TAA Tools

The  Change  Product  Library  command  changes  one  or  both  of  the
libraries in the Product Library positions of the library list.

A typical command  to ensure that LIB1 is on  the library list for most
typical functions would be:


Note  that the same library  is placed in both  positions.  It does not
have to be the same  library, but this is the recommended  solution for
adding a single  library to the Product Library  portion of the library
list.  See the later explanation for why this is recommended.

You  must be authorized to the TAAPRDLIB  authorization list to use the
command.   The Security  Officer  can make  the command  available  for
public  use  by  authorizing  the  *PUBLIC   profile  to  *USE  of  the
authorization list.

There  is  a  separate  TAA Tool  RTVPRDLIB  which  will  allow you  to
retrieve the current  values.   Good programming practice  would be  to
retrieve the current values  and then reset them when  your function is
complete.  See the example, with the RTVPRDLIB Tool documentation.

CHGPRDLIB  uses the QLICHGLL  API to replace  the current values.   The
other parts of the library list remain unchanged.

How the system handles the Product Libraries

The library list is made up of several portions:

           - System portion
           - Product library portion
           - Current library
           - User portion

The  Product  library  portion  allows  for  two  libraries.    From  a
discussion  viewpoint,  they are  known  as  the  first  (PRDLIB1)  and
second (PRDLIB2) Product libraries.

When  a command  is  run that  has  specified the  PRDLIB parameter  on
CRT/CHGCMD,   the   system  saves   the  first   product   library  and
substitutes the library specified for  the PRDLIB parameter.  When  the
command  completes, the  system swaps  back  the saved  library.   Note
that  the 'swap'  is done  by the system  and not  by the  CPP (Command
Processing Program).

The system  commands are  designed not  to change  the Product  Library
positions (The  author  is not  aware of  any system  commands that  do
so).  A command such as DSPJOBD specifies PRDLIB(*NOCHG).

Products  like RPG  use the  Product Library  positions.   For example,
CRTRPGPGM  specifies  PRDLIB(QRPG).    When  the  command  is  run, the
system saves  the  first product  library and  replaces  it with  QRPG.
When CRTRPGPGM completes, the saved value is returned.

The  CHGPRDLIB  command  is  specified  as  PRDLIB(*NOCHG).    It  also
specifies that the processing program is in TAATOOL.

All  other  TAATOOL  commands  are  all  specified  as PRDLIB(TAATOOL).
This allows a separate library of  just the TAA Tool commands to  exist
on the library list and the CPPs to be in a separate library.

SEU is  a special case  (The only  one the author  is aware of).   When
STRSEU  is run, the  PRDLIB1 value becomes  QPDA.  If  a syntax checker
is needed for a source type of  CLP, the syntax checker is in QSYS  and
no change occurs  to PRDLIB2.  If  a Product syntax checker  is needed,
the  Product  library  is  swapped  into  the PRDLIB2  position.    For
example,  if you  request a  source type of  RPG, QRPG  is swapped into
the PRDLIB2 position after the file is found.

Because of  this technique,  the following would  occur if  you have  a
source file  in a  library that you  want to use  as a  Product Library
with SEU (the STRSEU command).

  **   If  you  have  only  replaced  PRDLIB1  with  your library,  the
       system  swaps   out   the   PRDLIB1   value   and   uses   QPDA.
       Consequently,  your  file  could  not  be  found  by  using  the
       library list.

  **   If  you  have replaced  PRDLIB2  with your  library,  the system
       swaps the first  Product Library  with QPDA, but  SEU can  still
       find your file because  the library is in the  PRDLIB2 position.
       When  SEU needs  a specific  syntax checker  like RPG,  it swaps
       the  QRPG library into  PRDLIB2.  Because  SEU has already found
       your file,  the system  performs as you  would want  it to  even
       though the  library with your file  is no longer  on the library

       The  only unnatural function you will see,  is if you attempt to
       use the SEU  command entry  function (F21) to  access an  object
       in your  Product Library by  using the  library list.   It would
       not be found.  You would have to library qualify the object.

