TAA Tools
CMPWLDCRD       COMPARE WILD CARD                      TAACLRW

The Compare Wild  Card command provides  a comparison of a  system name
against  a  compare  value that  contains  fixed  and/or floating  wild
cards.   The  companion command  is CHKWLDCRD  which is intended  to be
used before  performing a  function such as  a DSPxxx  OUTFILE or  when
using a list  type API.  Additional commands  CMPWLDCRD2 and CHKWLDCRD2
may be  used on any string (up to 500  bytes) such as customer names or

CMPWLDCRD allows  a comparison value  of 'A%C*'  where '%'  is a  fixed
wild  card  (the  comparison  character is  ignored)  and  '*'  is  the
floating  wild card  (in this case  a generic  type of request).   This
would compare correctly to the names 'ABC', and 'ABCD'

A fixed wild  card means a  single character is ignored.   The  default
is  %.   Multiple  fixed  wild  cards may  exist  such  as a  value  of

A  floating wild card  means that one  or more characters  are ignored.
The  default is  *.  If  the floating wild  card appears at  the end of
the value  such as A%B*,  it is  treated as  a generic request  meaning
any characters  after the B will  be considered a match.   The floating
wild  card may  appear in the  middle of  the comparison  value to mean
any characters  are  ignored until  the  next comparison  character  is
found.  For example 'A*D' would compare to 'AD', 'ABD', or 'ABCD'.

Both fixed and  floating wildcards may be specified such  as 'A%*D*' or

A value of Y or N will be returned to describe the result.

Because  the  wildcard  characters may  cause  an  error  in a  command
string or prompter,  you need  to quote  the value and  enter in  upper

Typical CMPWLDCRD code would be:

             DCL         &RESULT *CHAR LEN(1)
             CMPWLDCRD   NAME(xxxx) CMPVAL('A%C*') RESULT(&RESULT)
             IF          (&RESULT *EQ 'Y') DO /* Good comparison */
             ENDDO       /* Good comparison */


   Value         Good comparisons        Failed comparisons
   -------       ---------------         ------------------

   A%C           ABC, AXC                AC, ABCD, ACD
   A%C*          ABC, AXC, ABCD          AC, ACD
   A%%D          ABBD                    AD, ABD, ABCDE
   A%%D*         ABBD, ABBDE             AD, ABD, ABCF
   AB%           ABC                     AB, ABCD
   AB%*          ABC, ABCD               AB
   A*D           AD, ABD, ABCD           AC, ABDE, ABE
   A*D*          AD, ABD, ABCD, ABCDE    AC, ABE
   A%*D%         AXDF, AXBDF, AXBBDF     AXE, AXEE
   *A*           A, ABC, BA, BAC         BBB
   %             A, B                    AB, ABC
   *             Any value               None
   ABC                                   Message TAA9891
   A**                                   Message TAA9892
   A*%                                   Message TAA9892


The CHKWLDCRD  command is intended  to be used  before creating a  list
to  assist   in  determining  whether  the   CMPVAL  contains  wildcard
characters  and returns a  value that is  ready to be  used in the scan
(such as in the object name of DSPOBJD).

A typical set of commands would be:

             DCL        &CMPVAL *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &WLDCRD *CHAR LEN(1)
             DCL        &RTNNAM *CHAR LEN(10)
             DCL        &RESULT *CHAR LEN(1)
             DSPOBJD     OBJ(xxx/&RTNNAM) OUTFILE(yyy)
 READ:       RCVF
             MONMSG      MSGID(CPF0864) EXEC(GOTO EOF)
             IF          (&RESULT *EQ 'N') DO /* Failed comparison */
             GOTO        READ
             ENDDO       /* Failed comparison */
                         /* Process */

If &CMPVAL contains a simple  name (eg ABC), a generic name  (eg ABC*),
or  *ALL,  &RTNNAM  would  contain  the same  value  and  WLDCRD  would
contain 'N'.

The  WLDCRD return  value is Y  if CMPVAL  contains wildcard characters
of either a fixed or an embedded floating type.

If wildcard characters  exist, the RTNNAM return  value will contain  a
generic value  to be  used for  the object  name of  the scan  function
ending  with the  first wildcard  character.  For  example, if  AB*D or
AB%D is entered, the RTNNAM  value will be AB*.   This allows the  scan
function to  perform a generic  search which  will minimize the  number
of entries that must be considered by CMPWLDCRD.

Whether wildcards  exist or not,  the the RTNNAM  value is ready  to be
used  as the the  scan name such as  the object name  for DSPOBJD (or a
list API).

