TAA Tools

The  Execute  Command  Check command  performs  a  syntax  check  of  a
command  similar to QCMDCHK.   However,  instead of using  QCMDCHK, the
API  QCAPCMD  is used  which causes  the keywords  to  be added  to the
command string in addition to checking for valid syntax.

The intended  use of  the  tool is  for an  application  that needs  to
request a command from  a user that will be stored in  a data base file
and executed later.

You may choose to prompt for the command with PROMPT(*YES).

The  tool would normally be used  in a HLL program, but  can be used in
CL such as:

             DCL        &RTNCMD *CHAR LEN(3000)
             EXCCMDCHK  CMD(xxxx) CMDLEN(nnn) RTNCMD(&RTNCMD) +

The RTNCMD parameter must be declared  as 3000 bytes, but you can  then
move the  value to a  smaller variable.   An optional  parameter exists
for the length of the returned command.

Two  optional  parameters  exist to  allow  the  return  of any  escape
message IDs and  the message  text.  If  these are  coded, the  command
will always complete normally  and the program is expected  to test the
ERRMSGID  return  variable  to  determine  if  errors exist.    If  the
parameter  is not  specified, the  command resends  any escape messages

HLL Parameter list

The tool  is intended to  be used from  a HLL.   The following are  RPG
specifications  in  the proper  format  to use  the  tool.   First  use
CPYTAA   TAAARCMBR(EXCCMDCHK)    to   copy   the   source   from   this
documentation member to QATTINFO in TAATOOL.

     IRTNCMD      DS                           3000
     I                                        1 100 RTNCM2
     C* Place the command to be checked in the field CMD
     C                     CALL 'TAACLQCC'
     C                     PARM           CMD   100
     C                     PARM 100       CMDLEN  50
     C                     PARM           RTNCMD
     C                     PARM '*YES'    PROMPT  4
     C                     PARM           RTNLEN  50
     C                     PARM           ERRMSG  7
     C                     PARM           ERRTXT256
     C* Ensure return length does not exceed your area
     C           RTNLEN    IFGT nnn
     C*  Handle error
     C                     ENDIF
     C*  Move to your field for storing in data base
     C                     MOVELRTNCMD    xxx

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   CMD           The command  to  be  checked  and  have  its  keywords
                 inserted.   The command  can be  up to  3000 bytes  in

                 If  the CMD  value  is blank,  the user  will  see the
                 'Major  Command  Groups'   menu  and   can  choose   a
                 command.    Although  a command  line  exists  on  the
                 menu, the system prevents its use.

   CMDLEN        The length  of the command  to be checked.   It can be
                 a  maximum  of  3000, but  a  shorter  length improves

   RTNCMD        The return command with  keywords filled in.  This  is
                 a  required parameter  and must  be declared  as *CHAR
                 LEN(3000).   You  can move  the returned command  to a
                 shorter variable,  but  you should  check  the  RTNLEN
                 parameter to see if it will fit.

   PROMPT        A *YES/*NO  value for  whether prompting will  be used
                 before the  command is returned.   The default is *NO.
                 If the  command  is executed  interactively,  you  may
                 allow  the  user  to  fill  in  the  prompts  for  the

   RTNLEN        An  optional return  variable that  if  specified must
                 be  declared as  *DEC LEN(5 0).   It  will contain the
                 length  of  the  command  string  returned.    If  the
                 command exceeds  3000 bytes, the  length returned will
                 be  the full length  even though it  is not available.

   ERRMSGID      An optional  return variable  that if  specified  must
                 be  declared  as  *CHAR LEN(7).    If  specified,  the
                 command  does not  end with  any escape  messages, but
                 rather returns the message  ID of the escape  message.
                 If no errors are found, the value will be blank.

   ERRTXT        An optional  return  variable that  if specified  must
                 be declared  as *CHAR LEN(256).   It will  contain the
                 first  level  text  of  any  escape  message.    If no
                 errors are found, the value will be blank.


Because the  command returns variables,  it can  only be used  in a  CL




None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   EXCCMDCHK     *CMD                   TAACLQC       QATTCMD
   TAACLQCC      *PGM       CLP         TAACLQCC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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