TAA Tools

The  Check  Signon   Count  tool  allows   you  to  prevent   a  signon
(interactive  job) if  the  number of  current signons  for  a specific
user  profile exceeds  a maximum.   The supplied  TAA program (TAASEFGC
in TAATOOL)  must be  named  in the  INLPGM parameter  or  used in  the
users  initial program.    A  system default  and  unique user  profile
values may be specified.

An  option exists for whether jobs from  the same device (either System
Request or  Group  Jobs)  should  be considered  to  count  toward  the

In some environments,  profiles exist that are used  by multiple users.
The  Check Signon Count  tool offers a  solution to prevent  excess use
of these profiles.

The defaults are set for:

      - A maximum of 5 Signons
      - Jobs from the same device do not count toward the maximum

To cause a user  profile to be  checked, you must  use the the  TAATOOL
program  TAASEFGC.   If the  user  does not  have  an initial  program,


If  you already  have an  initial program  for the  user, enter  as the
first command in the users initial program either:

             CALL        TAATOOL/TAASEFGC



The CHKSGNCNT command has no parameters and just invokes TAASEFGC.

If  the  number  of  Signons  exceeds  the  default  for  the specified
profile,  a  display appears  explaining  that  the  maximum  has  been
exceeded and the  user is signed off when Enter is  pressed.  A journal
entry is  sent to the QAUDJRN by default.   See the later discussion if
you do not have  the QAUDJRN active, want  to use a different  journal,
or do not want to cause a journal entry.

Note that any  user profile that does not specify  the supplied program
cannot be checked.

Thus 3 types of situations may exist:

  **   A  profile is not controlled  by the tool.   An unlimited number
       of signons may occur.

  **   A profile  is  checked  by  the  supplied  defaults  to  prevent
       excess signons.

  **   A profile  is checked by  an individual record.   See the  later
       discussion of the SGNCNTP file.

Jobs from the same device

An option  exists to determine  whether jobs from the  same device will
count  toward  the  maximum.   This  includes System  Request  jobs and
Group Jobs.  When either System  Request is used to start a new  job or
an  additional group  job  is started,  the  assigned job  name is  the
device  name.    The Check  Signon  Count tool  compares  job  names to
determine if the job is running on the same device.

The option does not  include 'hot key' jobs such  as from a PC  device.
These jobs  are given unique  job numbers  and cannot be  determined as
being from the same device.

Changing the defaults

The  system defaults  are  used when  a record  for the  user  does not
exist in the SGNCNTP  file in TAASECURE.   See the later discussion  of
the SGNCNTP file.

The  system  defaults  are kept  in  the  CHKSGNCNT  Application  Value
(*USRSPC object)  in TAASECURE.   A user with  *ALLOBJ authority should


The following options exist:

   MAXSGNCNT     The  maximum  number of  signons  allowed.   The value
                 must be between 1  and 99999.  The shipped  default is
                 5.  The value must be entered with leading zeros.

                 Note  that  at one  time  the  lower  limit value  was
                 incorrectly  set at  5 rather than  1.   If your lower
                 limit is still 5, you may change to a limit of 1 by:


                 Use option 1  on MAXSGNCNT.   Change  the 'Range'  low
                 limit value from 00005 to 00001.

   CNTSAMDEV     A *YES/*NO  value for whether  to count jobs  that are
                 started  on  the same  device.   This  includes System
                 Request and  Group Jobs,  but  excludes 'hot  key'  PC
                 jobs  (see  the   section  on  'Jobs  from   the  same
                 device').   The  shipped  default is  *NO  meaning the
                 user  may  have a  System Request  job (Option  1) and
                 Group Jobs on the  same device without the jobs  being
                 considered for the maximum.

   JRN           The journal name  to send an audit entry  to if a user
                 is  prevented   from  signing  on.    QAUDJRN  is  the
                 shipped default.  *NONE may  be specified to not  send
                 a journal entry.

                 If a journal  is specified, the JRNLIB  parameter must
                 also  be specified.   If the journal  cannot be found,
                 a message is sent to QSYSOPR.

