TAA Tools

The Save Data  Base Dependent LFs  and Restore Data Base  Dependent LFs
commands  provide a  solution  for the  case  where a  logical  file is
built  over a physical file in another  library and a system restore is
needed.   SAVDBDLF  must  be run  prior  to  the save  of  the  system.
RSTDBDLF  is  run  after the  restore  of  the  system to  restore  the
logical files.  Access paths may be rebuilt.

Only a user with *SAVSYS special authority can use SAV/RSTDBDLF.

Physical/Logical File structure with Save/Restore

A  physical file contains actual  data and may  contain an access path.
A logical  file is  dependent on  one or  more physical  files and  may
contain the data for an access path.

A logical  file may  share an  access path with  a physical  or logical
file.   For example, assume  a file specifies an  access path using key
fields of  FLDA, FLDB,  and FLDC.   If  another logical  file is  built
over the same physical  file and specifies the same key  fields or just
FLDA, or  FLDA and FLDB, the  system will share the  first access path.
The  first  file to  define an  access path  becomes  the owner  of the
access path.  The other files share the access path.

You can see  whether an access  path is shared  by TAA command  DSPLFMD
and the 'Access  path shared' information.  If it  is *YES, the 'Access
path  owner file/lib/mbr' information will describe  the file that owns
the access path.

When a physical file  is saved, any associated  access paths are  saved
with the  physical file (assuming  you request the  save of  the access

The best  solution is to have  any dependent logical files  in the same
library as  their  physical file(s).    If  the library  is  saved  and
restored,  the system  properly  restores the  objects  and links  them
together correctly.   If access  paths were saved, they  would not have
to be rebuilt on a restore.

It  is not  an error  to have  a logical  file dependent on  a physical
file in a different library.   However, when the entire system  must be
restored  (such  as after  a  disaster  or at  a  hot  site), only  one
library  can be  restored at  a time.   If  the library  containing the
logical file  is restored first,  the system  does not  know about  the
based-on physical  file and prevents  the logical from  being restored.

A  recovery solution is to  restore the entire  system again specifying
OPTION(*NEW).  Since  the physical  file would  be on  the system,  the
logical file  would be  restored properly.   Rebuilding  of the  access
path would occur  if the logical file was the  owner of an access path.

Some  users cannot afford  to mount all the  media required and attempt
to manually handle the situation.

If the physical file  is in LIBA and  the dependent logical file  is in
LIBB,  the system would  ignore the  access path  for the  logical file
when  LIBA is restored, because the logical  file is not on the system.
When LIBB is restored, the system may rebuild the access path.

The CHKALLDBD command will describe  the situations where a logical  is
dependent on  a physical  in a different  library.   You should  try to
avoid this  situation as it increases the  complexity of a full restore
and will  lengthen the  restore time  by rebuilding  access paths  when
time is critical.

If you  cannot  or do  not want  everything  in the  same library,  the
SAVDBDLF command can help.

SAVDBDLF concept

The concept  of SAVDBDLF is  to avoid the  manual recovery or  a second
massive  restore when logical  files exist in  a different library than
the based-on physical.

SAVDBDLF determines  all  of these  conditions  and saves  the  logical
files to save  files in a unique library devoted  to SAVDBDLF (no other
objects  should exist  in the  library).   SAVDBDLF begins  by clearing
the library if only  save files exist that  were created by a  previous
use of SAVDBDLF.   There would be  a unique save file  for each library
that  contained  a  logical  that was  dependent  on  a  physical in  a
different library.

When you backup the  entire system, the  unique SAVDBDLF library  would
also be  saved.  When you  restore the entire  system (such as  after a
disaster  or  at  a   hot  site),  all  libraries  should  be  restored
including the unique SAVDBDLF library.

The  RSTDBDLF command may  then be used.   It finds  the save files and
determines if  the  saved  LF is  already  on the  system.   If  so  it
bypasses the logical file.

If the  logical file is  not on the  system, RSTOBJ is used  to restore
the  logical  file.   If  the logical  file  owns an  access  path, the
access path will be rebuilt.

If no  logical files  exist that  are dependent  on  physical files  in
different libraries,  the library  used by SAVDBDLF  will be  empty and
the command will complete normally with an appropriate message.

If  RSTDBDLF is  used on an  empty library,  the command  will complete
normally with an appropriate message.

Thus there is  no harm in  using SAVDBDLF/RSTDBDLF on  a regular  basis
even if they find no actions to be performed.

Getting started

  **   To use SAVDBDLF, an *ALLOBJ user must prompt for:


       Assuming  the default  library  name  and text  are  acceptable,
       pressing Enter will:

         --   Create the  SAVDBDLF library with  *PUBLIC AUT(*EXCLUDE).
              This  prevents unauthorized users  from adding objects to
              the library.   Only the TAA  objects created by  SAVDBDLF
              should exist  in the library.   SAVDBDLF adopts authority
              when  it runs so that objects  can be deleted and created
              in the library.

         --   The Application Value  SAVDBDLF in  TAASECURE is  updated
              with the library  name.  This allows the  use of SAVDBDLF
              and  RSTDBDLF to operate  without any  parameters as they
              extract the library name from the Application Value.

  **   You may now enter the SAVDBDLF  command, but before you do,  you
       may want to test the concept.

  **   To test  the  concept, create  one or  more logical  files in  a
       separate  library than  the based-on  physical.   A  better test
       would  be  to  have  several  logicals  in  different libraries.
       Then run  SAVDBDLF  (any user  with  *SAVSYS authority  can  run
       SAVDBDLF).    The  command  has  no parameters  and  adopts  the
       QSECOFR user profile during execution.

