TAA Tools
SPLARC          SPOOL ARCHIVE                          TAASPMG

The  Spool Archive  tool  provides  a  series of  commands  to  convert
spooled  files into data  base file  members, track the  spooled files,
and  provide a  re-print capability.   This provides  a complete system
for backing up  spooled data.   No restrictions  exist relative to  the
type of data in  the spooled file or the size of  the spooled files.  A
single  system can be used to backup  spooled files from other systems.

Spooled files  are  converted  to  data  base files  by  the  sub  tool
CVTFRMSPLF.   Each  spooled file  is converted  to a  unique data  base

Each Output queue to be converted must be specified for:

  **   How long the spooled file should be kept online.

  **   How long the spooled file should be tracked off line.

  **   How  long  the  data  base  file  that  contains  the  converted
       spooled files should be kept online.

To re-print  a  spooled  file,  the user  must  be  authorized  to  the
TAACVTSPLF authorization list.

To re-print  the spooled  file, the  data base  file must  be on  line.
The tool  provides assistance to determine which  file must be restored
if it is no longer online.

Getting started

For  the simplest  solution, a  unique library  should be used  for all
Spool Archive functions.   Any name  may be used.   The name  SPLBACKUP
will be used  in all of the  examples.  Assume you create  a library by
the name of SPLBACKUP.

You  create  the  required  files  for  the  tool  with  the  CRTSPLARC
command.  A user with *ALLOBJ authority is required.


This will create two physical files:

              SPLARCMST  - One record per output queue
              SPLARCAUD  - One record per spooled file

Several logical files are also created.

You then determine  which output queues  will be managed  by the  Spool
Archive.   Use  the command  WRKSPLARCD to  enter one  record for  each
output queue.


A  subfile will be  displayed and  F6 may be  used to add  new records.
For each  output queue,  you  must provide  a  unique 2  character  ID.
This output queue  ID will be used in  the name of any data  base files
created to hold converted spooled output.

The first character  of the ID must be A-Z.   The second character must
be A-Z, or 0-9.  A total number of 936 output queues may be named.

All other attributes have defaults:

There are three retention periods:

             - Number of days the actual spooled file should exist
             - Number of days a copy of the spooled file should
                 be kept online
             - Number of days a copy of the spooled file should
                 be tracked offline (must restore to be usable)

Depending  on  when you  run  STRSPLARC impacts  the  retention period.
For example,  assume you  want to retain  the spooled  file online  for
the day  the spooled  file was written  and the next  day.   This would
allow  users to  display the  actual spooled  file using  normal system
function.   If  you  run  STRSPLARC  at the  end  of  the  day  (before
midnight), specify a 1  day retention.  If you  run after midnight, but
before  the  users  begin  operations for  the  day,  specify  a 2  day

   Audit         A  *YES/*NO  value  for  whether  to  write  an  audit
                 record for  the spooled  file.   The default is  *YES.
                 Auditing  is  required  if  you  intend  to  save  the
                 spooled  file.  *NO may be  used if you only intend to
                 use the spooled file delete function.

   Save          A  *YES/*NO value  for  whether  to save  the  spooled
                 file.   The default is *YES.   *NO may be  used if you
                 only  intend to use  the spooled  file delete function
                 or just have  an audit  record that  the spooled  file

   Splf Online   The number  of days  to keep  the spooled file  online
                 from date  it was converted.  The  default is 1.  When
                 the number  is  reached,  the  spooled  file  will  be
                 deleted.   The number 0  may be  specified to allow  a
                 spooled  file  created   on  a  specific  day,  to  be
                 converted,  and  deleted all  in  the same  day.   The
                 value  is  not  tested  until  the  spooled   file  is

                 The 'number  of days'  is subtracted from  the current
                 date  and a retention date found.   The test to delete
                 the spooled file occurs if  the retention date is  *GE
                 the  open  date.     If  you  run   STRSPLARC  at  the
                 beginning of  the day, you may delete  too early.  For
                 example, if  you  want to  keep  the spooled  file  on
                 line for  the day  it was  written and  the next  day,
                 and  you run STRSPLARC  at the  beginning of  the day,
                 specify 2.

   Splf Offline  The  number  of days  to  track the  spooled  file off
                 line from the date  it was converted.  The  default is
                 180  days.   The  number  of  days  should match  your
                 retention   date.    When  the   retention  period  is
                 reached, the  audit record  for  the spooled  file  is

   DB Online     The number of  days to keep the data  base file online
                 (from  the  date it  was  created)  that contains  the
                 converted spooled  files.    The default  is  3  days.
                 This allows  for some  number of  spooled files to  be
                 kept   online   to  assist   in   re-printing  without
                 performing  a restore from  off line media.   When the
                 retention  period  has  been  reached,  the   file  is
                 deleted.   The  file will  not  be deleted  if it  has
                 never been saved.

   Sys name      The  name of the  system.  The default  is the current
                 system for the  first record.   If subsequent  records
                 are  added, the  previous  system name  is  used as  a
                 default.   This field should  be modified for multiple
                 system support.  See the later discussion.

Converting spooled files

The STRSPLARC command  must be  used to  convert the  spooled files  to
data base  files.  The  user of the  command must have  *JOBCTL special
authority.   The sub  tool CVTFRMSPLF is  used to make  the conversion.
A separate file will be created for each output queue.

The name of the data base file will be:


where     XX       =  The two character output queue ID
          cyymmdd  =  The current date in CYMD format
          N        =  A consecutive letter from A-Z

The  consecutive A-Z letter allows the use  of STRSPLARC up to 26 times
per day per output queue.

STRSPLARC may be  used on a  single output queue  or all output  queues
in the SPLARCMST file.  A typical command would be:


This  would  cause  each output  queue  in  the  SPLARCMST file  to  be
checked.    If  a  spooled  file  exists  that  has  not  already  been
converted, the  spooled file would  be converted  to a  data base  file
with the XXcyymmddN name.

A separate member  is created for each spooled file  that is converted.
The  member  names used  are  MBRnnnnn where  nnnnnn  is  a consecutive
number beginning with  00001 for each  file.  The  text description  of
the member contains the spooled file name, qualified job name, etc.

The spooled  file  heading information  and some  of  the spooled  file
attributes (such  as Form type and Total pages)  are placed in a record
in the audit file (SPLARCAUD).

Three  spooled  files are  output by  the STRSPLARC  command.   See the
SUMMARY parameter for  an option to delete  these spooled files at  the
end of the command.

   SPLARC        This contains  one page per Output Queue  and one line
                 per  existing spooled file.   An indication of whether
                 the spooled  file  was  converted  and/or  deleted  is

   SPLARCAUD     This spooled file  is only output if  CLEANUP(*YES) is
                 specified.   The  listing contains  one line  for each
                 output queue  being controlled  and an  indication  of
                 how  many audit  records  were  deleted due  to  being
                 past the retention date.

