TAA Tools
DLTQHST      DELETE QHST                             TAAHSTB

The Delete QHST  command provides a  simple method of cleaning  up QHST

QHST  contains system  wide  messages.   The  messages are  kept  in an
internal  file until  the system  value QHSTLOGSIZ  is reached.   A log
version is created with the name QHSTyydddn where:

     yy    the year
    ddd    the Julian date the log version was created
      n    the sequence number within the Julian date

The DLTQHST command simplifies the  cleanup of QHST logs by  allowing a
command to  specify the number  of days of  log versions that  you want
to keep.  The typical command would be entered as:

       DLTQHST   DAYS(10)

This  will delete all  QHST logs that  are older than 10  days from the
current system date.   The date  compared against is  the date the  log
version was closed.   This means all  messages that were sent  prior to
10 days ago would be deleted.

The  completion  message includes  a  count of  the  files  deleted and
their size and the corresponding numbers for the remaining files.

You  must  have  *USE  authority  to  TAADLTQHST  to  use  the  DLTQHST

The DLTQHST  command  could be  placed in  an  auto start  job for  the
controlling subsystem  to implicitly cleanup  the old versions  as part
of  the subsystem start.   You could also consider  saving the old logs
before deleting them.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   DAYS          The  number of  days  to  keep  the QHST  logs.    The
                 default  is 5  meaning that  any logs  created  in the
                 last  5  days  will  be  kept.    All  others will  be

Security considerations

The DLTQHST command  must be  created by someone  with *ALLOBJ  special
authority  (e.g.   the  Security Officer).    The  TAAHSTBC program  is
created with USRPRF(*OWNER).

The  command DLTQHST and  the TAAHSTBC CL  program are created  so they
may not  be executed  unless a  user is  authorized  to the  TAADLTQHST
authorization list.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

           EDTVAR      Edit variable




The  tool is  ready  to use,  but  a user  must  be authorized  to  the
TAADLTQHST  authorization list.   To authorize  a user, use  EDTAUTL or


Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type       Attribute      Src member     Src file
   ------        -----      ---------      ----------     -----------

   DLTQHST       *CMD                      TAAHSTB        QATTCMD
   TAAHSTBC      *PGM          CLP         TAAHSTBC       QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 1, 1995

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