       SAVDBDLF  finds  the  library name  by  extracting  it  from the
       TAASECURE/SAVDBDLF Application Value.   Save  files are  created
       for  each  library  that  contains a  logical  file  based-on  a
       physical  in  a  different  library.    IBM libraries  including
       QSYS, QSYS2, and  SYSIBM are  bypassed.   The name  of the  save
       file will  be the  name of  the library  containing the  logical
       files.    All  logical  files  in  the same  library  where  the
       based-on  physical is  in a different  library are  saved to the
       same save file.   You can have a  maximum of 1009 logical  files
       in this condition for each library.

       After SAVDBDLF  completes, you could  use DSPLIB to  display the
       contents of the library.

       Delete one or more of the logicals that you created.

       Then  run RSTDBDLF (any user with  *SAVSYS authority may use the
       command).    The  command  has  no  parameters  and  adopts  the
       QSECOFR user profile during execution.

       RSTDBDLF  determines  the  library  name where  the  save  files
       exist.   It converts the save file  information to an outfile in
       QTEMP with  one record  for each  logical file  that was  saved.
       If the logical  file is already  on the system, it  is bypassed.
       If the logical  does not exist, it is  restored.  A spooled file
       is created.

       Review  the spooled  file to see  if you are  satisfied with the

  **   A DLTDBDLF  command exists to  allow you  to delete the  library
       and reset the Application Value to *NONE.


Any  name  may be  used,  but  no other  objects  should  exist in  the
library  other  than the  save  files created  by SAVDBDLF.    If other
objects exist,  SAVDBDLF  fails  with  an escape  message.    For  this
reason  you should  create the  library with  AUT(*EXCLUDE) to  prevent
the *PUBLIC user from placing objects in the library.

Since  the SAVDBDLF  command runs under  QSECOFR adopted  authority, no
authorization exceptions will exist.

When to run SAVDBDLF

The ideal solution  for SAVDBDLF would  be to enter  the command  prior
to backing up your  entire system when the system is  in the restricted
state.   For  example, it could  be part  of your  exit program  for GO
SAVE2  (see option  80).   If you are  using this  approach, you should
monitor for error  conditions, inform someone  of the failure, and  end
the exit program normally.

While running  in the  restricted state is  ideal, SAVDBDLF can  be run
at any  time.  In many cases, a save  can still occur if a logical file
is open.   If a  logical file cannot  be saved, SAVDBDLF  will send  an
escape message  after all  files have  been processed.   The  CHKSAVRST
command is run if errors exist to help you identify the problem.

SAVDBDLF escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    Other objects exist in the SAVxxx library.
      TAA9892    Not all logical files saved.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

RSTDBDLF escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    Not all LFs could be restored

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

SAVDBDLF Command parameters                           *CMD


RSTDBDLF Command parameters                           *CMD


CRTDBDLF Command parameters                           *CMD

   LIB           The  library  name  to  be  used.    SAVDBDLF  is  the
                 default.   The  library must  not  exist and  will  be
                 created  with *PUBLIC  AUT(*EXCLUDE)  to help  prevent
                 non-TAA objects from existing in the library.

   TEXT          The  text description  for the  library.   The default
                 identifies  the library  as used  by the  TAA SAVDBDLF

DLTDBDLF Command parameters                           *CMD



Up to  300 files in  any one library  may exist  that are dependent  on
physical files in different libraries.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHGAPPVAL       Change application value
     CHGOBJD2        Change object description 2
     CHKALLOBJ       Check *ALLOBJ special authority
     CHKSAVRST       Check save/restore
     CVTALLDBD       Convert all data base dependencies
     CVTSAVFD        Convert save file description
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTVAPPVAL       Retrieve application value
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDDIAGMSG      Send diagnostic message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDJLGMSG       Send job log message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message
     SORTDBF         Sort data base file


A library name  must be entered into the  Application Value SAVDBDLF in

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   SAVDBDLF      *CMD                   TAASAWC       QATTCMD
   RSTDBDLF      *CMD                   TAASAWC2      QATTCMD
   CRTDBDLF      *CMD                   TAASAWC3      QATTCMD
   DLTDBDLF      *CMD                   TAASAWC4      QATTCMD
   TAASAWCC      *PGM       CLP         TAASAWCC      QATTCL
   TAASAWCC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASAWCC2     QATTCL
   TAASAWCC3     *PGM       CLP         TAASAWCC3     QATTCL
   TAASAWCC4     *PGM       CLP         TAASAWCC4     QATTCL
   TAASAWCC11    *PGM       CLP         TAASAWCC11    QATTCL
   TAASAWCC12    *PGM       CLP         TAASAWCC12    QATTCL
   TAASAWCR2     *PGM       RPG         TAASAWCR2     QATTRPG
   TAASAWCP      *FILE      PF

The Application Value SAVDBDLF (*USRSPC) exists in TAASECURE.

The  TAASAWCP file  is created with  RCDLEN(80) and  holds the TAADBHUL
source for CVTALLDBD.  The file is not created by CRTTAATOOL.


   TAASAWCC   CL pgm
     TAASAWCC11  CL pgm

   TAASAWCC2  CL pgm
     TAASAWCC12  CL pgm
       TAASAWCR2   RPG pgm

   TAASAWCC3  CL pgm

   TAASAWCC4  CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools August 15, 2005

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