TAA Tools

The  Check Program  Source  command operates  against  the program  and
module objects  in a library or the special  library values *USRLIBL or
*ALLUSR.  It is designed to do the following:

  **   Determines  if  the source  still  exists in  the  same library,
       file, and  member used  to create  the  program or  module.   If
       not, the object is flagged.

  **   If  the source  exists, CHKPGMSRC  determines if  the  object is
       'down  level'.   This  means that  the  source has  been changed
       more recently than  the create date  of the object.   The  check
       is made  by reading  the source  statements and  determining the
       most current date of any statement.

  **   Offers  a replace option  if the object  is 'down level'.   This
       re-creates the program or module object.

  **   An ILE  program is  checked for  the number  of modules  in  the
       program.   If a  single module  exists, the  program is  handled
       normally and can be re-created if 'down level'.

  **   If  a multiple  module  ILE  program exists,  the  source change
       dates  for each module are checked  and will be flagged if 'down

A typical command would be entered as:

        CHKPGMSRC   LIB(xxx)

A spooled file  is output with the  information.  By default,  only the
exceptions  are  listed.   CHKPGMSRC  is  a  slow running  command  and
should be submitted to batch.

If   *USRLIBL  or  *ALLUSR   is  specified,  the   TAATOOL  library  is
automatically omitted.

*SRVPGM object types are not supported.

More details

The program and module objects  are found in the library specified  and
a check  is made to see  if the member  still exists which was  used to
create  the object.   If it  does, the  source statements are  read and
the most  current change  date from  any of  the  source statements  is
used to compare  against the object create  date.  If the  most current
source statement  date is greater  than the create date,  the object is
considered 'down level' and is flagged.

Using  the most current source statement  change date is generally more
accurate than the  member level change date.   The member level  change
date  can be  changed by  a variety  of commands  such as  RST, MOVOBJ,
CPYSRCF,  etc.   The source  change dates  tend only  to be  changed by
SEU.   If  no  SEU changes  occur,  the source  change  dates  normally
remain  the same  regardless of  what happens  to the  member or  file.
See the later section on exceptions.

An option  exists to re-create the programs  and modules that are 'down
level' by using the TAA  Tools RPLPGM and RPLMOD.   RPLPGM does a  good
job of replacing OPM  programs by retrieving the current  attributes of
the  program as  described by DSPPGM  and using  them to  re-create the
program.   Both  the CRT command  parameters and  the CHGPGM parameters
are considered.

The system  does not provide  the same level  of information about  ILE
programs or  modules so  the replace function  can only the  assume the
defaults for the create commands.

There  is an additional  'down level' check  that is made.   This helps
determine if the source was changed  on the same day as the object  was
created, but at  a later point in the  day.  The check is  performed as

       If  the most current  source statement  change date is  equal to
       the object create  date, the  member level change  date is  also
       compared to see if it is the same day.

       If so,  the member  level change  time is  compared against  the
       object  create  time and  if  the member  time  is greater,  the
       object is also flagged as 'down level'.

If  the  command is  executed interactively,  status messages  are sent
describing the progress.

The command is year 2000 ready.

Exceptions to 'Down Level' indication

The check  for  a  'down level'  condition  will  not always  make  the
proper determination.

  **   If  the source  is changed  on  the same  day as  the object  is
       created,  but after the create  command executes, the previously
       described  checking  would  flag  the  program  as  down  level.
       However, if  on a subsequent  day, one  of the commands  was run
       that  changed  the  member  level  change  date,  the  CHKPGMSRC
       command cannot determine at that  point if the source is  really
       'down level'.

  **   CHKPGMSRC  uses   the  change   dates  found   on  each   source
       statement.   Normally,  these  dates  are only  changed  by SEU.
       However,  it is possible to change  the dates with a program and
       prevent CHKPGMSRC from making the proper decision.

  **   If one  or more  statements are deleted  and none  are added  or
       changed, CHKPGMSRC will not flag the member.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   LIB           The  library  to  be  checked.    The  special  values
                 *CURLIB,  *USRLIBL, or *ALLUSR may  be specified.  You
                 must be  authorized  to  the  TAADSPADP  authorization
                 list to specify *ALLUSR.