   SPLARCCLN     This spooled  file is only output  if CLEANUP(*YES) is
                 specified.    The listing  contains  one line  for any
                 data  base file  in  the  library.   Data  base  files
                 containing spooled  files are  noted and  whether they
                 are deleted or not.

Re-printing a spooled file

Re-printing  the   converted  spooled  file  data  is  done  using  the
RTVSPLARC command.   This requires that the  data base file  containing
the converted data be online.

You  may issue  the  RTVSPLARC command  directly,  but  the normal  use
would  be to use  an option provided  by the WRKSPLARC  display or with
the PRTSPLARC command.

Working with the Spool Archive spooled files

The WRKSPLARC command  allows you to  display the audit  records.   You
must  be  authorized  to  the  TAACVTSPLF  authorization  list  to  use
WRKSPLARC.   Use EDTAUTL and  grant *USE authority.   A typical command
would be:


A  subfile appears that allows you  to determine what spooled files are
being tracked.    You may  display the  heading  information about  the
spooled file  using option  8.   You may print  the spooled  file using
option 6.

When  printing is requested, the audit  record contains the information
about  which data  base  file  and  member  was  used  to  contain  the
converted  spooled file.    If  the file  and  member  are online,  the
RTVSPLARC prompt  appears to allow you to  print the spooled file data.
A different  output  queue may  be  assigned.   The  current  user  may
optionally become the owner of the new spooled file.

Option 5  allows you  to display  the spooled  file.   This causes  the
data  to be  converted  to  a spooled  file.   A  prompt  follows which
allows  you  to  retain  or  delete  the  spooled  file  that  was just

If  the data  base  file  or member  is  not  online, a  RSTOBJ  prompt
appears  with the  detail  information filled  in.   If  you mount  the
correct  media  and  press  Enter,  the  restore  occurs.    After  the
restore,  the  RTVSPLARC   prompt  optionally   appears  as   described

The  subfile display  allows  the  F9 key  to  be  used to  change  the
sequence  of  the data  that  appears.   The  default  is  *DATE.   The
following describes the key fields used for each type:

      *DATE    System, date, time
      *SPLF    System, spooled file, date, time
      *USER    System, user, date, time

      *JOB     System, job, date, time
      *OUTQ    System, output queue, date, time (no OUTQ library)

The intent of the  various sequences is to  provide you with  different
alternatives to access a specific spooled file.

WRKSPLARC  also  supports  selection  criteria  as  parameters  on  the
command  so that  you can  request only  records  that match  an output
queue, user data, a range of dates, etc.


The   PRTSPLARC  command  provides  a  command  interface  to  re-print
spooled files.  The same  selection criteria exists as on  WRKSPLARC so
you can print one, some, or all the spooled files.

A  typical command  to reprint  all spooled  files for  a  specific job
would be:

             PRTSPLARC     JOB(xxx) USER(yyy) JOBNBR(nnnnnn)

All  spooled files for the job would  be re-printed regardless of which
output queue they were in.

Converting the last or all spooled files for a job

In some environments, the  last spooled file  or all spooled files  for
a job  may need to be  converted to a spool  archive.  If the  user may
delete  an important spooled file  accidentally or on  purpose, you may
want to  capture the  spooled file  before  the user  has a  chance  to
delete it.

There is a limit of  26 times per day that STRSPLARC may be  used for a
specific  output queue.   Therefore,  the  STRSPLARC command  cannot be
used effectively if many jobs need to capture a spooled file.

A  solution is  to duplicate  a spooled file  or all  spooled files for
the job to another  collecting output queue which will be  converted at
the end  of the  day with  STRSPLARC.  The  TAA DUPSPLF  command allows
the  duplication of a spooled file to  a different output queue and the
owner name may be changed using the OWNER parameter.

If you  already  know  the  spooled  file name,  DUPSPLF  may  be  used
directly.    If you  do  not  know  the  spooled file  number,  specify

If you  do not know the name of the  last spooled file, the TAA command
RTVSPLFID2 will return the name and number of the spooled file.

Deleting an OUTQ and unwanted audit records

In some cases you  may archive the spooled  files from an output  queue
and then decide that it is no longer necessary.

Two solutions exist:

  **   If you  want to prevent  archiving any  more spooled files  from
       the  output queue,  but still want  to be  able to  re-print the
       spooled  files  that were  archived,  use WRKSPLARCD  and delete
       the output queue record.

  **   If you  want to prevent  archiving any  more spooled files  from
       the  output  queue  and  no  longer need  the  archived  spooled
       files,  use the DLTSPLARCA command.   This will delete the audit
       records  from  SPLARCAUD  and  the  output  queue   record  from
       SPLARCMST.  The  archived spool information will  still exist in
       your backup, but will no longer be accessible.

If any  remaining data base files exist for  the output queue they must
be deleted manually or  you can let the  STRSPLARC command delete  them
when the retention date is past.

Moving an Output Queue to a different spool archive

In some cases you may  want to have multiple spool archives.   This may
be  due to your  control requirements or  because a single  archive may
be too large.

Depending  on how long  you want to  keep spooled files  online in data
base files (as  described on a WRKSPLARCD  value) and how many  spooled
files you  are archiving,  you may reach  a system limit  regarding how
many locks  are required for a save of a  library.  If this occurs, you
either want  to reduce  the number  of days  you are  keeping the  data
base files on line or consider adding an additional archive.

Multiple spool  archives may  be created, but  each spool  archive must
be  in a  unique  library.   You must  manage which  output  queues are
assigned to each spool  archive using WRKSPLARCD.   It is not an  error
to have  the same output  queue assigned to  multiple archives, but  it
will cause additional overhead and space requirements.

When  CRTSPLARC  is used,  you  identify the  library  where the  spool
archive  will exist.  Each  spool archive includes a  set of files such
as SPLARCMST  and SPLARCAUD.   Use  WRKSPLARCD for  each spool  archive
library and name the output queues to be converted for the library.

In some  cases, you  may have already  established a spool  archive and
want  to move one or  more output queues to  a different spool archive.
If you  have  already archived  some  spooled  files, you  cannot  move
these to  a different spool  archive.  What you  can do is  establish a
'cut off'  point where an output queue will  be archived to a different
spool archive.   The  previously archived  spooled files  may still  be
retrieved from the original library using WRKSPLARC.

Do the following at the 'cut off' point:

  **   Use CRTSPLARC  and create  a new  spool archive  in a  different

  **   Use  WRKSPLARCD for the  new library  and enter records  for the
       required output queues.

  **   Use  WRKSPLARCD for the  original library and  delete the output
       queue records that are  no longer to be used for  that library's
       spool archive.

       If  you  want  to   ease  the  transition,  you  could  consider
       archiving  the same spooled files to  two different archives for
       a few  weeks.  As  most 're-print'  requests will  occur in  the
       first few  weeks after the spooled  file is created,  this would
       allow the  use of the same 're-print'  technique.  A second 'cut
       off' point  could  then be  established  where the  new  archive
       would be  used  by deleting  the output  queue  record from  the
       original  archive.     After  the  second  'cut  off',  re-print
       requests  for  spooled files  that are  not  in the  new archive
       would have to  handled with a different  technique.  If you  are
       deleting the  spooled files after conversion, you  need to cause
       the  delete only when  the spooled files have  been converted to
       the second archive.