                 See the later section on the journal entry.

   JRNLIB        The journal library  name to  send an  audit entry  to
                 if a user is  prevented from signing on.   QSYS is the
                 shipped  default for the  QAUDJRN journal.   *NONE may
                 be specified to not send a journal entry.


The  SGNCNTP  file in  TAASECURE  may contain  individual  user records
where specific  values may  be  entered if  there is  a requirement  to
differ from  the defaults.  For  example, if the system  default allows
a  maximum  of 5  jobs,  you  may want  to  allow less  or  more  for a
specific user profile.

To enter or review  the records, a user  with both *ALLOBJ and  *SECADM
special authority should enter:


A  display of  any existing  user records  appears.   Options exist  to
change, delete, etc.  A new user may be entered using F6.

The first  two options for each record mirror  the first two options of
the Application Value defaults:

   MAXSGNCNT     The maximum  number of  signons  allowed.   The  value
                 must be between 1  and 99999.  The shipped  default is

   CNTSAMDEV     A *YES/*NO  value for whether  to count jobs  that are
                 started  on  the same  device.   This  includes System
                 Request and  Group  Jobs, but  excludes 'hot  key'  PC
                 jobs  (see   the  section  on  'Jobs   from  the  same
                 device').  The shipped default is *NO.

   CHKGRPMBR     A  *YES/*NO  value  to be  entered  for  Group Profile
                 records for whether  the members  of the group  should
                 be checked  as if there  was an individual  record for
                 each  member.   This  includes supplemental  groups as
                 well.    This  is  a  'shorthand'  solution  to  avoid
                 having to  enter individual records  if all  (or most)
                 members of  the group should be treated  with the same
                 values  for  MAXSGNCNT and  CNTSAMDEV.   Note however,
                 that  each  member  of  the  group   must  invoke  the
                 CHKSGNCNT tool as described earlier.

                 The MAXSGNCNT  value is  considered uniquely  for each
                 member  of  the group  (not  a total  for  the group).
                 For example, the  Group Profile  record may specify  a
                 MAXSGNCNT of 2  which would allow many  members of the
                 group  to be  signed on,  but  no single  member could
                 have more than 2 signons.

                 If a member of a  group should be treated  differently
                 from the  Group record,  enter both  the Group  record
                 and  one  or more  individual  records  for the  users
                 that  should be treated differently.   The logic first
                 checks if an individual  record exists for the  signed
                 on  user.   If not,  but  the user  is a  member of  a
                 group,  a check  is made  for a group  profile record.
                 If it does not exist,  a check is made if any  records
                 exist for a supplemental group profile.

                 The  supplemental group  profiles are  checked in  the
                 order  they  appear on  DSPUSRPRF.   If  an individual
                 record does  not exist,  nor any  record for  a  group
                 profile   or    supplemental   group   profile,    the
                 Application Value defaults are used.

                 To  review, the  order  in which  the  checking occurs

                     - User profile
                     - Group profile record (GRPPRF parameter)
                     - Supplemental group profiles (SUPGRPPRF
                        parameter) in the order as displayed
                        by DSPUSRPRF

                 If  the  user record  exists, the  values from  it are

                 If the Group  profile or a Supplemental  group profile
                 record  exists,  the  'Check  Grp/Mbr' value  must  be
                 *YES  in the record in order to  use the values in the
                 record.   If  the  value  is  *NO,  no  further  check
                 occurs and  the Application  Value defaults  are used.
                 If  no record  is found  for  the user  or one  of the
                 Group   Profile   records,   the   Application   Value
                 defaults  are used.    See  the  example in  the  next

                 No error  occurs if the  record entered with  *YES for
                 'Check GrpMbr' is not a group profile.

Example of Group and Supplemental Group actions

Assume  USERA and USERB  are both members of  GROUP1 which is specified
for their  GRPPRF  parameter.   They  are also  members of  GROUP2  and
GROUP3 as specified in their SUPGRPPRF parameters.

