TAA Tools
ADDDTAARA       ADD DATA AREA                          TAAARAB

The Add  Data Area command allows  you to add  a number to  an existing
data area.  You receive the new value back to your program.

A typical command would be:


The  default adds  one to the  data area.   The  value returned  is the
value  before  the  addition takes  place.    An option  allows  you to
control whether  the  data  area should  be  locked before  making  the
addition.   For example,  if multiple users  will be updating  the same
data area, it should be locked before making a change.

The  data area must  be created  as *DEC LEN(9  0).   Because the value
returned  is  the  value  before  addition  takes  place,  you   should
initialize the data area with the number you want to start on.

TAA9891  will be  sent as  an escape  message if  the new  value to  be
placed in the data area exceeds 999,999,999.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   DTAARA        The  qualified name  of the data  area to  be updated.
                 The data area must be created  as *DEC LEN(9 0).   The
                 library defaults to *LIBL.

   RTNAMT        This is  the value  before the  addition takes  place.
                 It  must  be  declared   as  *DEC  LEN(9  0)  in  your

   ADDAMT        The amount to be added.  The default is 1.

   ALLOCATE      A  *YES/*NO value for whether  the data area should be
                 allocated before  the  addition occurs.   The  default
                 is *NO.   Deallocation occurs after the  addition.  If
                 multiple   users  can  update  the   same  data  area,
                 specify *YES.

   WAIT          The wait  time if  ALLOCATE(*YES) is  specified.   The
                 default is 30.


Because the  command returns a variable,  the command can only  be used
in a CL program.




None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type        Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----        ---------      ----------    ----------

   ADDDTAARA     *CMD                       TAAARAB       QATTCMD
   TAAARABC      *PGM           CLP         TAAARABC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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