TAA Tools
FNDJOB          FIND JOB                               TAAJOEN

The  Find Job  command  provides  an  interactive display  of  jobs  by
entering  job/user/status  values.   The  job  and  user  names may  be
generic  and may contain  wildcards.  Options exist  on the display for
further information  or  for  actions  such as  ENDJOB  if  authorized.
FNDJOB  simplifies finding  a job  when only  part of  the job  name or
user name is known.

You  must be the user of  the job or have  *JOBCTL special authority to
use most of  the options.  The  DSPJOB3 option requires  you to be  the
user of the  job or be authorized to the  TAAJOBCTL authorization list.

The API,  QUSLJOB is used to  determine the jobs that  exist by name or
generic  name  and  the  CMPWLDCRD  TAA  Tool  is  used  for   wildcard

A typical command would be:

             FNDJOB    JOB(AAA*) USER(B*)

The trailing *  indicates a generic  request.  All jobs  beginning with
a job  name of AAA  belonging to any  user name beginning  with B would
be displayed.

A command with wildcards would appear as:

             FNDJOB    JOB('A%A*') USER('BA*M*')

The  %  character  indicates  a fixed  wildcard  meaning  any character
would satisfy the  request.  The embedded  * indicates that any  number
of  characters may  exist between  the A  and M.   User  names  such as
BATMAN, BATCHMAN, or BASEDMAN would satisfy the request.

For  more  information on  wildcard  processing and  examples,  see the

For better performance,  avoid using both  JOB(*ALL) and USER(*ALL)  on
the same command.   The more letters you can include in  either the job
or user value before a wildcard will improve performance.

A sort is optional based on the SORT parameter.

FNDJOB escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    The job/user/status request does not exist.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Security considerations

If   the  user  has   *JOBCTL  or   is  authorized  to   the  TAAJOBCTL
authorization list, all options on the display are valid.

If the user  requests the option  for WRKJOB OPTION(*SPLF),  a list  of
the spooled  files for the job  will be displayed.   If a  spooled file
resides in  a private output  queue that does  not belong to  the user,
the  data  of  the spooled  file  cannot  be displayed,  sent,  nor any
option that would change or delete the spooled file.

Similar security  protection exists for  private output  queues if  the
user  accesses the  'Work with  spooled files'  option from  the option
display following a WRKJOB or DSPJOB3 option.

FNDJOB Command parameters                             *CMD

   JOB           The  job name requested.   A name of  a job, a generic
                 name,  or   a  name   containing  wildcards   may   be
                 specified.     The  %  character  specifies   a  fixed
                 wildcard.    The  *  character  specifies  a  floating
                 wildcard  and/or  a   generic  request.     For   more
                 information  and   examples  on  wildcards,   see  the
                 CMPWLDCRD tool.

                 If  an embedded wildcard  character exists  within the
                 name,  the  name must  be  entered in  quotes  such as
                 'DS%01'.   The  characters are  folded  to upper  case
                 before attempting the search.

   USER          The  user name  requested.   *ALL is  the  default for
                 all  users.  A  name of a  user, a generic  name, or a
                 name containing  wildcards may  be specified.   The  %
                 character  specifies   a  fixed   wildcard.     The  *
                 character  specifies  a  floating  wildcard  and/or  a
                 generic request.   For more  information and  examples
                 on wildcards, see the CMPWLDCRD tool.

                 If an  embedded wildcard  character exists within  the
                 name,  the  name must  be  entered in  quotes  such as
                 'U%ER1'.    The characters  are  folded to  upper case
                 before attempting the search.

   JOBNBR        The job number of  the job requested.  The  default is

   STATUS        The status of the job requested.

                 *ALL is the default.

                 *ACTIVE, *JOBQ, or *OUTQ may be specified.

   JOBTYPE       The job type  to convert.  * is  the default and means
                 all   jobs.      The   other   supported   values  are
                 A=Autostart,  B=Batch  (includes  BCH,  BCI,  PJ,  and
                 other   batch   types),    I=Interactive,   M=Monitor,
                 R=Spool   reader,  S=System  job,   X=Start  CPF,  and
                 W=Spool writer.

   STARTDATE     The start date of  the job to  consider.  The  default
                 is *BEGIN meaning any start date.

                 A  date may  be  entered in  job  format and  compared
                 against  the date the  job went  active.  If  the date
                 the  job went  active is  less than  the date entered,
                 the job will not be considered.

                 Note  that   if  either   the  STARTDATE  or   ENDDATE
                 parameters are  entered with specific  dates, any jobs
                 on  a job queue will be  ignored because they have not
                 gone active.

   ENDDATE       The end date of the  job to consider.  The default  is
                 *CURRENT meaning the current date.

                 A  date may  be  entered in  job  format and  compared
                 against  the date the  job went  active.  If  the date
                 the  job  went  active   is  greater  than  the   date
                 entered, the job will not be considered.

   SORT          The type  of sequence to  present the  job information

                 *NONE is  the default meaning the jobs  appears in the
                 sequence   as  provided  by  the   QUSLJOB  API.    No
                 specific sequence is guaranteed.

                 *JOB  may be  specified  to  sequence  by  job  number
                 within job name.

                 *USER  may  be specified  to  sequence  by job  number
                 within job name within user.

                 *JOBNBR  may be specified  to sequence  by job number.


You must be the  user of the job or  have *JOBCTL special authority  to
use most  of the options.   The DSPJOB3 option  requires you to  be the
user of  the job or be authorized  to the TAAJOBCTL authorization list.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     CHKJOBCTL       Check *JOBCTL special authority
     CMPWLDCRD       Compare wildcard
     DSPJOB3         Display job 3
     RTVJOBA2        Retrieve job attributes 2
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     TRNVAL          Translate value


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   FNDJOB        *CMD                   TAAJOEN       QATTCMD
   TAAJOENC      *PGM       CLP         TAAJOENC      QATTCL
   TAAJOENC11    *PGM       CLP         TAAJOENC11    QATTCL
   TAAJOENR      *PGM       RPG         TAAJOENR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools September 15, 2007

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