TAA Tools
CPYCVTOUTQ      COPY CVTOUTQ                           TAASPPH

The  Copy  CVTOUTQ  command provides  a  copy  with  selection  of  the
outfile (OUTQP)  created by the  CVTOUTQ command.   CVTOUTQ creates one
record  per spooled file  with the attributes of  each spooled file for
all spooled files in  an output queue.   If an output queue contains  a
large  number of  spooled files,  CPYCVTOUTQ can  be used  to  create a
subset to allow simpler processing.

Prior  to  CPYCVTOUTQ, the  CVTOUTQ  command would  have to  be  run to
create the OUTQP file in library xxx such as:

              CVTOUTQ     OUTQ(bbb) OUTLIB(xxx)

A typical CPYCVTOUTQ command could then be run such as:

              CPYCVTOUTQ  OUTQPLIB(xxx) TOFILE(zzz/yyy)

If CPYCVTOUTQ  does not  find the  zzz/yyy file,  it  would be  created
with the same  format as the OUTQP  file.  All spooled  file records in
the named  output queue with a form type of  ABC would be copied to the
new file.   If  the zzz/yyy  file  already exists,  the data  would  be
replaced by default.

CPYCVTOUTQ has several options  to provide selection.  If  all defaults
are  taken, all  of the  records are  copied.   All  selection criteria
must be met to select a record to be copied.

CPYCVTOUTQ escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CPYCVTOUTQ Command parameters                         *CMD

   OUTQPLIB      The   library  containing  the  OUTQP  file  that  was
                 created by CVTOUTQ.

   TOFILE        The name  of the file  to be copied  to.  The  library
                 qualifier  defaults to *LIBL.   If  the file  does not
                 exist,  a specific library must be  named and the file
                 will be created.   The  TAASPLCQ model  file is  used.
                 This has the same format as the OUTQP file.

   OUTQPMBR      The  member  of  the  OUTQP file  to  be  read.    The
                 default  is *FIRST.   A  specific  member name  may be
                 entered or the special value *LAST.

   TOMBR         The member  of the  To file  to be  written  to.   The
                 default is *FIRST.   If the member does not  exist, it
                 will be added.

   REPLACE       A *YES/*NO  parameter for whether to  replace the data
                 if the TOFILE member already exists.

                 *YES is the default to clear the member first.

                 *NO  may be specified  to add records  to the existing

   OUTQ          The output  queue  to be  selected.   The  default  is

                 Normally, CVTOUTQ  will be used to  create records for
                 a  single  output queue.   However,  multiple  uses of
                 CVTOUTQ could be  used to  add records from  different
                 output queues to the same OUTQP file.

   FILE          The spooled  file or generic  spooled file name  to be
                 selected.  The default is *ALL.

   JOB           The  job   name  or  generic  job   name  name  to  be
                 selected.  The default is *ALL.

   USER          The  user  name  or  generic  user  name  name  to  be
                 selected.  The default is *ALL.

   FORMTYPE      The form type  to be selected.   The default  is *ALL.
                 A  name may  be  entered  or the  special  value *STD.
                 *STD  is the  default used  for most  functions when a
                 spooled file is created.

   USRDTA        A 2 part parameter.

                 The first  part  identifies the  string of  characters
                 that will  be used to  select against the  'user data'
                 of the spooled file.  The default is *ALL.

                 The   second  part   determines   if  the   string  of
                 characters must  be completely  matched or  whether  a
                 scan of the  spooled file 'user data'  should be used.
                 *NO is  the default meaning a  full match is required.
                 *YES may be specified to cause a scan.

                 If the first  part of  the USRDTA  parameter is  *ALL,
                 the second part must be *NO.

   STATUS        The status of the  spooled files to be selected.   The
                 default  is *ALL.   A status  may be entered  as *RDY,
                 *HLD, or *SAV.

   OUTPTY        The  output  priority  of  the  spooled  files  to  be
                 selected.  The default  is *ALL.  A value  between 1-9
                 may be entered.

   STRDATE       The  start  date  to  be  used  for  selection.    The
                 STRDATE,  STRTIME,  ENDDATE,  and  ENDTIME values  are
                 used as a  range check  for selection  of the  spooled
                 file open date.

                 The default  for STRDATE  is *BEGIN meaning  any date.
                 *TODAY  may  be  entered  to  mean  todays  date.    A
                 specific date may be entered in job format.

   STRTIME       The  start  time  to  be  used  for  selection.    The
                 STRDATE,  STRTIME,  ENDDATE, and  ENDTIME  values  are
                 used  as a range  check for  selection of  the spooled
                 file open date.

                 The   default  is  *AVAIL  meaning  any  time  on  the
                 STRDATE value.   A time  may be  entered in the  range
                 of 000000 to 235959.

   ENDDATE       The end date  to be used for selection.   The STRDATE,
                 STRTIME,  ENDDATE, and  ENDTIME values  are used  as a
                 range check  for selection  of the  spooled file  open

                 The  default   for  ENDDATE  is  *TODAY   meaning  the
                 current date.   A specific date may  be entered in job

   ENDTIME       The end time to be  used for selection.  The  STRDATE,
                 STRTIME, ENDDATE,  and ENDTIME  values are  used as  a
                 range  check for  selection of  the spooled  file open

                 The  default is *END  meaning any time  on the ENDDATE
                 value.  A time may  be entered in the range  of 000000
                 to 235959.

   OMITFILE      A  list of up  to 10  spooled file  names that  may be
                 omitted.  The default is *NONE.

                 The  file  named  in the  FILE  parameter  may  not be




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKDBFMBR       Check data base file member
     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     DUPTAADBF       Duplicate data base file
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     EXTLST2         Extract list 2
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     RTVVALA         Retrieve value attributes
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CPYCVTOUTQ    *CMD                   TAASPPH       QATTCMD
   TAASPPHC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPPHC      QATTCL
   TAASPPHR      *PGM       RPG         TAASPPHR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools October 15, 2011

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