  **   Use STRSPLARC for  the new library in  addition to the  original

  **   If you  need to access  a spooled  file that was  archived prior
       to the 'cut off', use WRKSPLARC for the original library.

Using the SPLARC tool when converting to a new system

The  Spool  Archive tool  can  be helpful  when  you want  to  move all
existing spooled files to a new system.   To achieve this, you can  set
up a unique  spool archive (in a  separate library) or use  an existing

  **   All  output queues that  you want  to convert must  be specified
       using  WRKSPLARCD.    If  you plan  to  re-print  only requested
       spooled files  once you have  converted, consider retaining  the
       spooled  files on  line by  specifying a  longer period  of time
       than the 3 day default for 'Days to keep DB online'.

  **   When  STRSPLARC is  used,  all spooled  files in  the identified
       output queues will be placed in the archive.

  **   Save and restore the library  with the Spool Archive to the  new
       system.    This  can  be  part   of  a  full  save  and  restore

  **   Use  the WRKSPLARC command  to re-print the  spooled files based
       on specific requests.

  **   Use the PRTSPLARC command to  re-print all spooled files from  a
       specific output queue, all for a specific user, etc.


The user  who uses  CRTSPLARC becomes  the owner of  the Spool  Archive
files.  The *PUBLIC user is set to *EXCLUDE.

To  allow other users  to use the  same Spool  Archive you must  do the

  **   Authorize  them  to  the  SPLARCMST  file.    *USE  authority is
       required for  most  typical  functions.   *CHANGE  authority  is
       required to use WRKSPLARCD.

  **   Authorize them  to *CHANGE authority to the  the SPLARCAUD file.

  **   Authorize  any  user  who will  re-print  spooled  files  to the
       TAACVTSPLF authorization  list.    Use EDTAUTL  and  grant  *USE
       authority.  If  the file is not  on line, the user  must also be
       authorized to RSTOBJ to restore the file.

The  user who runs  STRSPLARC becomes the  owner of the  data base file
that is created to hold any converted spooled files.

To use  STRSPLARC to  convert  spooled files,  requires the  user  have
*JOBCTL  special authority  and  be  authorized  to the  output  queues
described and the spooled files.

If you  have private output queues or output  queues that are described
as   OPRCTL(*NO),  you  may  need  a  user  with  *ALLOBJ  and  *ALLSPL
authority to convert the spooled files.

A user  must be  authorized  for *USE  authority to  TAACVTSPLF to  use

Spool Archive Cleanup Functions

Each time  an output queue is  specified on STRSPLARC (or  processed by
a request for *ALL output queues):

  **   Any new spooled files are converted.

  **   Any  spooled  files that  have  reached the  retention  date are

If  the  default  of  CLEANUP(*YES)  is  specified  on  the   STRSPLARC

  **   Any data base  files that are online  containing converted spool
       data are  checked to see if they have been  saved.  If they have
       been saved  and if  the audit  record does  not already  contain
       save  information, the  audit  record  is  updated.   Thus  each
       audit record has a link to where the backup exists.

  **   Any converted  data base files that are  online and have reached
       the  retention date are deleted.  A  file is never deleted if it
       has not been saved.

  **   Any audit  records  that are  past the  retention  period to  be
       tracked are deleted.

Backup and Control of the Spool Archive Information

It is your responsibility to backup the library which contains:

  **   The Spool Archive control files.

  **   The data base files containing the converted spooled file data

A  daily save is  recommended.   Typically, the  save would  follow the
running of the last STRSPLARC use of the day.

The  physical  file  SPLARCAUD should  be  periodically  reorganized to
clean  out deleted  records.    The  SPLARCMST  file  should  have  few
deleted records.

For normal  use, it should  not be a  requirement to perform  any other
actions  to objects within the  library other than  the supported Spool
Archive commands.

You  should  control  deletion  of  files  and  records  by  using  the
retention period options with WRKSPLARCD.

If you restore  a file to allow  re-printing, the file will  be deleted
by the next cleanup activity.

If  you restore a  file to  allow re-printing  that is no  longer being
tracked  (older  than the  spooled  file offline  retention  date), you
must manually print the file (using CVTTOSPLF.

When STRSPLARC runs  with CLEANUP(*YES), it  will identify any  unknown
files  that exist  in the  library.   You should  check the  listing to
help keep the library clean.

Multiple saves of the converted data base files

The  default for the  converted data base  file is to  retain it online
for 3 days.  The file will not be deleted until it is saved.

The first time  STRSPLARC is  run with CLEANUP(*YES)  following a  save
of  a data  base  file,  the audit  record  is  updated with  the  save
information.   This is the  information that will appear  on the prompt
for the RSTOBJ  command if  re-printing is  requested and  the file  is
not online.

If you save  the file again the  next day, the save information  is not

The intent is  that you will keep the first  backup tape for the period
of your retention cycle.

It  is not a  requirement, that the  first backup tape  be used for the
restore.  You  can mount any  media containing a  saved version of  the
file and then re-print.

It  is not necessary  that the  restore occur  from the  RSTOBJ prompt.
You can perform your own restore independently.

The  only  requirement for  re-printing  is  that the  file  and member
containing the spooled file be online.

An alternative  solution  to  allowing the  CLEANUP(*YES)  function  to
delete the converted  data base files would  be to have a  user program
delete the  files after a full  backup of the system  (such as a weekly
backup).   Your program  can determine  a SPLARC  control file  by  the
fact that the  first 6 characters of the  name begin with SPLARC.   All
other  files  should  be   converted  spooled  files  with  a  name  of

Using  this technique,  you would  backup the  SPLBACKUP library daily,
but  would only  have  to  retain  the  weekly backup  tapes  for  your
retention  period.   You would  have to  perform your  own  restore (or
change  the values on  the RSTOBJ prompt)  of your  weekly backup media
for the week containing  the data base file  (the CYMD date within  the
file name will assist you).

If you  use this  alternative approach,  you will  want to specify  the
number  of days to retain  the data base  file online as at  least 7 or
more days.    This will  allow  the normal  CLEANUP(*YES)  function  to
occur without deleting any data base files.

System handling of spooled files

When a spooled  file is created, the  default is to delete  the spooled
file after  it is printed by a  writer.  If the file  is specified with
SAVE(*YES), the spooled file is not deleted after it is printed.

Thus  if you  are going  to use  the Spool  Archive function,  you must
ensure that the  spooled file still  exists when the STRSPLARC  command
is used.

The system does  not support the backup of spooled  files.  CPYSPLF may
be  used to  convert a  spooled file  to a data  base file  member, but
restrictions exist such as:

        - Special printer graphics cannot be converted
        - Spooled file attributes such as CPI are lost

Re-printing of the data can occur with CPYF.

