TAA Tools

The  Retrieve  Line Description  Ethernet  tool  retrieves  information
about  an Ethernet  line.   Because many  parameters exist,  2 commands
are  provided (RTVLINETH  and RTVLINETH2).   This  provides the current
information about the line.   The QDCRLIND API is used to  retrieve the

A typical command would be:

             DCL        &LINKSPEED *DEC LEN(9 0)

RTVLINETH escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    The line is not an Ethernet type.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

RTVLINETH2 escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    The line is not an Ethernet type.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

RTVLINETH Command parameters                          *CMD

   LIND          The Ethernet line to retrieve information for.

   RSRCNAME      The  unique  name  assigned   by  the  system  to  the
                 communication  port.    This  is  an  optional  return
                 variable that  if  used  must be  specified  as  *CHAR

   ONLINE        Whether  the  line is  online  or  not.   This  is  an
                 optional   return  variable  that  if   used  must  be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(4).

   VARYWAIT      Whether  the  line  is  varied  on  synchronously   or
                 asynchronously.   A  -15 means  *NOWAIT.   This is  an
                 optional  return   variable  that  if   used  must  be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   MAXCTL        The   maximum  number  of  controllers  the  line  can
                 support.   This is  an optional  return variable  that
                 if used must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   LINKSPEED     The  link  speed  in   bits  per  second.    Also  see
                 LNKSPEMULT.     The  following  special  values  exist
                 -5=*MIN,  -7=*MAX,  -12=*INTERFACE,  -23=10   million,
                 -24=4  million,   -25=16  million,   -29=100  million.
                 This  is  an optional  return  variable  that if  used
                 must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   COSTCNN       The relative cost  of being  connected on  line.   The
                 following special  values exist -9=*CNN.   This  is an
                 optional  return   variable  that  if   used  must  be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   COSTBYTE      The  relative cost  per byte of  sending and receiving
                 data  on the  line.    The  following  special  values
                 exist -9=*CNN.   This  is an optional  return variable
                 that if used must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   USRDFN1       Used  to described  any unique characteristics  of the
                 line.  This  is an  optional return  variable that  if
                 used must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   USRDFN2       Used to  described any  unique characteristics  of the
                 line.   This  is an optional  return variable  that if
                 used must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   USRDFN3       Used to described  any unique  characteristics of  the
                 line.   This is  an optional  return variable that  if
                 used must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   AUTOCRTCTL    Whether  the  system is  to  automatically create  the
                 APPC  controller descriptions when  incoming calls are
                 received.   This is an  optional return variable  that
                 if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(4).

   AUTODLTCTL    The number  of minutes  the system should  wait before
                 automatically  varying off  and deleting automatically
                 created  controller   descriptions.     This   is   an
                 optional  return   variable  that  if  used   must  be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   CMNRCYLMTC    The  number of  second-level  recovery attempts  to be
                 automatically performed.  This  is an optional  return
                 variable  that  if  used must  be  specified  as  *DEC
                 LEN(9 0).

   CMNRCYLMTI    The length  of time in minutes in  which the specified
                 number  of recoveries  can be  attempted.   This is an
                 optional  return  variable   that  if  used  must   be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   NBRACTCTL     The number  of active  switched controllers.   This is
                 an  optional  return  variable that  if  used  must be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   SSAPCNT       The number of  SSAPs (source  service access  points).
                 This  is an  optional  return  variable that  if  used
                 must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   SSAPMAXFRM    The  maximum  size  frame  of  SSAPs  (source  service
                 access points)  The  following  special  values  exist
                 -26=*MAXFRAME.   This is  an optional return  variable
                 that if used must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   SSAPTYPE      The  type  of  SSAP  (source  service  access  points)
                 communication.   This  is an  optional return variable
                 that if used must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   NBRGRPADR     The number of  group addresses.   This is an  optional
                 return  variable that  if  used must  be specified  as
                 *DEC LEN(9 0).

