The Copy Data Base Date command copies records in a data base file
based on a comparison of a field value and a specified date and
operator. Different date formats are valid for character, zoned,
packed, date, or time stamp fields.
You must have all rights to the To file to use CPYDBFDAT.
You can create the To file with CPYDBFDAT. If the file already
exists, it must have the same level ID as the From file.
Purging a file of old records
Assume you only want to retain the records in a master file where a
date field contains a date beginning January 1st of some year. The
records with prior dates should be dropped.
You could use CPYDBFDAT to copy the current records to a temporary
file, and then the CPYF command using MBROPT(*REPLACE) to copy back
to the master file.
An alternative is to use the DLTDBFDAT command which will delete the
old records from an existing file.
Typical command
A typical command to copy the records based on field DATE1 if the
value of the field in *MDY format is greater than or equal to Jan 1,
2005 would be:
The DATE1 field would be checked for a valid length and type based on
the *MDY value for DATFMT. For example, if it is a character or
zoned field, it must have a length of 6 bytes. If it is a packed
field, it must have 6 digits. If DATFMT(*USA) had been specified,
the DATE1 field must be an L field type.
The default is to compare the date specified against the field value
for a *GE condition. This would mean that all records containing a
value of Jan 1, 2005 or later would be copied.
Blank and invalid dates
If the named DATFLD has any blank dates, the record is copied to the
file and a diagnostic message is written before the completion
message. The Date type fields (L) and Time Stamp fields (Z) use a
date of 1900-01-01 as a blank date. These will also cause the record
to be copied and the diagnostic message to occur.
If the named DATFLD has any invalid dates, the records are copied to
the To file and a diagnostic message is written before the completion
To determine the records containing the bad dates, use the DLTDBFDAT
command with ACTION(*CHECK) and NBRRCDS(*MAX). See also CHKDBFDAT.
CPYDBFDAT escape messages you can monitor for
None. Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.
CPYDBFDAT Command parameters *CMD
FROMFILE The qualified name of the From file containing the
dates. The library value defaults to *LIBL. A
specific library or *CURLIB may also be used.
TOFILE The qualified name of the To file to contain the
copied records. The library value defaults to
*LIBL. A specific library or *CURLIB may also be
The file may be created with the CRTFILE(*YES).
If the file already exists, it must have the same
level ID as the From file and the MBROPT parameter
must be specified as *ADD or *REPLACE.
DATFLD The name of the field to be checked. It must be a
field in the named file and must be a type A
(Character), S (Zoned), P (Packed), L (Date), or Z
(Timestamp). It must have a length that corresponds
to the DATFMT value. For example, if DATFMT(*YYMD)
is specified and the field is A = Character, it must
have a length of 8 bytes.
DATFMT The date format of the field to be compared. The
value must be *MDY, *DMY, *YMD, *MDYY, *DMYY, *YYMD,
CMPDATE The date to compare to determine if the record will
be copied. The date should be entered in job format
regardless of the format of the field to be
All 2 digit year dates must be in a range of Jan 1,
1940 to Dec 31, 2039. All 4 digit year dates must
be in a range of Aug 24, 1928 to May 9, 2071.
SELOP The select operation to use when comparing. *GE is
the default. *EQ, *NE, *LE, *GT, or *LT may be
CENFLD The name of the field which contains the century
value as an independent field.
*NONE is the default meaning the DATFLD name
contains the entire date.
A field name may be entered to describe the century
field to be used in the date comparison. This may
only be used with a DATFMT value of *MDY, *DMY, or
*YMD. The field must be a type A = Character, S =
Zoned, or P = Packed and be one byte (or one digit).
A separate century field is typical of system
outfiles such as the QADSPOBJ format of DSPOBJD
which uses ODCCEN (one byte century) and ODCDAT (6
byte date in *MDY format) for the date the object
was created.
SEPARATORS A *YES/*NO value for whether the data in the data
base has separator characters such as a /.
*NO is the default. *NO must be specified for the
decimal type fields P (Packed) or S (Zoned). *NO
must be specified for L (Date) or Z (Timestamp) as
they have an implied separator.
*YES may be specified if the field in the data base
has separators, but must use the following rules
(the actual separator character is ignored, / is
used in the examples):
The *CYMD type must be 9 bytes and appear as:
The *MDY, *DMY, and *YMD types must be 8 bytes and
appear as:
The *MDYY or *DMYY types must be 10 bytes and appear
The *YYMD type must be 10 bytes and appear as:
FROMMBR The member name of the From file. *FIRST is the
default. *LAST or a specific member name may be
TOMBR The member name of the To file. *FIRST is the
default. *LAST or a specific member name may be
specified. *LAST may not be used if CRTFILE(*YES)
is specified.
MBROPT The member option to be used.
*NONE is the default, but may only be used if
CRTFILE(*YES) is specified.
*REPLACE may be specified to cause the To member to
be cleared before any records are added to the file.
*ADD may be specified to add records to the To
CRTFILE A *YES/*NO option for whether the To file should be
created during the command.
*NO is the default meaning the To file already
exists and must have the same level ID as the From
*YES may be specified to create the To file using
the same format as the From file.
You must have all rights to the To file to use CPYDBFDAT.
The From file to be processed must not have a record length greater
than 9999 bytes and the number of fields cannot exceed 999.
The following TAA Tools must be on your system:
CHKDBFMBR Check data base file member
CVTDAT2 Convert date 2
DLTDBFDAT Delete data base file date
EDTVAR Edit variable
HLRMVMSG HLL Remove message
RSNLSTMSG Resend last message
RTVDBFA Retrieve data base file attributes
RTVFLDA Retrieve field attributes
RTVFMT Retrieve format
SNDCOMPMSG Send completion message
SNDDIAGMSG Send diagnostic message
SNDESCINF Send escape information
SNDESCMSG Send escape message
SNDSTSMSG Send status message
None, the tool is ready to use.
Objects used by the tool
Object Type Attribute Src member Src file
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