TAA Tools
CHKDBF        CHECK DATA BASE FILE                      TAADBFB

          ***** Note  that much  of the  function of  this command  has
          been  replaced by  the system  RTVMBRD  command.   You should
          use  RTVMBRD if it supports  the parameter you want returned.

          ***** Note  also that  this command  will fail  with some  of
          the  more advanced SQL  created tables.   In  particular this
          command does not support files with BLOBs or CLOBs.

The  CHKDBF command checks  a file to see  if it can  be used in either
arrival or keyed  sequence and if  the user is  authorized to read  the
file.  Any error message IDs are returned as escape messages.

The CHKDBF command also supports optional parameters to return:

      - The library where the file was found
      - The member name being processed
      - Whether it is a source or data file
      - Whether it is a physical or logical file
      - The number of records in the member
      - The record length of the file
      - The number of physical members in the file
      - The type of ODP
      - The type of access path
      - Whether duplicate keys are allowed

A typical  use of the command  is to check  if a file can  be processed
in arrival sequence.  You would specify::

             CHKDBF     FILE(&LIB/&FILE)
             MONMSG     MSGID(CPF4247) EXEC(DO) /* Not arrival seq */

The  following are typical of  the types of errors  found by CHKDBF and
the message IDs to monitor for:

     - CPF5053   Not a data base file
     - CPF4133   Not a data base file
     - CPF4101   No file
     - CPF4102   No member
     - CPF4247   PROCESS(*ARRIVAL) was requested and arrival not valid
     - CPF5149   PROCESS(*KEYED) was requested and keyed not valid
     - CPF4236   Not authorized to open the member
     - CPF5134   Not authorized to read data

Another typical use is  to check for  the number of  records in a  file
such as:

             IF         (&NBRRCDS *EQ 0) DO /* No records routine */

If  there are  no records  in  the member,  the  command will  complete

The command  operates like RTVJOBA  to allow one or  more parameters to
be returned.

If  an escape message occurs, some of  the return variables will not be

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FILE          The qualified file  name to be  checked.  The  library
                 name defaults to *LIBL.

   MBR           The member  to be processed.   The default  is *FIRST.

   PROCESS       The  processing of  the file  requested.   *ARRIVAL is
                 the default meaning to try  and read the first  record
                 in  the  file  in  arrival sequence.    If  *KEYED  is
                 specified,  a   random  access  occurs  via  a  single
                 character blank  key.   If  no  record is  found,  the
                 MSGID from  the system  is blanked  (i.e.  the  CHKDBF
                 command will complete normally).

   RTNLIB        An  optional  return variable  for  the library  where
                 the  file  was  found.   This  information  may  be of
                 value if  *LIBL was  used for  the library  qualifier.
                 This must be a 10 byte character field.

   RTNMBR        An  optional return  variable  for the  member of  the
                 file  that was  opened.   This  information may  be of
                 value if  *FIRST  was  used  for  the  MBR  parameter.
                 This must be a 10 byte character field.

   SRCFILE       An optional  return variable  of a one  byte character
                 field containing  Y if the file is  a source file or N
                 if it is a data file.

   FILETYPE      An optional return  variable of a  one byte  character
                 field containing  P for a  physical file  and L for  a

   NBRRCDS       An optional  return variable of the  number of records
                 in  the file.   This  must be  specified as  a decimal
                 field with  11 digits  and 0  decimals.   If the  file
                 cannot  be opened  successfully  (e.g.   it  is not  a
                 data base file), this field will contain zeros.

   RCDLEN        An  optional return variable  of the  record length of
                 the file.  This must  be specified as a decimal  field
                 with 5 digits  and 0 decimals.  If the  file cannot be
                 opened  successfully  (e.g.   it  is not  a  data base
                 file), this field will contain zeros.

   NBRPHYS       An optional  return variable  of the  number of  based
                 on physical  members.   This  must be  specified as  a
                 decimal  field with 5  digits and  0 decimals.   If it
                 is a physical file, this field will always be 1.

   ODP           An  optional  return variable  of  the ODP  (Open Data
                 Path) type.    This  must be  specified  as a  2  byte
                 character field.   The codes are DB =  Data Base, DS =
                 Device  file  (if the  file can  be  opened) and  SP =

   ACCESS        An optional return variable  of the file access  type.
                 This must  be specified as  a 2 byte  character field.
                 The codes  are KU = Keyed unique,  KF = Keyed FIFO, KL
                 = Keyed LIFO, AR = Arrival.

   DUPKEYS       An  optional  return   variable  which  describes   if
                 duplicate keys  are allowed.   This must  be specified
                 as  a 1  byte  character field.    The codes  are  D =
                 Duplicates  allowed  and  U =  Duplicates  not allowed


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

        HLRMVMSG      HLL Remove message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   CHKDBF        *CMD                      TAADBFB        QATTCMD
   TAADBFBC      *PGM          CLP         TAADBFBC       QATTCL
   TAADBFBR      *PGM          RPG         TAADBFBR       QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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