TAA Tools

The Change Source  Date command allows you  to change a range  of dates
that  are  specified within  the  source  to a  consistent  date.   The
intent  of the command is to allow  source changes which have been made
over a series of  days to appear as if  all have been made on  the same
date.  This can assist in documentation.

A typical command would be entered as:

                           FROMDATE(050215) TODATE(050219)

This  changes all of  the source  statements that  have a  date between
the FROMDATE and TODATE values to the NEWDATE value.

You  may also change the source dates  based on the sequence numbers in
the source such as:

                           FROMSEQ(000500) TOSEQ(000700)

This would change the dates of  any statements in the range of  0005.00
and 0007.00 found in the source.

You cannot  use both  the FROMDATE/TODATE and  FROMSEQ/TOSEQ parameters
on the  same use of the command.  Only one  of the sets may be used per

If no statements exist  to be changed, an  escape message (TAA9894)  is

Source files up to a length of 256 bytes may be used.

Because  the dates  in the  source  statement are  6  bytes in  length,
there  is a restriction  that the  FROMDATE and  TODATE must be  in the
same century.

An option exists to reset all dates to 000000.

An  option exists to process  all or generic members  in a source file.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   SRCFILE       The qualified  file  name of  the  source file.    The
                 library value defaults to *LIBL.

   SRCMBR        The source  member to be changed.   A specific member,
                 a  generic  member, or  *ALL  may be  specified.   You
                 must have *ALL authority to  the file to specify  *ALL
                 or a generic member.

   NEWDATE       The new date  to be assigned.  The  format YYMMDD must
                 be  used.  If  a date is  entered, it must  be a valid
                 date or 000000.

                 *RESET may  also  be  specified  to  change  dates  to
                 000000.  *RESET  may be used when  FROMDATE/TODATE and
                 FROMSEQ/TOSEQ  are  *NONE (changes  all  source dates)
                 or  when a  specific FROMDATE/TODATE  or FROMSEQ/TOSEQ
                 are used.

   FROMDATE      The 'from  date' to  compare for.   The  date must  be
                 equal to  or less  than to TODATE.   The  same century
                 must be used.  The format YYMMDD must be used.

                 If  the from date  to be changed is  000000 or blanks,
                 enter 000000.

   TODATE        The 'to  date'  to compare  for.    The date  must  be
                 equal The  date must be equal  to or greater  than the
                 FROMDATE.  The format YYMMDD must be used.

                 If  the to  date to  be changed  is 000000  or blanks,
                 enter 000000.

   FROMSEQ       The 'from  sequence  number'  to  compare  for.    The
                 sequence number  must  be equal  to or  less than  the
                 TOSEQ value.   When SEU displays a  sequence number it
                 appears  with a  decimal point  such as  0005.00.  The
                 value should be  entered without the decimal  point or

   TOSEQ         The  'to  sequence  number'   to  compare  for.    The
                 sequence  number must be equal to  or greater than the
                 FROMSEQ value.


  **   Valid dates must be used.

  **   Only a source file may be changed.

  **   Because the  dates  in  the  source statement  are  6  bytes  in
       length, the FROMDATE and TODATE must be in the same century.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

          CHKOBJ3       Check object 3
          CVTMBRLST     Convert member list
          EDTVAR        Edit variable
          RTVDBFA       Retrieve data base file attributes
          SNDCOMPMSG    Send completion message
          SNDDIAGMSG    Send diagnostic message
          SNDESCMSG     Send escape message
          SNDSTSMSG     Send status message


None, the tool is ready to user.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type        Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----        ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHGSRCDAT     *CMD                       TAASRCX       QATTCMD
   TAASRCXC      *PGM           CLP         TAASRCXC      QATTCL
   TAASRCXC2     *PGM           CLP         TAASRCXC2     QATTCL
   TAASRCXR      *PGM           RPG         TAASRCXR      QATTRPG

TAASRCXC2 is called by TAASRCXC to process generic or all members.

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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