The WRKSGNCNT display was entered as:

                  Maximum  Count   Check
      User        Signons  SamDev  GrpMbr

      GROUP1            1   *YES    *YES
      GROUP2            2   *YES    *NO
      GROUP3            3   *YES    *YES
      USERA             4   *YES    *NO

If USERA  signs on, his record is  found, and he is  allowed 4 signons.
No further checking occurs because his record was found.

If  USERB signs on,  his record does  not exist, but  the GROUP1 record
does and 'Check GrpMbr' is *YES so he is allowed 1 signon.

If the GROUP1  record in  SGNCNTP is  removed and USERB  signs on,  the
GROUP2 record  is found, but  since the  'Check Grp/Mbr' value  is *NO,
the  Application defaults  are used.   Note that  the GROUP3  record is
not checked,  because  the checking  stops  when the  first  record  is

If USERC signons on, he  does not have an individual record  and if his
GRPPRF value  is *NONE, the  Application Value defaults  would be used.

Exceeding the maximum number of signons

When  the maximum number  of signons is exceeded,  a display appears to
the user describing the  error.  The text varies slightly  depending on
whether it is a full signon versus a request for another Group Job.

The text  informs the user  that when Enter  is pressed, the  user will
be signed off (if a Group Job is requested, ENDGRPJOB is used).

Journal entry

If  the maximum  number  of signons  is exceeded,  the default  sends a
journal entry to  the QAUDJRN journal.   A different  journal could  be
specified or you  can specify that no  journal entry be sent.   See the
previous section on Changing Defaults.

The  journal entry is specified  as Code = U  and Type = CS.   The text
of the entry describes the reason.

CHKSGNCNT escape messages you can monitor for


WRKSGNCNT escape messages you can monitor for


CHKSGNCNT Command parameters                          *CMD


WRKSGNCNT Command parameters                          *CMD



The  maximum  number  of  signons  can  only  be  controlled  when  the
TAATOOL/TAASEFGC  program is  specified  for  the user  profile  INLPGM
parameter  or  a call  to  TAATOOL/TAASEFGC is  included  in the  users
initial program.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     APPVAL          Application value
     CVTWRKUSR       Convert work user
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     FILEFDBCK       File feedback
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     RPGSTSDS        RPG status DS
     RTVOBJD2        Retrieve object description 2
     RTVSPCAUT       Retrieve special authority
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


The  tool  is  ready  to  use, but  requires  an  entry  in  the INLPGM
parameter of each user profile  to be checked or a modification  of the
users initial  program.  If you  are already using  an initial program,

You  should  review  the  defaults  provided  and  add individual  user
records using  WRKSGNCNT for  user profiles  that  require values  that
differ from the defaults.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHKSGNCNT     *CMD                   TAASEFG       QATTCMD
   WRKSGNCNT     *CMD                   TAASEFG2      QATTCMD
   TAASEFGC      *PGM       CLP         TAASEFGC      QATTCL
   TAASEFGC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASEFGC2     QATTCL
   TAASEFGC3     *PGM       CLP         TAASEFGC3     QATTCL
   TAASEFGR      *PGM       RPG         TAASEFGR      QATTRPG
   TAASEFGR2     *PGM       RPG         TAASEFGR2     QATTRPG
   TAASEFGP      *FILE      PF          TAASEFGP      QATTDDS
   TAASEFGL      *FILE      LF          TAASEFGL      QATTDDS

The  Application   Value  CHKSGNCNT   (a  *USRSPC  object)   exists  in

The  physical  file  SGNCNTP and  the  logical  file  SGNCNTL exist  in
TAASECURE.  These are duplicates of TAASEFGP and TAASEFGL.


   TAASEFGC    CL pgm - Called from or as the users initial program
     TAASEFGR    RPG pgm  - Retrieves information from SGNCNTP file
       TAASEFGC3   CL Pgm - Displays the text before signoff
         TAASEFGE    Display file

   TAASEFGC2  CL pgm
       TAASEFGD   Display file

Added to TAA Productivity tools June 1, 2002

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