Multiple Spool Archives

You may have multiple spool archives  on a single system, but only  one
per library.

If  you have  multiple  archives  with the  same  Output  Queue IDs  in
different archives,  you will need to manage  the offline media by both
file name and library as just the file name will not be unique.

Spooled file conversion

Spooled files are converted using the  CVTFRMSPLF TAA Tool.  This  uses
the system APIs to convert from and to spooled files.

The  system APIs  have  no  restrictions  such as  exist  with  CPYSPLF
regarding  what  data can  be  captured.   Any  data including  special
printer graphics may be converted and re-printed.

All  of the spooled file  attributes are also captured  and used if the
spooled file data is printed.  There is no loss of any attributes.

Converting spooled  files  is a  CPU intensive  function.   You  should
schedule the major STRSPLARC function for off shift hours.

STRSPLARC  will  not convert  a  spooled  file  that has  already  been
converted  from the same output  queue.  The audit  file is checked for
a unique key based on:

            - Output queue and library
            - Qualified job name
            - Spooled file name
            - Spooled file number

Move spool file tool

The MOVSPLF tool  will allow  you to  move all spooled  files from  one
output queue  to another.   This may be  of value in  consolidating the
number of output queues that must be managed.

Multiple system support

The Spool  Archive tool is designed  to allow a central  site system to
be used to  backup spooled files  created at remote  sites or on  other
systems within  the central  site.   The same process  can be  followed
for  any   converted  spooled  files   that  have  been   converted  by
CVTFRMSPLF  or CVTFRMOUTQ.   The process for handling  is the same, but
will be described as 'remote sites'.

At each  remote  site,  either  the CVTFRMSPLF  or  CVTFRMOUTQ  command
would be  used to create a  data base file of  converted spooled files.

Each  remote site would  then transmit  (or save and  restore) the file
or files to the  central site.  A library  should be used that  differs
from the central site backup library.

There are  several approaches  for handling  spooled files  from remote
systems.  You could consider the following:

  **   Use  a unique  output  queue record  in the  SPLARCMST  file for
       each system and output queue to  be backed up.  This will  allow
       retrieval with WRKSPLARC  based on the unique system  and output
       queue names.

  **   Create a  single output queue  record in the  SPLARCMST file for
       all  remote systems to be  to be backed up.   This minimizes the
       number of output queues  to be added to the SPLARCMST  file, but
       is  more complicated  when  attempting to  re-print any  spooled
       file  because it is more difficult  to determine the originating

  **   Use an existing output queue on  the central system to act as  a
       backup  for  all  remote  systems.    This  is  similar  to  the
       previous solution.

Once you  decide on a strategy, you would  use the MRGSPLARC command to
merge in the converted spooled files.  A typical command would be:


This version of the command  would be used if  you had a unique  output
queue record  per system.   The  command uses the  defaults for  SYSTEM
and OUTQ  which is *CVTSPLP.   This means  to use the  output queue and
system  name that are within the data  found in the named CVTSPLP file.

If you had  a different output  queue to use,  a typical command  would

            MRGSPLARC     CVTSPLP(xxx) SYSTEM(yyy) OUTQ(zzz)

The command generates  the next data base file name to  be used for the
current  day for the assigned output queue  and adds records as if they
had been converted to the generated  file name.  When all members  have
been  processed, the  CVTSPLP file  is  renamed to  the generated  file
name and the file is moved to the Spool Archive library.

A  spooled  file  is output  describing  the  audit  records that  were
created and the move of the data base file.

The WRKSPLARC command would  be used to re-print  the spooled files  as

Backup of  the central site  library should be  handled normally.   The
SPLARCMST  information  about  each  remote  output queue  is  used  to
determine  when the data  base file will be  deleted (no longer online)
and when the spooled files will no longer be tracked.

Supported commands

   CRTSPLARC     Creates the  required Spool  Archive control files  in
                 a specific library.

   WRKSPLARCD    Maintains  the SPLARCMST  file  containing one  record
                 per output queue.

   STRSPLARC     Converts  the spooled  files  in the  specified output
                 queues  to  data  base   files,  entering  new   audit
                 records,  deleting spooled  files  that  are past  the
                 retention  date,  and  optional  cleanup  of the  data
                 base files and audit records.

   RTVSPLARC     Re-prints the  spooled file  data  that is  stored  in
                 the converted data base file member.

   WRKSPLARC     Displays  a  subfile  of  the  audit  records  in  the
                 SPLARCAUD  file and  allows a  display of  the heading
                 information  and a  convenient option  to re-print the

   PRTSPLARC     Re-prints spooled files with selection criteria.

   PRTSPLARCD    Prints  a  listing  of   the  output  queues  in   the
                 SPLARCMST file.

   ADDSPLARCD    Provides  a batch  interface for  adding output  queue
                 records to the SPLARCMST file.

   MRGSPLARC     Performs  a merge of the  converted spooled files from
                 one system to a central  system.  Any file created  by
                 CVTFRMSPLF or CVTFRMOUTQ may be used.

   DLTSPLARC     Deletes  all  of  the   SPLARCxxx  files  in  a  named

   DLTSPLARCA    Deletes  the  audit  records  for  a  specific  output
                 queue from  SPLARCAUD  and  the  output  queue  record
                 from  SPLARCMST.    Intended for  the  case  where  an
                 output queue  should no longer  be part of  the SPLARC
                 function and the audit records are not needed.

   CHKSPLARCD    Checks  the existing  output queues on  the system and
                 determines if they are being archived.

   DLTSPLARCD    The  DLTSPLARCD   command   deletes  duplicate   audit
                 records.    This  can  occur  if  a  spooled  file  is
                 archived  and then moved to  a different output queue.
                 A duplicate  must  match  on  the  system  name,  job,
                 user, job number,  spooled file name and  number, open
                 date and time, and user data to be deleted.

   RMVSPLARCM    The  RMVSPLARCM   command  is  a  cleanup  command  to
                 remove any members  from the  save files  that do  not
                 have  a  corresponding audit  record.    This  command
                 should not  be needed for normal  processing, but only
                 if you suspect mismatches.

   DSPSPLARCS    The  DSPSPLARCS  command  provides  a  summary  of the
                 spool  audit  records.    Different  total  types  are
                 provided  such as  by  date, by  job,  by date  within
                 job, etc.

Comparison with SPLCTL TAA Tool

The  SPLCTL tool  was the  original implementation  and existed  in the
QUSRTOOL library.  The tool  became part of the TAA Productivity  Tools
and  still exists.    The  tool used  CPYSPLF  to  capture the  spooled
files, but had the restrictions of:

  **   Only DP output could be handled (no special graphics).

  **   Not all of the spooled file attributes were retained.

The SPLARC  tool uses system APIs to avoid  the restrictions.  The APIs
also work considerably faster especially on large spooled files.

