TAA Tools

The Change Initial Menu  command checks or changes the  initial menu in
one,  generic, all  user profiles, or  in the  profiles belonging  to a
group  profile.    System  profiles are  never  changed.    An existing
initial menu  may be  named to ensure  that only  specific changes  are
made.  The  current initial menu value may be  a specific initial menu,

You  must  have both  *ALLOBJ and  *SECADM  special authorities  to use

A typical command would be:


By default, no  changes would occur.   A listing  would be produced  of
all ABC profiles.   Those profiles that  specified MNU1 in LIB1  as the
initial  menu would be  flagged as  'would be changed'  if ACTION(*YES)
had been specified.  Using  ACTION(*CHANGE) would change the  profiles.

Another typical example would be:


All profiles  that are  members of  the GROUP9 group  profile would  be
checked.   By default,  no changes  would occur.   All profiles  in the
group  would be flagged as 'would  be changed' if ACTION(*YES) had been

CHGINLMNU escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9893    No profiles were found to be considered

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   USRPRF        The user  profile name to  be checked  or changed.   A
                 specific name,  a generic  name, or the  special value
                 *ALLUSR  may be entered.  Either  USRPRF or GRPPRF may
                 be entered, but not both.

   GRPPRF        The group profile name to  be used to check or  change
                 the members  of the  group.   Either USRPRF or  GRPPRF
                 may be entered, but not both.

   CURINLMNU     The  current initial menu.   A value  must be entered.

                 *ANY may  be used  meaning any  existing initial  menu
                 or if the initial menu is specified as *SIGNOFF.

                 *SIGNOFF may  be used  to mean  any user profile  that
                 has an initial menu of *SIGNOFF.

                 A  specific initial menu  and library may  be entered.

   NEWINLMNU     The new initial menu.  A value must be entered.

                 *SIGNOFF  may be  used to  mean that  the initial menu
                 should be set to *SIGNOFF.

                 A specific  menu  and  library  may be  entered.    If
                 entered, the menu must exist.

   ACTION        The  action  to  be  taken.   The  default  is  *CHECK
                 meaning   that  no  changes  occur.     A  listing  is
                 produced  on  the  basis   of  what  would  occur   if
                 ACTION(*CHANGE) had been specified.

                 *CHANGE may  be entered  to change any  profiles based
                 on the criteria specified.


You  must have  both  *ALLOBJ and  *SECADM special  authorities  to use


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKGENERC       Check generic
     CHKGENOBJ       Check generic object
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CVTGRPPRF       Convert group profiles
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTVIBMPRF       Retrieve IBM profiles
     RTVPWDSTS       Retrieve password status
     RTVSPCAUT       Retrieve special authority
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHGINLMNU     *CMD                   TAASEGC       QATTCMD
   TAASEGCC      *PGM       CLP         TAASEGCC      QATTCL
   TAASEGCR      *PGM       RPG         TAASEGCR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools October 15, 2003

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