TAA Tools

The  Compare  Environment  Variables command  allows  a  comparison  of
environment  variables between  two systems  or two  versions converted
from  the same system.   The CVTENVVAR  TAA command must  first be used
to capture the  information on  each system in  an outfile.   CMPENVVAR
then compares the  information from the two files  and prints a listing
noting any differences.

Assuming  you want to compare environment  variables from two different
systems, you must first capture the information on each system:

  Sample command on first system: CVTENVVAR OUTLIB(MYLIB)

  Sample command on second system: CVTENVVAR OUTLIB(MYLIB)
You then would transfer both  files to the same system for  comparison.
SAVSNDM / RSTSNDM could be used for this.

You are now ready to run CMPENVVAR.

The name  of the outfile  is always ENVVARP.   Assuming you  store both
files  in  MYLIB  on  your current  system,  you  would  then make  the
following comparison:

                        FROMMBR(XXXFILE1) TOMBR(XXXFILE2)

The two files would be compared and a listing produced.

Any differences are flagged.

CVTENVVAR can also be  used to capture information  on the same  system
over time  and the files  compared to  ensure appropriate settings  are
maintained on the system.

When a  new version of TAA  is installed, it may  change the definition
or  the data  that could be  written to ENVVARP.   Starting  with a new
version of ENVVARP may be required to gain the proper comparison.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FROMLIB       The  library  containing   the  ENVVARP  file   to  be
                 treated as the 'From System'.

   TOLIB         The  library   containing  the  ENVVARP   file  to  be
                 treated as the 'To System'.

   FROMMBR       The  member in the ENVVARP From  file.  The default is
                 *FIRST.   A  specific  member  name or  *LAST  may  be

   FROMMBR       The member  in the  ENVVARP To file.   The  default is
                 *FIRST.    A  specific member  name  or  *LAST may  be

   OUTPUT        How to  output  the results.    * is  the  default  to
                 display the  spooled file  if the  command is  entered
                 interactively.   The spooled file is  deleted after it
                 is displayed.

                 If  the  command  is  entered in  batch  or  *PRINT is
                 specified, the  spooled file is  output and  retained.

Length Differences:

Although  Environment variables  allow 128  long Names,  and  1033 long
Values,  CVTENVVAR  captures  only  64  characters  of  Name,  and  256
characters of  Value.  This  should be  more than  sufficient for  most
all environment variables.

The CMPENVVAR  report compares all 64  characters of Name, and  all 256
characte  of Value,  but only displays  the first  10 for Name,  and 40
for Values.   Therefore,  a  difference could  be  noted in  the  Notes
column, but the  values could appear the  same if long Names  or Values
are  actually used.   In this  case, DSPENVVAR  should be used  to view
entire length of long values.

CCSID Differences:

The  CCSID that  the environment  variables is  stored in  is captured,
compared, and  differences  noted  in the  print  file.   However,  the
CCSID  values is  not  shown on  the  report.   To  view CCSID  values,
display the CVTENVVAR files themselves.

See previous comments.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDPGMMSG       Send program message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CMPENVVAR     *CMD                   TAAENVW       QATTCMD
   TAAENVWC      *PGM       CLLE        TAAENVWC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools August 15, 2019

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