The SPLCTL tool  used a combination  of data base file  and save  files
to minimize space  requirements.  The  SPLARC tool uses only  data base
files  as the  data is  already compressed.    This simplifies  what is
required to manage the system.

There   are  several   other  minor  enhancements   that  simplify  the
management and printing of converted spooled data.

The Spool  Control  files are  not compatible  with  the Spool  Archive
files.   If  you are  using Spool  Control, you  will probably  want to
change  to the  Spool Archive,  but you must  retain the  Spool Control
backup and files until the end of your retention period.

Comparison with SPLSTO TAA Tool

The  Spool  Store  tool  provides  an  online  solution  for  capturing
spooled data.   The APIs are also used  so there is no loss  of data or
attributes when re-printing is needed.

The *AUTO  type of Spool Store has commands  to convert either a single
spooled file or all spooled files  in an output queue.  Each  converted
spooled store is a  separate entity and is given a  unique ID (assigned
internally).    A  maintenance  command  must  be used  to  delete  old

The  *MANUAL type of  spool store converts only  a single spooled store
and the ID  must be assigned by  the user.  If  the same ID exists,  it
is automatically replaced.

Both types of  Spool Store provide commands to  search for and re-print
spooled data.

The  Spool  Store is  a  simpler concept  than the  Spool  Archive, but
requires the  data to be  online to  re-print it.   It  is possible  to
save the Spool  Store before deleting old versions,  but the management
and re-printing of offline versions would be up to the user.

The  Spool Archive  allows different retention  cycles for  keeping the
data online and then  offline.  If  you want to be  able to retain  the
spooled  data to  allow re-printing  for  a long  period  of time,  the
Spool Archive  will significantly reduce your  storage requirements and
make it simpler to do re-printing from an offline version.

CRTSPLARC Command parameters                          *CMD

The  CRTSPLARC  command  creates  the  required  Spool  Archive control
files in a specific library.

   SPLARCLIB     The library to contain  the Spool Archive files.   Two
                 physical  files  (SPLARCMST  and  SPLARCAUD)  will  be
                 created.     Several   logical  files  will   also  be

   SRCLIB        The  source  library  to  use  for  the  QATTDDS  file
                 source.   The default is *TAAARC.   If a  full license
                 exists, the  source is used from the  TAA Archive.  If
                 a demonstration  license exists,  the source  is  used
                 from the QATTDDS file in the TAATOOL library.

                 A specific user  library may be named, but  the source
                 file must be QATTDDS.

WRKSPLARCD Command parameters                         *CMD

The  WRKSPLARCD command  maintains  the SPLARCMST  file  containing one
record per output queue.

   SPLARCLIB     The  library  that contains  the Spool  Archive files.
                 *LIBL  is   the  default.     *CURLIB   may  also   be

STRSPLARC Command parameters                          *CMD

The STRSPLARC  command causes  the conversion of  the spooled  files in
the  specified output  queues to  data base  files, entering  new audit
records, deleting spooled files that  are past the retention date,  and
optional cleanup of the data base files and audit records.

   OUTQ          The  qualified  name   of  the  output  queue   to  be
                 converted.   The  default is  *ALL meaning  all output
                 queues in the SPLARCMST  file for the current  system.

                 If a  single output  queue is  named, a blank  library
                 qualifier is assumed to be *LIBL.

   SPLARCLIB     The  library that  contains the  Spool  Archive files.
                 *LIBL   is  the   default.     *CURLIB  may   also  be

   CLEANUP       A *YES/*NO  parameter  for whether  old audit  records
                 and  files should be  deleted based  on the  number of
                 retention  days  as specified  in  the  SPLARCMST file
                 for the output queue being processed.

                 If output  queues  are  being  backed  up  for  remote
                 systems  (see the  tool documentation),  the data  for
                 remote system is also considered for cleanup.

                 Note  that the  option does  not control  the deletion
                 of spooled  files.    Any output  queue  specified  on
                 STRSPLARC  will have  spooled  files deleted  if  past
                 the retention date.

   SUMMARY       A *YES/*NO  parameter for whether  spooled files which
                 summarize  the activity  should be retained.   *YES is
                 the default to  retain the spooled  files.  SPLARC  is
                 always output.   SPLARCAUD is  output if CLEANUP(*YES)
                 is specified.

                 *NO  may be specified  to delete the files  at the end
                 of the  command.    Note  that the  files  are  output
                 during the  running of  the command and  then deleted.

RTVSPLARC Command parameters                          *CMD

The  RTVSPLARC  command causes  re-printing  of the  spooled  file data
that is stored in the converted data base file member.

   OUTQ          The qualified  name  of  the output  queue  where  the
                 spooled file was converted from.

   JOB           The  qualified  job name  that  originally  wrote  the
                 spooled file.

   FILE          The name of the spooled file.

   SPLNBR        The number of the spooled file.

   PRTOUTQ       The  qualified  name  of  the  output queue  that  the
                 spooled  file should  be printed  to.   The default is
                 *OUTQ meaning  the same  output queue  as the  spooled
                 file  was  converted from.    If  the original  output
                 queue  does not exist,  the PRTOUTQ  parameter must be

   OWNER         The owner of  the new  spooled file.   The default  is
                 *SAME meaning the original owner will be used.

                 *CURRENT may  be used to  allow the user  of RTVSPLARC
                 to become the owner of the new spooled file.

                 If  the original owner  does not  exist, *CURRENT must
                 be specified to print the spooled file.

   SPLARCLIB     The library  that contains  the Spool  Archive  files.
                 *LIBL  is   the  default.     *CURLIB   may  also   be

WRKSPLARC Command parameters                          *CMD

The WRKSPLARC  command displays a  subfile of the audit  records in the
SPLARCAUD  file and allows  a display of the  heading information and a
convenient option to re-print the data.

   SPLARCLIB     The library  that contains  the  Spool Archive  files.
                 *LIBL   is  the   default.     *CURLIB  may   also  be

   SYSTEM        The system to be selected.  The default is *ALL.

   OUTQ          The  output  queue to  be  selected.   The  default is
                 *ALL.   The  parameter  is independent  of  the  OUTQL

   OUTQL         The  output  queue  library   to  be  selected.    The
                 default  is  *ALL.   The parameter  is  independent of
                 the OUTQ parameter.

   JOB           The job name to be selected.  The default is *ALL.

   USER          The user to be selected.  The default is *ALL.

   JOBNBR        The job number to be  selected.  The default is  *ALL.

   SPLF          The spooled  file name  to be  selected.  The  default
                 is *ALL.

   FROMDATE      The From  Date that the spooled file  was opened to be
                 selected.   The  default is  *START meaning  any date.
                 If a  date is entered,  it must be  in job format  and
                 must be less than or equal to the To Date.

   TODATE        The To  Date that  the spooled file  was opened  to be
                 selected.   The default is *END  meaning any date.  If
                 a date is entered, it must be in job format.

