TAA Tools
PRTIFS          PRINT IFS                              TAAIFSL

The Print IFS command  prints one line per directory type  of object in
the  IFS  plus  summary   information  about  the  objects  within  the
directory.   Summarizations by  owner and type are  also provided.  The
outfile from  the  TAA command  CVTIFS  is used  for  the data.    This
provides a simple review at the Directory level.

A Directory  type object  is considered  to be a  type of  *DIR, *DDIR,
*FLR, or *LIB.

You  must be authorized to the  TAACVTIFS authorization list to specify
a path name.

A typical command would be:

             PRTIFS        OBJ(xxx)

By default, the IFS information  would be converted by the TAA  command
CVTIFS to a temporary  file and then printed.   PRTIFS uses the outfile
created by  CVTIFS.  Either the *TYPE1 (does  not contain the full path
name) or *TYPE2 (contains the full path name) formats may be used.

If you have already used CVTIFS, you would specify:

             PRTIFS        OBJ(*EXISTS) IFSDIRPLIB(yyy)

If you have already used CVTIFS with *TYPE2, you would specify:

             PRTIFS        OBJ(*EXISTS) OUTFILFMT(*TYPE2)

The listing  has  one line  for  each Directory  object  including  the
Name, Type,  and Owner plus  information about  the objects within  the

  **   Whether the  Directory includes any  objects owned by  User type
       profiles (non-System supplied profiles).

  **   The number of objects and the total size of the objects.

  **   The last (most current) change and use dates of all objects.

At  the end of  the listings are  summarizations by owner  and by type.
An option exists on the command to print on the summarizations.

If  *TYPE2 is  specified  and the  directory  name  is longer  than  30
bytes, the additional characters of the name appear on extra lines.

PRTIFS escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   OBJ           The  path name  of the  object to  be converted.   The
                 object  path name  can be  either a  simple name  or a
                 name  that  is   qualified  with   the  name  of   the
                 directory  in  which  the  object  is  located.    The
                 default is *.

                 Specifying  * will  start the  convert process  at the
                 current directory  level.   If the  current  directory
                 level is at  the root ('/'), the convert  process will
                 start at the home directory ('/home').

                 The  special  value  of  *IFS  may  also  be  entered.
                 Specifying  *IFS  will  start the  convert  process at
                 the  root  directory  level  ('/')   excluding  /QDLS,
                 /QOPT  and  /QSYS.LIB.    If  directories  are  to  be
                 excluded,  CVTIFS with  the OMITDIR parameter  must be

                 You   must    be   authorized    to   the    TAACVTIFS
                 authorization list to specify a path name.

                 The special  value *EXISTS  may be  entered if  CVTIFS
                 has already  been run and you want  to use the created
                 outfile.  If *EXISTS is  used, the IFSDIRPLIB and  MBR
                 parameters  must specify  the  library and  member  of
                 the existing IFSDIRP file.

   OUTFILFMT     The output file format to be used.

                 The  default  is *TYPE1  which  creates  or uses  file
                 IFSDIRP.    This  contains all  descriptive  fields of
                 the object, but  does not contain  the full path  name
                 of  the object.   The  model file  is TAAIFSAP  with a
                 format of IFSDIRR.

                 Specifying   *TYPE2  will  create  or   use  the  file
                 IFSDIRT.   This  includes  all the  fields  of  *TYPE1
                 plus  the IFOBJP  field  (5000  bytes) which  contains
                 the full  path name of the object.   The model file is
                 TAAIFSAT with a format of IFSDIR2.

                 If a  directory name  is greater  than 30  bytes,  the
                 additional characters appear on separate lines.

   DIROWNOBJ     The  type  of  ownership of  the  objects  within  the
                 directory.     *ALL  is   the  default  to   list  all

                 *USER   may   be   specified   to   list   only  those
                 Directories which  have objects within  them that  are
                 owned  by  User  type  profiles  (non-System  supplied

                 *SYS  may be specified to  list those Directories that
                 only have  objects  within  them  that  are  owned  by
                 System supplied profiles).

   TYPE          The  type  of listing.    *DETAIL  is the  default  to
                 print   one    line   for   each   directory   and   a
                 summarization at the end.

                 *SUMMARY may be specified  to provide only the  ending

   SIZETYPE      The type of size to be listed.

                 *ALLOC is  the default for  the allocated size  of the
                 objects.   The  IFASIZ  field is  used.   This  is the
                 same  concept  as  used by  i5/OS  where  object sizes
                 shown  by  commands  such  as  DSPOBJD   are  for  the
                 allocated size.

                 *ACTUAL may  be specified for  the actual size  of the
                 objects.    The IFOSIZ  field is  used.   This  is the
                 size that would  be shown if  viewing the object  from
                 a PC.

   IFSDIRPLIB    The   library  of   the  existing   IFSDIRP  file   if
                 OBJ(*EXISTS)  is  specified.   The  default  is *LIBL.
                 *CURLIB may also be entered.

   MBR           The  member   of   the  existing   IFSDIRP   file   if
                 OBJ(*EXISTS) is  specified.   The  default is  *FIRST.
                 *LAST may also be entered.

                 This   parameter  is   ignored  if   *EXISTS   is  not
                 specified for the OBJ parameter.

   USRPRF        The  user profile that will  be switched to during run
                 time.   QSECOFR  is the  default.   For  file  systems
                 (such as  QNTC), CVTIFS will fail if  QSECOFR does not

                 *CURRENT  may be used or a  specific user profile, but
                 the profile must have *ALLOBJ special authority.


You must be authorized to  the TAACVTIFS authorization list to  specify
a path name.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CRTDUPPF        Create duplicate PF
     CVTDAT          Convert date
     CVTIFS          Convert IFS
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDJLGMSG       Send job log message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   PRTIFS        *CMD                   TAAIFSL       QATTCMD
   TAAIFSLC      *PGM       CLP         TAAIFSLC      QATTCL
   TAAIFSLR      *PGM       RPG         TAAIFSLR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools August 15, 2001

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