The CMPWLDCRD  command should  only be used  if the  CMPVAL contains  a
wildcard character.

If the first  character is a wildcard (eg *A* or  %A*), the RTNNAM will
be *ALL.


The following rules apply to the CMPVAL value:

  **   The  first  character  must  be  A-Z,  $,  #,  @  or a  wildcard
       character.  If  the first  character is a  wild card  character,
       the return name will be '*ALL'.

  **   The remaining  characters must be  a wildcard character  or A-Z,
       0-9, $, #, @, _, or '.'.

  **   Embedded blanks are invalid.

Example of CHKWLDCRD and CMPWLDCRD being used together

The  supplied program TAACLRWC11  is a sample  of how to  use CHKWLDCRD
and CMPWLDCRD.   The  functions  work together  to  provide a  list  of
commands from QSYS.

The sample code may be displayed with:

            DSPTAA   TAACLRWC11

In the sample,  commands from the  QSYS library are listed  as messages
if they match a passed in CMPVAL such as:

  **   *ALL

  **   A simple name such as 'STRDBG'

  **   A generic name such as 'STRC*'

  **   A  name  containing  wild card  characters  such  as 'ST%O*'  or

Note  that  you must  pass the  compare value  in  quotes and  in upper

The program would be called with a passed in parameter.

           CALL  PGM(xxx) PARM('TAAS*RC*')


These commands are  intended to be  used when the  field to be  scanned
is not a  system name.  Any  string may be scanned for  a compare value
that  contains wildcards.  A  typical use would be  for name or address

The  commands  are  identical  to  CMPWLDCRD  and  CHKWLDCRD  with  the
following exceptions:

  **   Some parameter  names on  CMPWLDCRD2 and CHKWLDCRD2  are changed
       to reflect that a string is being scanned and not a name.

  **   The  STRING to  be scanned  on on  CMPWLDCRD2 may  be up  to 500

  **   The CMPVAL value may  be up to 20  bytes on both CMPWLDCRD2  and

  **   The RTNVAL  parameter on  CHKWLDCRD2 may  be up to  20 bytes  in
       length.   This may  be used as  a SETLL value  or as a  value to
       compare  to against individual  records.  It  will not contain a
       trailing *  as with  CHKWLDCRD.   This  can be  used to  improve
       performance  by minimizing  the number  of times  the CMPWLDCRD2
       function must be used.

  **   CMPWLDCRD2  supports  an additional  parameter  of  STRINGLEN to
       allow you to  describe the  maximum length of  the STRING  value
       to be scanned.

  **   CHKWLDCRD2 allows  any values to  exist in the  CMPVAL including
       wildcards.   Characters can include  digits, special characters,
       and blanks.

When comparing for names and  addresses, you probably need to  consider
the case  of the data.   A  simple solution is  to translate all  field
data to  be compared to upper  case using a translate table  or the RPG
XLATE  function  and then  ensure  that the  compare  value is  also in
upper case.

The CMPWLDCRD2  CPP  (TAACLRWC3)  may be  called  directly from  a  HLL
program.  See the later discussion.

CMPWLDCRD escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    A wildcard character must exist
      TAA9892    A wildcard may not follow a floating wildcard

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CMPWLDCRD2 escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    A wildcard character must exist
      TAA9892    A wildcard may not follow a floating wildcard

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CHKWLDCRD escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9893    An invalid CMPVAL exists

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CHKWLDCRD2 escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9893    An invalid CMPVAL exists

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CMPWLDCRD command parameters                          *CMD

   NAME          The  name  to be  scanned.   Up  to  10  bytes may  be
                 specified.   In a  typical example, the  name would be
                 an object, member, job, or spooled file name.

   CMPVAL        The comparison value  to check  against NAME.   CMPVAL
                 must contain at  least one fixed or  floating wildcard
                 such  as 'A%B',  'A%B*', or 'A%*B*'.   A  wildcard may
                 not follow a  floating wildcard character.   Up to  10
                 bytes may be specified.

   RESULT        The  returned result  after  the comparison  is  made.
                 This  must  be  specified  as  *CHAR LEN(1)  and  will
                 contain either Y or N.

   FIXWLDCRD     The  character  that  is  the  fixed  wildcard.    The
                 default is '%'.

   FLTWLDCRD     The character  that  is the  floating  wildcard.   The
                 default is '*'.

