A typical
command would be:
The default causes all of the members of the file to be printed. An
option exists to print a specific member.
When CPYFRMOUTQ is used, a member is created for each spooled file.
The member name becomes MBR0001, MBR0002, ... MBR9999. The member
text description includes the original spooled file name, the
qualified job name that created the spooled output, and the date/time
the spooled file was opened. If you want to print a single member,
use DSPFD *MBRLIST to find the text description for the member you
wish to print. Then specify the member name assigned.
The file created is assigned a record length of 211 to allow for a
210 wide print line and the first character forms control. A shorter
print line length (e.g. 132) will be handled properly.
If you are printing a record width greater than 132, you will need to
specify either the PRTFILE parameter to use a file other than QSYSPRT
or the PRTWIDTH parameter.
When CPYTOOUTQ is used, the spooled file name becomes the original
name. However, the owner of the spooled file is the user who runs
the CPYTOOUTQ command.
CPYSPLF is used to copy the spooled files to the data base members.
The first character forms control option (FCFC) is used to provide
the original spacing and skipping.
When the CPYTOOUTQ function is used, CPYF is used to print the
information. A printer file must be used. CPYTOOUTQ defaults to use
QSYSPRT. See the restrictions section for the type of file which can
be used.
When CPYFRMOUTQ is used, the TAA Tool CVTOUTQ is used to determine
the spooled files in the output queue. When CPYSPLF is run, there is
a possibility that the spooled file no longer exists or the job no
longer exists. If either of these occurs, a diagnostic message is
sent, but the CPYFRMOUTQ command will complete normally.
The commands all allow public use.
To use CVTFRMOUTQ, the user must be authorized to the output queue
and all spooled files. If the file named on the CRTOUTFILE parameter
already exists, the user must be authorized to add a member.
To use CVTFRMSPLF, the user must be authorized to the file named on
the CVTSPLP parameter, the output queue where the spooled file will
be created, and have *USE authority to the TAACVTSPLF authorization
Using an existing file
By default, the file named for the OUTFILE parameter must not exist.
You may specify CRTOUTFILE(*NO) to add members to the same file.
When adding members to an existing file, the member names assigned
are based on the last member in the file. The naming convention must
be MBRnnnn where nnnn is a consecutively assigned number.
The system CPYSPLF command does not convert every type of file. If
an error occurs, the file is bypassed and a diagnostic message will
Use of CPI(15)
It is valid to use a printer width of up to 210 positions and
CPI(15). When CPYSPLF is used to write to the data base member, it
is not aware of the CPI used. In general, you do not want to mix CPI
values on the same output queue. The default printer file used with
CPYTOOUTQ is QSYSPRT. QSYSPRT must match the original specification
of the file or you must use a different printer file with CPYTOOUTQ.
If you have multiple CPI types on the same output queue, you will
need to specify an individual member name for each spooled file so
the proper printer file can be used.
CPYFRMOUTQ Command Parameters *CMD
OUTQ The qualified output queue to be copied. Every
spooled file (except those in OPN status) is copied
to the named data base file. The library defaults
to *LIBL.
OUTFILE The output file to hold the spooled files. The file
will be created with a length of 211 bytes to hold
the FCFC character and 210 bytes of print line. The
library defaults to *CURLIB. Shorter width print
line data will work properly.
CRTOUTFILE A *YES/*NO value for whether to create the file
named in the OUTFILE parameter. The default is *YES
(this is the compatible function for how the command
was originally written). If *YES is specified, the
file must not exist.
*NO may be specified to add members to the same
file. The member name assigned is based on the last
member found in the file. Member names must follow
the convention of MBRnnnn where nnnn is a
consecutively assigned number.
SEQUENCE A *YES/*NO value that determines if the sequence of
records will be sorted before creating members.
*NO is the default. The members will appear in the
same sequence as the spooled files displayed by
*YES may be specified to sequence the spooled files
by job number and the open date/time so the members
will be written in that sequence.
DLTSPLF A *YES/*NO value for whether to delete the spooled
file after it has been copied. The default is *NO.
CPYTOOUTQ Command Parameters *CMD
DBFILE The qualified name of the data base file to be used
to print from. The file must have been created by
the CPYFRMOUTQ command. The library defaults to
OUTQ The qualified output queue to be printed to. The
library defaults to *LIBL.
PRTF The qualified name of the printer file to be used
for printing. An externally described file cannot
be used. The file must have the same file level
characteristics as the original file such as form
length, overflow line and LPI. The CPI value may
differ. The form width may be shorter, but
truncation will occur.
MBR The member to be printed. The default is *ALL.
PRTWIDTH The record width of the print line. The default is
*PRTF. The record width of the QSYSPRT file
(default for PRTFILE) is 132. If the spooled file
has a length greater than 132 you will need to use a
specific print file or specify the record width
** The copy function works well for normal DP type of output. No
advanced printer functions or other unique printer specifics
can exist.
** The printer file specified cannot be an externally described
file. The file level characteristics such as LPI, overflow
line, form size etc cannot be changed.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system.
CHKJOBCTL Check job control
CVTOUTQ Convert output queue
EDTVAR Edit variable
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDDIAGMSG Send diagnostic message
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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