TAA Tools
OBJTYP          OBJECT TYPE                            TAAOBKF

The Object  Type tool  provides four  source members for  use with  the
CPYCMD  tool.  Only  source is  provided.   The source is  intended for
command  definition  involving an  object type  parameter.   No command
object or program exists.

The intent  of the  tool  is to  provide standard  source  that can  be
copied into command definition source using the CPYCMD tool.

The following members are provided:

   TAAOBKF       Intended  for  use  with  commands  that  perform  the
                 functions of:

                      - DSPOBJD
                      - CHKOBJ
                      - RTVOBJD
                      - DSPOBJAUT
                      - DSPOBJLCK

   TAAOBKF2      Intended  for  use  with  commands  that  perform  the
                 functions of:

                      - EDTOBJAUT

To use the source, you must  be familiar with CPYCMD.  For an  example,
of how to use the supplied source use DSPTAA TAAOBJA.

   TAAOBKF3      Intended  for  use  for  TAA commands  that  list  all
                 object types including those found in the IFS.

   TAAOBKF4      Intended  for  use  for  TAA  commands  that list  all
                 object types used with DSPOBJLCK.






None, the source is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

                                        TAAOBKF       QATTCMD
                                        TAAOBKF2      QATTCMD
                                        TAAOBKF3      QATTCMD
                                        TAAOBKF4      QATTCMD

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1999

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