   FROMTIME      The From Time that the  spooled file was opened to  be
                 selected.  The  default is *START meaning  any time of
                 day.   If  a time  is  entered, it  must be  in HHMMSS
                 format.  If the From/To  Dates are the same, the  From
                 Time  value must  be  less than  or  equal to  the  To

   TOTIME        The  To Time that  the spooled  file was opened  to be
                 selected.   The default is *END  meaning any time.  If
                 a time is entered, it must be in HHMMSS format.

   USRDTA        The User Data  to be selected.   The default is  *ALL.

   FORMTYPE      The Form  Type to be  selected.  The default  is *ALL.

PRTSPLARC Command parameters                          *CMD

The  PRTSPLARC command  prints spooled  files based on  the information
in  the audit  records  in  the  SPLARCAUD  file.    Several  selection
criteria exist.   An  error indication  occurs if  the spooled file  is
not online.

   SPLARCLIB     The  library that  contains  the Spool  Archive files.
                 *LIBL  is   the  default.     *CURLIB   may  also   be

   SYSTEM        The system to be selected.  The default is *ALL.

   OUTQ          The  output queue  to  be selected.    The default  is
                 *ALL.    The parameter  is  independent  of the  OUTQL

   OUTQL         The   output  queue  library  to  be  selected.    The
                 default is  *ALL.   The  parameter  is independent  of
                 the OUTQ parameter.

   JOB           The job name to be selected.  The default is *ALL.

   USER          The user to be selected.  The default is *ALL.

   JOBNBR        The job number  to be selected.  The  default is *ALL.

   SPLF          The  spooled file  name to  be selected.   The default
                 is *ALL.

   FROMDATE      The From Date that the  spooled file was opened to  be
                 selected.   The default  is *START  meaning any  date.
                 If  a date is  entered, it must  be in job  format and
                 must be less than or equal to the To Date.

   TODATE        The To Date  that the  spooled file was  opened to  be
                 selected.  The default  is *END meaning any date.   If
                 a date is entered, it must be in job format.

   FROMTIME      The From  Time that the spooled file  was opened to be
                 selected.   The default is  *START meaning any time of
                 day.   If a  time is  entered,  it must  be in  HHMMSS
                 format.  If  the From/To Dates are the  same, the From
                 Time  value  must be  less  than  or equal  to  the To

   TOTIME        The To Time  that the  spooled file was  opened to  be
                 selected.  The  default is *END meaning any  time.  If
                 a time is entered, it must be in HHMMSS format.

   USRDTA        The  User Data to be  selected.  The  default is *ALL.

   FORMTYPE      The Form Type to  be selected.   The default is  *ALL.

   OWNER         Whether  the owner  should be  the  original owner  of
                 the spooled file or the current owner.

                 *SAME  is the  default meaning  the original  owner of
                 the spooled file will be the owner.

                 *CURRENT  may be  specified to  make the  current user
                 the owner of the spooled file.

   SUMMARY       A *YES/*NO  parameter for whether  to print a  summary
                 listing.   The  default  is *YES  to  print a  listing
                 with   one  line  for  each   spooled  file  that  was

                 *NO may be specified to bypass the listing.

PRTSPLARCD Command parameters                         *CMD

The PRTSPLARCD command  prints a listing  of the output  queues in  the

   SPLARCLIB     The  library that  contains the  Spool Archive  files.
                 *LIBL   is  the   default.     *CURLIB  may   also  be

   SEQ           The sequence  of  the output.    The default  is  *SYS
                 meaning the  output queues  will be  listed in  output
                 queue order within system name.

                 *ID may  be entered to  list the output  queues by the
                 unique output queue ID.

   AVAILID       A  *YES/*NO  option that  determines if  the available
                 output queue IDs  should be printed.   The default  is
                 *NO to avoid printing.

                 *YES may  be specified if  you have a large  number of
                 output  queues  and need  an assist  in  identifying a
                 unique ID that may be used.

ADDSPLARCD Command parameters                         *CMD

The ADDSPLARCD command  provides a  batch interface  for adding  output
queue  records  to   the  SPLARCMST  file.     WRKSPLARCD  provides  an
interactive interface.

   OUTQ          The  qualified name of  the output queue  to be added.
                 *LIBL is the  default for the  library name.   *CURLIB
                 may also be specified.

   OUTQID        The unique ID assigned to the output queue.

   AUDIT         A  *YES/*NO  value  for  whether  to  write  an  audit
                 record  for  the spooled  files  found  in the  output
                 queue.   *YES is  the default and  is required to save
                 the spooled file.

                 *NO may be  specified if you  only want to delete  the
                 spooled file.

   SAVSPL        A  *YES/*NO  value for  whether  to  save the  spooled
                 files  found  in  the  output  queue.    *YES  is  the

                 *NO may be  specified if you only  want to delete  the
                 spooled file or  log an audit record  that it existed.

   SPLONLINE     The  number   of  days  to  retain  the  spooled  file
                 online.   The  value must  be  between 0  and  20,000.
                 The  spooled file  is  converted before  checking  the

   SPLOFFLINE    The  number   of  days  to  track   the  spooled  file
                 offline.    The value  must be  between 1  and 20,000.
                 The value should match  your retention period for  the
                 spooled files.

   DBFONLINE     The  number of days  to keep  the converted  data base
                 file  online.    The  value  must  be  between  1  and
                 20,000.  If  the data base  file/member is not  online
                 when printing  is requested,  the file/member  must be

   SYSNAME       The  name of the system  to add the  output queue for.
                 The default is *CURRENT  for the current system  name.
                 The combination  of system,  output queue, and  output
                 queue library must be unique.

   SPLARCLIB     The  library that  contains the  Spool  Archive files.
                 *LIBL   is  the   default.     *CURLIB  may   also  be

MRGSPLARC Command parameters                          *CMD

The MRGSPLARC command performs  a merge of the converted  spooled files
from one  system to a central  system.  Any file  created by CVTFRMSPLF
or CVTFRMOUTQ may be used.

   CVTSPLP       The  qualified name  of the  file that was  created by
                 CVTFRMSPLF or  CVTFRMOUTQ.   The library  defaults  to
                 *LIBL.  *CURLIB may be used.

   SYSTEM        The  system name  to be  used in  the SPLARCMST  file.
                 The  default  is  *CVTSPLP  which  means  to  use  the
                 system name that  was originally used  to convert  the
                 spooled  files.   This is  accessed  from data  within
                 the named CVTSPLP file.

   OUTQ          The  qualified  name   of  the  output  queue  in  the
                 SPLARCMST  file  that  will be  considered  to contain
                 the spooled  files.   The  default is  *CVTSPLP  which
                 means to  use the output  queue and library  name that
                 were  originally used  to  convert the  spooled files.
                 This is accessed  from data  within the named  CVTSPLP

   SPLARCLIB     The  library that  contains the  Spool Archive  files.
                 *LIBL   is  the   default.     *CURLIB  may   also  be

   DLTSPLF       A  *YES/*NO  parameter  that  determines  whether  the
                 summary  spooled file  created  by MRGSPLARC  will  be
                 retained.   The default is *YES to  retain the spooled

                 *NO may be specified to delete the spooled file.

