TAA Tools

The  Check Message  Spelling  command checks  the  spelling of  message
descriptions  in a  message file.    Both 1st  and 2nd  level  text are
checked.    A spooled  file  is created.    The QTWCHKSP  API  is used.
Unique  spelling  dictionaries  can  be  created  with   the  CRTSPADCT
command which is part of the Operating System.

To check a single message, see the CHKMSGDSPE tool.

Special  dictionaries are  supplied  with the  TAA Productivity  Tools.
See the discussion with the TAADCT TAA Tool.

A typical command would be:

             CHKMSGSPE   MSGF(xxxx)

The  spelling  dictionaries used  may be  specified  on the  command or

The CHKMSGSPE  tool  uses  the  CVTMSGF tool  to  convert  the  message
descriptions  to the  MSGFP file  in a  specified library.   The  MSGFP
file is then read and both the 1st and 2nd level text are checked.

If  errors  occur,  the  spooled file  shows  the  word  in error,  the
message ID, the  level in error  and the leftmost portion  of the  text
in error.   Because the text  is truncated, the  word in error  may not
appear in the text of the message.

The maximum  size of 1st level  text on ADDMSGD is checked.   The first
3000 bytes of 2nd level text are checked.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   MSGF          The  qualified  file name  of the  message file.   The
                 library value  defaults to  *LIBL.   *CURLIB may  also
                 be used.

                 The  special  value  *USEMSGFP  may  be  used  if  the
                 message  file   has  already  been  converted  by  the
                 CVTMSGF TAA  Tool to  the MSGFP  file.   The  MSGFPLIB
                 parameter must name  the library where the  MSGFP file

   RANGE         The range of message IDs to be checked.

                 The lower  range defaults to *FIRST  meaning the first
                 message ID in  the file.   A specific  message ID  may
                 be entered.

                 The upper  range defaults  to *LAST  meaning the  last
                 message  ID in the  file.   A specific message  ID may
                 be   entered  or  the  special   value  *ONLY  may  be

   DICT          The qualified name  of the  spelling dictionary to  be
                 used.   The  default is  *DFT which  means to  use the
                 DCTARA parameter.

                 A  list  of up  to  8 dictionaries  may be  named.   A
                 dictionary must  be created  by the  system  CRTSPADCT

   DCTARA        An   optional  parameter   that  allows   a  list   of
                 dictionaries  to be  specified by  naming a  data area
                 in  library  TAADCT  that  contains  the  list.    The
                 default  is *DFT.    A data  area  may only  be  named
                 DICT(*DFT) is used.

                 The  list of  dictionaries must  be  entered according
                 to   the  CRTDCTARA   TAA  Tool  and   the  data  area
                 containing the dictionaries  must exist in  the TAADCT
                 library.   Up to  8 dictionaries may  be named  in the
                 data area.

                 If  both  DICT(*DFT) and  DCTARA(*DFT)  are specified,
                 the following rules exist.

                 1) If the  library TAADCT does  not exist, the  TAADFT
                 dictionary in TAATOOL is used.

                 2) If  the TAADCT library exists,  a data area  by the
                 name  of  the  user of  the  job  is  searched for  in
                 TAADCT.  If  it does  not exist,  a data  area by  the
                 name of SYSTEM is searched for in TAADCT.

                 3)   If  neither   data   area  exists,   the   TAADFT
                 dictionary in TAATOOL is used.

   MSGFPLIB      The  library where  the MSGFP  file should  be created
                 or already exists.

                 If  the file exists, it  is automatically cleared if a
                 message file  is  named in  the  MSGF parameter.    If
                 MSGF(*USEMSGFP)  is  specified,   the  existing  MSGFP
                 file and data are used.


You must have the Dictionary product.

Up to 3000 bytes of second level text may be checked.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CVTMSGF         Convert message file
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHKMSGSPE     *CMD                   TAATXTH       QATTCMD
   TAATXTHC      *PGM       CLP         TAATXTHC      QATTCL
   TAATXTHR      *PGM       RPG         TAATXTHR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools September 1, 1996

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