Just  before SEU ends,  SEU swaps back  the PRDLIB2 saved  value.  When
SEU does end, the system swaps back the saved PRDLIB1 value.

The PDM menu operates in a similar manner.

Menu object  types  have a  similar  capability as  command  definition
objects.   CRTMNU  supports  the  PRDLIB  parameter which  works  in  a
manner similar to commands.

The system  does not have special  areas for each Product  Library.  It
only has a list.  Consequently if you specify:


the  system will move  LIBA to the  top of the  Product Library portion
of the library list.

Or if there was no PRDLIB1 library and you specified:


the  system  will  moves LIBA  to  the  top  of  the  list  (the  first

If  you  use RTVPRDLIB,  you  will receive  the  first  library in  the
PRDLIB1  return parameter.   In  either of  the previous  two examples,
you  would  receive  PRDLIB1  even  though  you  had  specified  it  as

If you specify:


because the system  places LIBA at the  top of the list,  the result of
both  commands would  be  to have  both LIBA  and LIBB  as  the Product

The recommended solution for  placing a single  library in the  Product
Library list is:


Because  the  CHGPRDLIB   specifies  PRDLIB(*NOCHG),  TAATOOL   is  not
swapped   in.     However,   other   TAA  Tool   commands   do  specify

Specifying  the  same library  in  both positions  ensures  that normal
system and  Product functions  will retain  at  least one  of the  LIBA
values on the list.

Unless  you  are  already  using  the  QLICHGLL API  (or  one  of  your
products  is),  the CHGPRDLIB  command can  offer  a good  solution for
retaining a standard library on your library list.

For example,  if you  default to  place the  TAA Tool  commands in  the
TAATOOL  library,  you  can  place TAATOOL  into  the  Product  Library
portion.   Or if you place the TAA Tool  commands in a separate library
(e.g.    TAACMD),  you  can  place  TAACMD  into  the  Product  Library

RPLLIBL or CHGLIBL  do not impact the  two Product Libraries.   If your
applications use  RPLLIBL to change  the library list and  do not reset
it, retaining a library on the library list can be difficult.

There  are no  significant restrictions  relative to  using the Product
libraries (the library name must be valid).

It is not an error to do one of the following:

  **   Use a  library that  is  already on  the system  portion of  the
       library list.

  **   Use  a  library that  is  already on  the  user  portion of  the
       library list.

  **   Use a library that is also the current library.

  **   Use  the same  library name  that already exists  in one  of the
       other Product library positions.

  **   Use the  same library in  both PRDLIB1  and PRDLIB2.   In  fact,
       this is the recommended solution.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   PRDLIB1       The  library to  be placed  into  the Product  Library
                 nbr 1 position of the library list.

                 The  special value *NONE  may be used  to specify that
                 no  library   should  exist.     Note   the   previous
                 discussion  about  what  occurs  to   the  library  in
                 PRDLIB2  on  this command  or  already  exists as  the
                 second product library.

                 The  special value *SAME  may be used  to specify that
                 no change occur.

   PRDLIB2       The library  to  be placed  into the  Product  Library
                 nbr  2  position  of  the  library  list.    Note  the
                 previous    discussion    about   what    happens   if
                 PRDLIB1(*NONE) is  specified or  there is  no  library
                 that exists for the first product library.

                 The special  value *NONE may  be used to  specify that
                 no library should exist.

                 The  special value *SAME  may be used  to specify that
                 no change occur.


Note the  previous discussion  of how  the system  handles the  Product
portion of the library list.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

      RTVPRDLIB     Retrieve product library
      SNDCOMPMSG    Send completion message.


The tool  is  ready to  use, but  the user  must be  authorized to  the
TAAPRDLIB  authorization  list.    The  Security Officer  can  set  the
public  authority to *USE if  you are willing to allow  any user to run

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHGPRDLIB     *CMD                   TAALIBN       QATTCMD
   TAALIBNC      *PGM       CLP         TAALIBNC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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