   NETCTL        The  name of an existing network  controller.  This is
                 an optional  return  variable  that if  used  must  be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   ADPTADR       The address of  the local adapter to  transmit from/to
                 on  the  token-ring  or  LAN.    This is  an  optional
                 return variable  that if  used  must be  specified  as
                 *CHAR LEN(12).

   EXCHID        The  exchange identifier  that  the local  system  can
                 send  to  the  remote system.    This  is an  optional
                 return  variable  that if  used  must be  specified as
                 *CHAR LEN(10).

   ETHSTD        The  standard   used  by  the   Ethernet  local   area
                 network.   This  is an  optional return  variable that
                 if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   THRESHOLD     The  error threshold  level that  is monitored  by the
                 system.  This is an  optional return variable that  if
                 used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   SECURITY      The  types of  security  protection  available on  the
                 line.   This  is an optional  return variable  that if
                 used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   PRPDLY        The time  required for  a signal  to travel  from  one
                 end of a link  to the other end.  This  is an optional
                 return  variable that  if  used must  be  specified as
                 *CHAR LEN(10).

   PORT          The  port number of  the network server  to which this
                 line is  physically attached.   The following  special
                 values     exist    -28=*INTERNAL,     -36=*VRTETHPTP,
                 -40=*VRTETH0,  -41=*VRTETH1, ...   -49=*VRTETH9.  This
                 is an optional  return variable that  if used must  be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   NWI           The   name   of   the   existing   network   interface
                 description.    This is  an  optional  return variable
                 that if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   NWIDLCI       The network  interface  data link  control  identifier
                 used to  connect  the network.   This  is an  optional
                 return  variable that  if  used must  be  specified as
                 *CHAR LEN(10).

   NWS           The  network server to which  the non-switched line is
                 attached.  This  is an  optional return variable  that
                 if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   DUPLEX        For   WAN,  whether   the   system   will  leave   the
                 request-to-send  modem signal on  continuously or will
                 be raised  when  the  system must  transmit  data  and
                 dropped  when   finished.     For  LAN,   whether  the
                 hardware   is   able   to   send   and  receive   data
                 simultaneously.  This is  an optional return  variable
                 that if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   LINESPEED     The line  speed in  bits per  second.  Special  values
                 exist   for  -11=*CALC,   -23=10M,   -24=4M,  -25=16M,
                 -27=*NWI,  -29=100M, -30=*AUTO,  and -34=1G.   This is
                 an  optional return  variable  that  if used  must  be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   GENTSTFRM     Whether   the    system   will   have    test   frames
                 automatically  generated.  This is  an optional return
                 variable that  if  used  must be  specified  as  *CHAR

   LANEMLTIM     The  timeout period  for which  an address  resolution
                 protocol  entry  will be  cached  without verification
                 of that entry.   The field is  no longer supported  as
                 of V5R3.   This  is an  optional return variable  that
                 if used must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   ADRRESPCL     The  address resolution  protocol (ARP).   This  is an
                 optional   return  variable  that   if  used  must  be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   ADRRESTMR     The address  resolution  timer (ARP)  is the  time  to
                 wait  for for  an ARP  request.   This is  an optional
                 return  variable  that if  used must  be  specified as
                 *DEC LEN(9 0).

   MAXADRPCL     The maximum  number  of  address  resolution  protocol
                 table entries.   This  is an optional  return variable
                 that if used must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   LANEMLDSC     The  amount of  time in minutes  that a  LAN emulation
                 client  will   wait  before   disconnecting  an   idle
                 virtual circuit  connection to  another client.   This
                 is an  optional return variable  that if used  must be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   NBRCTL        The   number  of  attached  non-switched  controllers.
                 This  is an  optional  return  variable that  if  used
                 must be specified as *DEC LEN(5 0).

   CNTRLS        A  list  of  the  attached  non-switched  controllers.
                 Each  controller name is 10 bytes  in length.  This is
                 an optional  return  variable  that if  used  must  be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(3000).

   TEXT          The  text  description  of  the  line.    This  is  an
                 optional   return  variable  that  if   used  must  be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(50).