DLTSPLARC Command parameters                          *CMD

The  DLTSPLARC command  deletes all of  the SPLARCxxx files  in a named
library.    It  should only  be  used  when  you  no  longer  need  the
information in the files.

   SPLARCLIB     The  library that  contains the  Spool Archive  files.
                 *LIBL   is  the   default.     *CURLIB  may   also  be

DLTSPLARCA Command parameters                         *CMD

   SPLARCLIB     Deletes  the  audit  records  for  a  specific  output
                 queue  from  SPLARCAUD  and the  output  queue  record
                 from  SPLARCMST.    Intended  for  the  case where  an
                 output queue should  no longer be  part of the  SPLARC
                 function and the audit records are not needed.

                 The SPLARCAUD file will not be reorganized.

   OUTQ          The name and the  library of the output queue  that is
                 no  longer needed.    The associated  records  will be
                 deleted from SPLARCAUD and SPLARCMST.

   SPLARCLIB     The  library  that contains  the Spool  Archive files.
                 *LIBL  is   the  default.     *CURLIB   may  also   be

CHKSPLARCD Command parameters                         *CMD

The  CHKSPLARCD  command  checks  the  existing output  queues  on  the
system and determines if they are being archived.

   SPLARCLIB     The  library that  contains  the Spool  Archive files.
                 *LIBL  is   the  default.     *CURLIB   may  also   be

DLTSPLARCD Command parameters                         *CMD

The  DLTSPLARCD command  deletes  duplicate audit  records.   This  can
occur  if a  spooled file  is archived  and then  moved to  a different
output queue.  A  duplicate must match on  the system name, job,  user,
job number,  spooled  file name  and number,  open date  and time,  and
user data to be deleted.

   SPLARCLIB     The  library that  contains the  Spool  Archive files.
                 *LIBL   is  the   default.     *CURLIB  may   also  be

RMVSPLARCM Command parameters                         *CMD

The RMVSPLARCM  command  is a  cleanup command  to  remove any  members
from  the save files  that do  not have  a corresponding  audit record.
This  command should not be  needed for normal processing,  but only if
you suspect mismatches.

   SPLARCLIB     The library  that contains  the Spool  Archive  files.
                 *LIBL  is   the  default.     *CURLIB   may  also   be

DSPSPLARCS Command parameters                         *CMD

The DSPSPLARCS  command provides a summary of  the spool audit records.
Different total types  are provided such  as by date,  by job, by  date
within job, etc.

   TYPE          The type  of output.   *DATE  is the  default to  list
                 one line for each spooled file open date.

                 *OUTQ  may  be specified  to  list one  line  for each
                 output queue.

                 *OUTQDATE  may be specified to  list one line for each
                 spooled file open date within each output queue.

                 *JOB may be  specified to list  one line for each  job

                 *JOBDATE may  be specified to  list one line  for each
                 spooled file open date within each job name.

                 *USER  may  be specified  to  list one  line  for each
                 user name.

                 *JOBDATE may be  specified to list  one line for  each
                 spooled file open date within each user name.

                 *SPLF  may be  specified  to list  one  line for  each
                 spooled file name.

                 *SPLFDATE may  be specified to list  one line for each
                 spooled  file  open  date  within  each  spooled  file

   SYSTEM        The  system name  to  be  selected.   The  default  is

   OUTQ          The  output queue  to  be  selected.   The  default is

   OUTQL         The   output  queue  library  to  be  selected.    The
                 default is *ALL.

   JOB           The job name to be selected.  The default is *ALL.

   USER          The user name  to be selected.   The default is  *ALL.

   SPLF          The  spooled file name  to be  selected.   The default
                 is *ALL.

   SPLARCLIB     The  library that  contains  the Spool  Archive files.
                 *LIBL  is   the  default.     *CURLIB   may  also   be

   OUTPUT        How  to output  the  results.   *  is  the default  to
                 display  the spooled  file if  the command  is entered
                 interactively.  If  the display is  ended with  F3/F12
                 or the  Enter key, the  spooled file is  deleted after
                 it  is displayed.   To  retain  the spooled  file, you
                 may  use the the System  Request 'Cancel' function and
                 the spooled file will exist in a HLD status.

                 If the  command  is  entered  in batch  or  *PRINT  is
                 specified,  the spooled file  is output  and retained.

Damage Recovery

In  the  event  a message  directs  you  to this  section  or  you have
experienced some  form of  damage, the  following is  recommended as  a
means of recovery.

If you suspect damage  to the programs or display  files (not data base
files), try re-creating the tool:


If  you have or  suspect some  form of data  damage (such as  a missing
logical file  or RPLPF  was unable  to complete  successfully during  a
reformat function), try the following:

  **   Create a  unique library  to be  used for  a temporary  function
       (termed TMPLIB in the sample code):

           CRTLIB      LIB(TMPLIB)

  **   Create the SPLARC files in the unique library:


  **   Copy the physical file data from your current library.

           CPYF        FROMFILE(xxx/SPLARCMST) +
                         TOFILE(TMPLIB/SPLARCMST) MBROPT(*ADD)

           CPYF        FROMFILE(xxx/SPLARCAUD) +
                         TOFILE(TMPLIB/SPLARCMST) MBROPT(*ADD)

       If you  are unable to copy  the data, you will  probably need to
       restore from your backup.

  **   Delete the spool archive files in your current library:

           DLTSPLARC   SPLARCLIB(xxx)

  **   Use  CRTDUPOBJ  to  duplicate the  objects  from  your temporary

                       TOLIB(xxx) DATA(*YES)

  **   Delete the temporary library:

           DLTLIB      LIB(TMPLIB)

Try the WRK commands:

           WRKSPLARC   SPLARCLIB(xxx)

If  the  commands are  successful,  you  should  be  able  to  continue

If  an old format  is found,  you will  be asked  to run  the CVTTAAFMT


The  tool is dependent upon  the system spool APIs  to provide support.

