TAA Tools
CHKOBJ4         CHECK OBJECT 4                         TAAOBKC

The Check  Object 4 command  is intended to  assist you in  identifying
all the  objects of a  name or generic name  on the library  list, in a
specific  library, all libraries,  etc.  Messages  are returned when an
object is found.

The command works  best on the full  command entry display (CALL  QCMD)
where more message lines exist than with a command line on a menu.

A typical command would be:

             CHKOBJ4   ABC

All  ABC objects  on the  user  portion of  the library  list would  be
searched for and a message would appear for each one found.

You can request a generic search also such as:

             CHKOBJ4   ABC*

You can also do the following:

       - Request by specific object type
       - Request all of a specific type
       - Request for a specific library, *LIBL,
           *CURLIB, *ALL, or *ALLUSR

For  each  object  found,  a message  is  sent  with  the  object name,
library, type, object attribute,  and an abbreviated text  description.

By  default,  after  15  detail messages  have  been  sent,  a  summary
message is sent describing the total number of objects found.


The  TAA Tool  RTVOBJLST is  used to  retrieve the  object information.
It uses the QUSLOBJ API.

If you  limit your  request so  that hundreds  of objects  will not  be
found, the performance is  usually very good.  Requesting  a search for
all libraries or all user libraries takes longer.

Authorization considerations

You must be  authorized to the library that  is specifically named.  If
not, an escape message will occur.

If  a library  you are  not authorized  to is  included in  the special
library value (such as *ALLUSR), the objects are not considered.

If you are  authorized to the  library, but not  the object, a  special
string of text will appear in the object Text description.

Locks, damage, etc.

If  an object  is exclusively  locked  or damaged,  an indication  will
appear in the text description.

Comparison with FIND2 command

The  FIND2  TAA  Tool command  is  a similar  function,  but  assumes a
generic use.  For example,

             FIND2   ABC

will find all objects beginning with ABC.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   OBJ           The qualified  name of  the  object to  be found.    A
                 generic name may  be entered.  The  special value *ALL
                 may also be used.

                 The  library   value  defaults  to  *LIBL.    *CURLIB,
                 *USRLIBL, *ALL, or *ALLUSR may also be specified.

                 A generic library name may  also be entered.  The  API
                 used does  not support  a generic  library name.   The
                 function  occurs by  using  *ALL for  the  library and
                 then  selecting the individual objects  to see if they
                 exist in the  generic library name.   Because of  this
                 approach, if  a short generic object  name is entered,
                 the  performance can be slow as  many objects may need
                 to be  accessed and  checked for  the generic  library

   OBJTYPE       The object  type to  be checked for.   The  default is
                 *ALL.    For  a  full  list  of the  supported  object
                 types, use the command prompting facility.

   MAXMSGS       The maximum  number  of duplicate  objects  for  which
                 detail messages will  appear.  The  default is 15.   A
                 summary  message will describe  the number  of objects
                 that  match  the criteria  and  whether all  appear as
                 detail messages.   If you want  a different number  of
                 detail messages,  you may enter a value  between 1 and


See the previous comments.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTVOBJLST       Retrieve object list
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHKOBJ4       *CMD                   TAAOBKC       QATTCMD
   TAAOBKCC      *PGM       CLP         TAAOBKCC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 1, 1998

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