CHKWLDCRD parameters                                  *CMD

   CMPVAL        The  comparison  value to  checked.    It may  contain
                 *ALL,   a  simple   name   ('ABC'),  a   generic  name
                 ('ABC*'),  or   a   name  with   wildcard   characters
                 ('A%C*',  r  'A%*C', 'A%*C*',  or  *A*').   Up  to  10
                 bytes may be specified.

                 The  non-wildcard characters must follow  the rules of
                 a valid  system name.   A  wildcard may  not follow  a
                 floating wildcard character.

   WLDCRD        A Y/N  return value  for whether  the CMPVAL  contains
                 wildcard  characters.    A  'Y'  will be  returned  if
                 wildcard  characters exist.   A generic  value such as
                 ABC* considered  to be a  generic value  and does  not
                 contain  wildcard  characters.     A  CMPVAL  such  as
                 'A%B',  'A%B*', 'A*B', or 'A*B*' would  cause a 'Y' to
                 be returned.

                 This is  an  optional  return variable  that  if  used
                 must be specified as *CHAR LEN(1).

   RTNNAM        The  returned value  that is  intended to  be used  as
                 the object name on a function such as DSPOBJD.

                 If  *ALL, a  simple name  ('ABC'),  or a  generic name
                 ('ABC*') exist  for the  CMPVAL, the  same value  will
                 be returned.

                 If  the  CMPVAL contains  a  wildcard  character,  the
                 value  returned will  be  a generic  name  ending with
                 the  first wildcard  found.   For example,  if 'AB%C*'
                 is the CMPVAL,  'AB*' will be  returned.  This  allows
                 the  system  function  to  perform  a  generic  search
                 which   will  minimize   the  number  of   times  that
                 CMPWLDCRD must  be used.   For  each entry  processed,
                 the CMPWLDCRD  command would be  used to  determine if
                 a match exists.

                 The   DSPOBJD  command  and   corresponding  API  also
                 support  an  'object  type'  for  selection   criteria
                 which can  be  used to  further reduce  the number  of
                 entries that must be checked with CMPWLDCRD.

                 See   the  sample   program  on   how   CHKWLDCRD  and
                 CMPWLDCRD can be used together.

                 This  is  an  optional return  variable  that  if used
                 must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   FIXWLDCRD     The  character  that  is  the  fixed  wildcard.    The
                 default is '%'.

   FLTWLDCRD     The  character that  is  the floating  wildcard.   The
                 default is '*'.

CMPWLDCRD2 command parameters                         *CMD

   STRING        The  string of data  to be  scanned.  Up  to 500 bytes
                 may be specified.   In a  typical example, the  string
                 would  be  a  field  in  a  data  base  file  such  as
                 customer name or address.

   CMPVAL        The  comparison  value  to  check  against the  STRING
                 value.   CMPVAL must  contain at  least one  fixed  or
                 floating wildcard such  as 'A%B', 'A%B*',  or 'A%*B*'.
                 A  wildcard   may  not  follow   a  floating  wildcard
                 character.  Up to 20 bytes may be specified.

   RESULT        The  returned  result  after the  comparison  is made.
                 This  must  be specified  as  *CHAR  LEN(1)  and  will
                 contain either Y or N.

   STRINGLEN     The  length  of the  value  in  the STRING  parameter.
                 The  default is 50.   The length may be  between 1 and
                 500 bytes.

                 It is not  an error  to specify a  larger length  than
                 the actual  data.   For example,  if the  field to  be
                 scanned  is 25 bytes,  specifying 25  would be typical
                 rather than  determining  the  actual  length  of  the

                 If you have  a large field  that needs to  be scanned,
                 specifying  an  actual  length  of the  data  improves
                 performance  as  the  possible  entire  value  may not
                 have to be scanned.

   FIXWLDCRD     The  character  that  is  the  fixed  wildcard.    The
                 default is '%'.

   FLTWLDCRD     The  character that  is  the floating  wildcard.   The
                 default is '*'.

CHKWLDCRD2 parameters                                 *CMD

   CMPVAL        The  comparison  value  to checked.    It  may contain
                 *ALL, or a  simple name such  as 'ABC' or  'AB3'.   It
                 may  contain   wildcard  characters  such   as  'A%*C'
                 'A%*1*', or  *A*').  Up to 20  bytes may be specified.

                 Any  non-wildcard  characters   are  valid   including
                 blank.    A   wildcard  may  not  follow   a  floating
                 wildcard character.

   WLDCRD        A  Y/N return  value for  whether the  CMPVAL contains
                 wildcard  characters.    A  'Y'  will  be  returned if
                 wildcard characters  exist.  A  generic value such  as
                 ABC*  considered to be  a generic  value and  does not
                 contain  wildcard   characters.    A  CMPVAL  such  as
                 'A%B', 'A%B*', 'A*B', or 'A*B*'  would cause a 'Y'  to
                 be returned.