RTVLINETH2 Command parameters                         *CMD

   LIND          The Ethernet line to retrieve information for.

   ACCTYPE       The type of  access to the  ATM network.   This is  an
                 optional  return  variable   that  if  used   must  be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(13).

   EMLLANNAME    The emulation  LAN name.   This is an  optional return
                 variable  that  if  used must  be  specified  as *CHAR

   NETINTTYPE    The network  interface  type.   This  is  an  optional
                 return  variable that  if  used must  be specified  as
                 *CHAR LEN(10).

   RPTLANNAME    The  reported emulated  LAN  name.   This field  is no
                 longer supported  as of  V5R3.   This  is an  optional
                 return  variable that  if  used must  be specified  as
                 *CHAR LEN(32).

   LANEMLECF     The  LAN  emulation client  frame size.    The special
                 value -1=*CALC.  This  is an optional return  variable
                 that if used must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   LNKSPEMULT    The link  speed multiplier used  for speeds  over 1GB.
                 This  is  an optional  return  variable  that if  used
                 must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   MSGQ          The  message queue  to which  operational messages are
                 normally sent.   This is  an optional return  variable
                 that if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   MSGQLIB       The  message   queue  library  to   which  operational
                 messages  are  normally  sent.   This  is  an optional
                 return variable  that if  used  must be  specified  as
                 *CHAR LEN(10).

   CURMSGQ       The message  queue to  which operational  messages are
                 currently  being  sent.   This is  an  optional return
                 variable that  if  used  must be  specified  as  *CHAR

   CURMSGQLIB    The  message   queue  library  to   which  operational
                 messages  are  currently  being  sent.    This  is  an
                 optional   return  variable  that   if  used  must  be
                 specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   ENATCP        Whether  the  line  description  is  to  be  used  for
                 TCP/IP  only.   This  is an  optional return  variable
                 that if used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   MAXFRMSIZ     The  maximum frame size  or logical  link control data
                 unit that can  be transmitted and  received.  This  is
                 an  optional return  variable  that  if used  must  be
                 specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   CURLINSPE     The  actual line  speed of the  line as  determined by
                 the hardware.   This  is an  optional return  variable
                 that if used must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).

   CURDUPLEX     The  actual duplex  mode being  used  by the  hardware
                 associated  with  the  line  description.    *AUTO  is
                 valid  until the line  is varied on  and then resolved
                 to  *HALF  or *FULL.    This  is  an  optional  return
                 variable  that  if used  must  be  specified as  *CHAR

   VRTHDW        Whether  a  real or  virtual Ethernet  LAN  adapter is
                 used.  This  is an  optional return  variable that  if
                 used must be specified as *CHAR LEN(10).

   ASSOCPORT     The  resource name  that describes  the  port that  is
                 used  to  establish  a  connection  between a  Windows
                 network server and the network.   This is an  optional
                 return  variable that  if used  must  be specified  as
                 *CHAR LEN(10).

   IOPATTFLAG    The  type  of  Ethernet  IOP  attached.   The  special
                 values  are 0=an  I/O processor  performs the majority
                 of  processing of  network  traffic,  1=SLIC  performs
                 the  majority, 2=SLIC  and IOP  split the  processing.
                 This  is  an  optional return  variable  that  if used
                 must be specified as *CHAR LEN(1).

   NBRPVCIDS     The  number  of   PVC  (permanent  virtual   circuits)
                 identifiers.   This  is  an  optional return  variable
                 that if used must be specified as *DEC LEN(9 0).


Because  the commands  return variables,  RTVLINETH and  RTVLINETH2 may
only be used in a CL program.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   RTVLINETH     *CMD                   TAACFGM       QATTCMD
   RTVLINETH2    *CMD                   TAACFGM2      QATTCMD
   TAACFGMC      *PGM       CLP         TAACFGMC      QATTCL
   TAACFGMC2     *PGM       CLP         TAACFGMC2     QATTCL


   TAACFGMC   CL pgm

   TAACFGMC2   CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools September 15, 2007

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