TAA Tools
DSPWINDOW       DISPLAY WINDOW                         TAADSPK

The  Display  Window  command  displays  a   window  over  the  current
display.    The intent  of  the  command is  to  provide  for a  better
informational  display in exception conditions.   Ten lines of text may
be presented  plus an error  line.   The command ends  normally if  the
user presses  Enter, F3, or  F12.  A  single F key  (such as F4  - F24)
may be defined with user supplied text.

By  default, the window  will appear on  the right side  of the current
display beginning  in position 43  and extending  to position  79.   It
starts on line 2 and ends on line 20.

The position of the window is variable within the following:

  **   The start line may be between 1 and 6.

  **   The start position may be between 2 and 43.

A typical command would be:

             DSPWINDOW  TITLE('Error Occurred')
                          LINE1('The record you want to delete')
                          LINE2('   no longer exists.')
                          LINE4('It has been deleted by another')
                          LINE5('   user.')
                          LINE7('Press Enter to continue to the') +
                          LINE8('   next record.')

If Enter, F3, or F12 is pressed, the command ends normally.

If the parameter  FKEY is specified, the FKEYTXT prompt  appears at the
bottom  of the  display and  the specified  F  key is  active.   If the
specified F key is pressed, TAA9891 is sent as an escape message.

DSPWINDOW escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    F key was pressed (based on FKEY parameter)

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   TITLE         The title of  the display.   Up to  32 characters  may
                 be  entered.    The  title   is  always  centered  and

   LINE1         The  first  line of  text.    Up to  32  bytes may  be
                 entered.   This appears  on line 3 of  the window.  No
                 centering occurs.   The default  causes a blank  line.

   LINEn         LINE2  -  LINE12 of  text.   Up  to  32  bytes may  be
                 entered  for  each parameter.   The  default  causes a
                 blank line.

   FKEY          Whether an  F  key is  defined  for a  user  function.
                 The default  is *NONE.   Only  a single  F key may  be
                 defined.   A value of F2, F4,  F5, ...  F24 (excluding
                 F12) may be  specified.   If a value  is entered,  the
                 FKEYTXT parameter must be used.

                 The intent  of  the parameter  is to  allow a  command
                 key  to  be defined  to  signal  a different  response
                 than  the normal  Enter key.   F3 and F12  also act as
                 the Enter key and the command ends normally.

                 If a value  is entered, the  FKEYTXT value appears  at
                 the bottom  of the window  and the specified F  key is
                 active.   If  pressed,  TAA9891 is  sent as  an escape

   FKEYTXT       The text  description  of  the  F key  if  any.    The
                 default  is *NONE.   If  the FKEY  parameter is  used,
                 the  FKEYTXT parameter must  be specified.   A maximum
                 of 17 bytes may be entered.

                 The name  of  the  F key  specified  is  automatically
                 added to  the  text along  with a  description of  F3.
                 For  example, if  you specified  FKEY(F6) FKEYTXT('Add
                 a  record'),  the text  at  the bottom  of  the window
                 would be 'F3=Exit    F6=Add a record'.

   ERRLIN        The last  line of  text  which is  intended for  error
                 text.  Up  to 32 bytes may be entered.   The last line
                 of  the window  is used.   The default  causes a blank
                 line.  If  an entry is  made, it appears  highlighted.

   STRLIN        The line where  the window should start.   The default
                 is 2.  A number between 1 and 6 may be specified.

   STRPOS        The  position  where the  window  should  start.   The
                 default is  43.   A number  between 2  and  43 may  be


The display currently  in use when  DSPWINDOW is run must  be specified


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     SNDESCMSG2      Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   DSPWINDOW     *CMD                   TAADSPK       QATTCMD
   TAADSPKC      *PGM       CLP         TAADSPKC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools November 15, 1999

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