A maximum of 32,766 spooled files  may exist in an output queue.   This
is the  maximum that may  be saved by the  system if all  spooled files
are converted.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADDDAT          Add date
     CHKJOBCTL       Check job control
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CVTFRMSPLF      Convert from spooled file
     CVTOUTQ         Convert output queue
     DSPERRMSG       Display error message
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     PMTOPR          Prompt operator
     RTVDAT          Retrieve date
     RTVOUTQA        Retrieve output queue attributes
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     WRTSRC          Write source

Data base files

* One record per outq

   TAASPMGP      SPLARCMST    PF   Key - Sys, outq, outql

     TAASPMGL    SPLARCMSTL   LF   Key - Arrival
     TAASPMGM    SPLARCMSTM   LF   Key - Outq ID

                      Used for CRTRPGPGM only

     TAASPMGY    SPLARCMSTY   LF   Key - Outq ID

* One record per splf

   TAASPMGQ      SPLARCAUD    PF   Key - Outq, qlfd job, splf, splnbr

                      Used for F9 Change of access path for subfile

     TAASPMGG    SPLARCAUDG   LF   Key - Sys, date, time
     TAASPMGH    SPLARCAUDH   LF   Key - Sys, splf, date, time
     TAASPMGI    SPLARCAUDI   LF   Key - Sys, user, date, time
     TAASPMGJ    SPLARCAUDJ   LF   Key - Sys, job, date, time
     TAASPMGK    SPLARCAUDK   LF   Key - Sys, outq, date, time

     TAASPMGN    SPLARCAUDN   LF   Key - Sys, outq, qlib, date,
                                           Qlfd job, splf
     TAASPMGV    SPLARCAUDV   LF   Key - Arrival
     TAASPMGW    SPLARCAUDW   LF   Key - Db file name

                      Used for CRTRPGPGM only

     TAASPMGZ    SPLARCAUDZ   LF   Key - Db file name


The tool  is ready to use,  but you must first  use CRTSPLARC to create
the required files and  then WRKSPLARCD to  identify the output  queues
to be converted.  See the section on 'Getting Started'.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   STRSPLARC     *CMD                   TAASPMG       QATTCMD
   WRKSPLARCD    *CMD                   TAASPMG2      QATTCMD
   WRKSPLARC     *CMD                   TAASPMG3      QATTCMD
   PRTSPLARCD    *CMD                   TAASPMG4      QATTCMD
   RTVSPLARC     *CMD                   TAASPMG5      QATTCMD
   DLTSPLARC     *CMD                   TAASPMG6      QATTCMD
   MRGSPLARC     *CMD                   TAASPMG7      QATTCMD
   ADDSPLARCD    *CMD                   TAASPMG8      QATTCMD
   CRTSPLARC     *CMD                   TAASPMG9      QATTCMD
   CHKSPLARCD    *CMD                   TAASPMG11     QATTCMD
   PRTSPLARC     *CMD                   TAASPMG12     QATTCMD
   DLTSPLARCA    *CMD                   TAASPMG13     QATTCMD
   DLTSPLARCD    *CMD                   TAASPMG14     QATTCMD
   RMVSPLARCM    *CMD                   TAASPMG15     QATTCMD
   DSPSPLARCS    *CMD                   TAASPMG16     QATTCMD
   TAASPMGC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC      QATTCL
   TAASPMGC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC2     QATTCL
   TAASPMGC3     *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC3     QATTCL
   TAASPMGC4     *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC4     QATTCL
   TAASPMGC5     *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC5     QATTCL
   TAASPMGC6     *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC6     QATTCL
   TAASPMGC7     *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC7     QATTCL
   TAASPMGC8     *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC8     QATTCL
   TAASPMGC9     *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC9     QATTCL
   TAASPMGC11    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC11    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC12    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC12    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC13    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC13    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC14    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC14    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC15    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC15    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC16    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC16    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC17    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC17    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC21    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC21    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC24    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC24    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC26    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC26    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC35    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC35    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC36    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC36    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC37    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC37    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC41    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC41    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC42    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC42    QATTCL
   TAASPMGC43    *PGM       CLP         TAASPMGC43    QATTCL

Objects used by the tool - Continued

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   TAASPMGR2     *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR2     QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR3     *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR3     QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR4     *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR4     QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR5     *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR5     QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR7     *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR7     QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR8     *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR8     QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR11    *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR11    QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR12    *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR12    QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR13    *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR13    QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR14    *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR14    QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR15    *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR15    QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR16    *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR16    QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR21    *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR21    QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR22    *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR22    QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR25    *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR25    QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR26    *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR26    QATTRPG
   TAASPMGR28    *PGM       RPG         TAASPMGR28    QATTRPG
   TAASPMGG      *FILE      LF          TAASPMGG      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGH      *FILE      LF          TAASPMGH      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGI      *FILE      LF          TAASPMGI      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGJ      *FILE      LF          TAASPMGJ      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGK      *FILE      LF          TAASPMGK      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGL      *FILE      LF          TAASPMGL      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGM      *FILE      LF          TAASPMGM      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGN      *FILE      LF          TAASPMGM      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGP      *FILE      PF          TAASPMGP      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGQ      *FILE      PF          TAASPMGQ      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGV      *FILE      LF          TAASPMGV      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGW      *FILE      LF          TAASPMGW      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGY      *FILE      LF          TAASPMGY      QATTDDS
   TAASPMGZ      *FILE      LF          TAASPMGZ      QATTDDS


   TAASPMGC9  CL pgm

   TAASPMGC    CL pgm
     TAASPMGC21    CL pgm     - Reads SPLF records, converts, deletes
       TAASPMGR21    RPG pgm  - Print SPLARC spooled file
       TAASPMGR22    RPG pgm  - Write and update SPLARCAUD
       TAASPMGR28    RPG pgm  - Determines next DB file name
   TAASPMGC26    CL pgm       - Does OPNQRYF for delete old audit rcds
       TAASPMGR26    RPG pgm  - Deletes old audit records
                                  Prints SPLARCAUD
   TAASPMGC24  CL pgm
       TAASPMGR25    RPG pgm  - Print SPLARCCLN/Update SPLARCAUD save
         TAASPMGC35   CL pgm  - Convert retention dates
         TAASPMGC36   CL pgm  - Deletes DB files

   TAASPMGC2  CL pgm
     TAASPMGR2   RPG pgm
       TAASPMGD   Dsp file

   TAASPMGC3  CL pgm
     TAASPMGR3   RPG pgm
         TAASPMGC37 - CL pgm   - RSTOBJ and RTVSPLARC
       TAASPMGE   Dsp file

   TAASPMGC5  CL pgm
     TAASPMGR5  RPG pgm

   TAASPMGC6   CL pgm

   TAASPMGC7  CL pgm
     TAASPMGR7   RPG pgm
       TAASPMGC17  CL pgm

   TAASPMGC12  CL pgm
     TAASPMGR12  RPG pgm

Structure - Continued

   TAASPMGC4   CL pgm
     TAASPMGR4   RPG pgm

   TAASPMGC8   CL pgm
     TAASPMGR8   RPG pgm

   TAASPMGC11  CL pgm
     TAASPMGC11  RPG pgm

   TAASPMGC13  CL pgm
     TAASPMGR13  RPG pgm

   TAASPMGC14  CL pgm
     TAASPMGR14  RPG pgm
       TAASPMGC43  CL pgm

   TAASPMGC15  CL pgm
     TAASPMGC41  CL pgm
     TAASPMGR15  RPG pgm
       TAASPMGC42  CL pgm

   TAASPMGC16  CL pgm
     TAASPMGR16  RPG pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 1, 1998

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