TAA Tools
The Retrieve Month Name  command retrieves the name of  the month based
on  a  plus  or   minus  number  of  months  from  the  current  month.
Different  formats of the month name are  provided.  The system date is
used to determine the current month (not the job date).

A typical series of commands would be:

             DCL         &MTHNAME *CHAR LEN(9)

The name of the  month 6 months in the  future would be returned.   For
example, if the current month is January, July would be returned.

RTVMTHNAM escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

RTVMTHNAM Command parameters                          *CMD

   MTHS          The number  of months plus  or minus from  the current
                 month  to retrieve  the  name for.   It  must be  in a
                 range of -2000 to +2000.

   MTHNAME       The name  of  the month  returned such  as  'October'.
                 This is  an optional  return value  that if  used must
                 be specified as *CHAR LEN(9).

   MTH3U         The  name of the  month returned in  3 character upper
                 case such  as  'OCT'.   This  is  an  optional  return
                 value  that  if  used  must   be  specified  as  *CHAR

   MTH3L         The name  of the month  returned in 3  characters such
                 as  'Oct'.  This  is an optional  return value that if
                 used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(3).

   MTHDIGIT      The digit value  of the month  returned such as  '10'.
                 This  is an optional  return value  that if  used must
                 be specified as *DEC LEN(2 0).

   RTNYEAR       The  year value of the month  returned such as '2011'.
                 For example,  if  it  is  Feb, 2012  and  MTHS(-3)  is
                 specified, the  month name  would be  November with  a
                 year of  2011.  This is an  optional return value that
                 if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(4).


Because the  RTVMTHNAM  command  returns one  or  more  variables,  the
command may only be used in a CL program.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     SNDESCINF       Send escape information


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVMTHNAM     *CMD                   TAADAUT       QATTCMD
   TAADAUTC      *PGM       CLP         TAADAUTC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools July 15, 2011

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