                 All *PGM  object types (OPM  and ILE) will  be checked
                 along  with  *MODULE  object  types.   *SRVPGM  object
                 types are not checked.

   PRTEXP        A *YES/*NO value  that defaults to  *YES which  causes
                 only  the exceptions  to  be listed.    A DFU  program
                 (never   has   source)  is   not   considered  as   an

                 *NO  may be  specified to  print one  line per program
                 or module found.

   RPLPGM        A *YES/*NO value that  defaults to *NO which does  not
                 replace an existing program or module.

                 *YES  may be specified  which causes  a replace  of an
                 existing  program or module  if the  source exists and
                 the object  is  flagged  as  'down level'.    The  TAA
                 Tools  RPLPGM  and  RPLMOD  are used  to  replace  the
                 objects.   RPLPGM captures the  existing attributes of
                 OPM programs  and  then specifies  the  attributes  on
                 the  CRT  command  and  also   a  CHGPGM  command  (if

                 Single  module  ILE programs  and  module objects  are
                 re-created using the command defaults.

   DLTSPLF       A  *YES/*NO value  that defaults to  *YES which causes
                 the compile spooled  file to be  deleted if RPLPGM  or
                 RPLMOD  is used  and  is successful.    If the  object
                 does  not create, it is flagged  in the spooled output
                 and the compilation listing remains.

                 *NO causes any  compilation listings  to be  retained.

   OMITLIB       A list  of up  to 40  libraries may  be entered  which
                 will  prevent  any output  from  the  named libraries.
                 TAATOOL and  TAASECURE are  automatically omitted  for
                 *USRLIBL or *ALLUSR.  The default is *NONE.

                 *NONE must be  specified if the LIB parameter  names a
                 specific library or *CURLIB.

   SRCFILE       The name  of the source file to be  used.  The default
                 is  *OBJ  meaning  to  use the  source  file  name and
                 library as found in the object description.

                 A  specific  source  file  name  and  library  may  be
                 entered in  which case the  name entered will  be used
                 to  determine if  the source  exists and  to re-create
                 from if needed.   This parameter  is intended for  the
                 case where  the source member  used for the  create is
                 not where the member currently exists.

                 See  also the  PGMATR parameter.   Note that  only one
                 source file  name  may  be specified.    For  example,
                 assume  library  LIBA source  files  (QCLSRC,  QRPGSRC
                 ...)  were used when  the objects  were created.   The
                 source  now resides in  the same source  file names in
                 library LIBB.   Multiple  CHKPGMSRC commands would  be
                 required to  check all of  the program objects.   Each
                 use  of  CHKPGMSRC would  specify  a  different source
                 file and program attribute.

   PGMATR        The program  attribute to  be considered  if a  source
                 file name is  entered for the SRCFILE  parameter.  The
                 default  is *ALL  meaning  all program  attributes are
                 considered.  *ALL must  be used when SRCFILE(*OBJ)  is

                 Naming  a  PGMATR  (such as  RPG  or  CLP)  should  be
                 considered if  the source resides in  a different file
                 than  where the  object was created  from and multiple
                 source files  were  used  for  the create.    See  the
                 discussion with the SRCFILE parameter.


If RPLPGM(*YES)  is specified,  you must be  authorized to  replace the
program or module.

See  the   previous  discussion  on  exceptions  to  the  'down  level'

See the previous  discussion about ILE programs  and modules.   *SRVPGM
object types are not supported.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKJOBCTL    Check job control
     DSPOBJD3     Display object description 3
     EXPVAL       Expand value
     EXTLST2      Extract list 2
     RPLMOD       Replace module
     RPLPGM       Replace program
     RTVILEMODA   Retrieve ILE module attributes
     RTVLSTCHG    Retrieve last change
     SNDCOMPMSG   Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG    Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG    Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHKPGMSRC     *CMD                   TAASRDH       QATTCMD
   TAASRDHC      *PGM       CLP         TAASRDHC      QATTCL
   TAASRDHR      *PGM       RPG         TAASRDHR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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