                 This  is an  optional  return  variable that  if  used
                 must be specified as *CHAR LEN(1).

   RTNVAL        The  returned value that is  intended to be  used as a
                 SETLL value or to compare to data base records.

                 If CMPVAL(*ALL) is used, '*ALL' is returned.

                 If a simple  name like CMPVAL(ABC)  is used, 'ABC'  is

                 If a  generic like value  CMPVAL(ABC*) is  used, 'ABC'
                 is returned.

                 If CMPVAL(AB%D*) is used, 'AB' is returned.

                 This  allows  an  application  to  use a  SETLL  limit
                 function  or  to compare  to the  first  N bytes  of a
                 value to  determine  whether the  CMPWLDCRD2  function
                 should  be  used.    For  each  entry  processed,  the
                 CMPWLDCRD2   command  (or   CPP)  would  be   used  to
                 determine if a match exists.

                 This is  an  optional  return variable  that  if  used
                 must be specified as *CHAR LEN(20).

   FIXWLDCRD     The  character  that  is  the  fixed  wildcard.    The
                 default is '%'.

   FLTWLDCRD     The  character  that is  the floating  wildcard.   The
                 default is '*'.

Calling the CMPWLDCRD CPP directly

A HLL  program may  call the  CPP for  CMPWLDCRD directly  such as  the
following RPG code:

     C                     CALL 'TAACLRWC'                 CMPWLDCRD
     C                     PARM xxx       NAME   10        Name
     C                     PARM 'A%C*'    CMPVAL 10        Comp value
     C                     PARM           RESULT  1        Result
     C                     PARM '%'       FIXWLD  1        Fixed wldcrd
     C                     PARM '*'       FLTWLD  1        Float wldcrd

The RESULT field will contain 'Y' or 'N'.

Calling the CMPWLDCRD2 CPP directly
----------------------- -----------

A  HLL program  may call  the  CPP for  CMPWLDCRD2  directly using  RPG
code.  In  this example, the CUSNAM field  (fixed length) from the data
base  is scanned for a comparison  value containing wild cards.  Assume
that  a CL  program  has used  CHKWLDCRD2  and  has passed  the  CMPVAL
parameter to RPG.

     I              'TAATOOL/TAACLRWC3'   C         WLDCRD
     ISTRNDS      DS                            500
     C                     READ xxxx
     C* Move CUSNAM to parameter field and get the length
     C                     MOVELCUSNAM    STRNDS           Move to DS
     C           ' '       CHEKRCUSNAM    STRNLN           String len
     C* Call CPP of CMPWLDCRD2
     C           CMPWLD    TAG                             Compare
     C                     CALL WLDCRD                     CMPWLDCRD
     C                     PARM           STRNDS           String
     C                     PARM           CMPVAL 20        Comp value
     C                     PARM           RESULT  1        Result
     C                     PARM           STRNLN  30       String len
     C                     PARM '%'       FIXWLD  1        Fixed wldcrd
     C                     PARM '*'       FLTWLD  1        Float wldcrd
     C* If RESULT is 'Y', the name matches

To avoid calling  the CMPWLDCRD3 program for every  record, it would be
possible  to pass in  the RTNVAL parameter  from CHKWLDCRD2  and use it
(and its  length) to  compare  to the  first few  bytes of  the  CUSNAM
field.   An  example  of  this type  of  coding  exists in  the  SCNDTA
program TAADBIGR.


Because the  commands return variables, they  may only be used  in a CL
program.  The CMPWLDCRD and CMPWLDCRD2  CPPs may be called directly  as
described previously.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CMPWLDCRD     *CMD                   TAACLRW       QATTCMD
   CHKWLDCRD     *CMD                   TAACLRW2      QATTCMD
   CMPWLDCRD2    *CMD                   TAACLRW3      QATTCMD
   CHKWLDCRD2    *CMD                   TAACLRW4      QATTCMD
   TAACLRWC      *PGM       CLP         TAACLRWC      QATTCL
   TAACLRWC2     *PGM       CLP         TAACLRWC2     QATTCL
   TAACLRWC3     *PGM       CLP         TAACLRW3      QATTCL
   TAACLRWC4     *PGM       CLP         TAACLRWC4     QATTCL
   TAACLRWC11    *PGM       CLP         TAACLRWC11    QATTCL

TAACLRWC11 is the sample program.






Added to TAA Productivity tools June 30, 2007

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