TAA Tools
CVTPING         CONVERT PING                           TAATCPM

The Convert Ping command  captures the information from a  PING command
and  places the  results in  one record  written to  an outfile.   Each
record  contains  the  results for  5  ping attempts  and  the minimum,
average, and  maximum of  all attempts.    The outfile  name is  always
PINGP.   The model outfile is  TAATCPMP with a format  name of PINGRCD.

A typical command would be:

             CVTPING   RMTSYS(xxx) OUTLIB(QTEMP)

One record would be written to the PINGP file in QTEMP.

While  the command  supports several  parameters, most are  passed thru
to the system PING command.

CVTPING escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CVTPING Command parameters                            *CMD

   RMTSYS        The remote  system  name of  the  host to  be  pinged.
                 This value is passed thru to the PING command.

                 For more  detail, see  the discussion with  the system
                 PING command.

   OUTLIB        The  library where  the PINGP file  exists.   *LIBL is
                 the default.  If the  file does not exist, a  specific
                 library must be named.

   OUTMBR        The  member  of  the outfile  to  contain  the  output
                 record.  PINGP is the default.

   REPLACE       Whether  to  replace the  data  in  the member  before
                 writing a record.

                 *YES  is  the  default  to  clear  the  member  before
                 writing a record.

                 *NO may be  specified to add  a record to the  member.

   INTNETADR     The  remote  internet  address.   Either  a  valid  IP
                 Version  4  or IP  Version 6  will  be accepted.   The
                 value is passed thru to the PING command.

   ADRVERFMT     The address version format to  be used.  *CALC is  the
                 default.   *IP4 or *IP6 may  be specified.   The value
                 is passed thru to the PING command.

   MSGMODE       A 2 part parameter for the message mode.

                 The  first   part  is  the  response  message  detail.
                 *VERBOSE is the default.  *QUIET may be specified.

                 The second  part is  the summary  action for  response
                 errors.    *COMP  is the  default.    *ESCAPE  may  be
                 specified.    The value  is  passed thru  to  the PING

   PKTLEN        The  packet length  in bytes to  be sent.   256 is the
                 default.    A  number  between  8  and  512   must  be
                 specified.   The  value  is passed  thru  to the  PING

   NBRPKT        The  number of packets to be sent.   5 is the default.
                 A number  between 1  and 999  may be  specified.   The
                 value is passed thru to the PING command.

                 Note  that  the  output  record contains  room  for  5
                 attempts.   If a  number greater than  5 is specified,
                 only the  first  5  attempts  are  recorded,  but  the
                 average,  maximum,  and minimum  values  are  for  all
                 attempts.   If  a  number  less than  5  is specified,
                 some  fields in  the output  record will  have default

   WAITTIME      The wait  time in  seconds  between attempts.   15  is
                 the  default.   A  number  between 1  and  120 may  be
                 specified.    The value  is  passed thru  to  the PING

   LCLINTNETA    The local  internet address.    *ANY is  the  default.
                 The value is passed thru to the PING command.

   TOS           The  type  of  service.     *NORMAL  is  the  default.
                 *MINDELAY,  *MAXTHRPUT,  *MAXRLB, or  *MINCOST  may be
                 specified.   The  value is  passed  thru to  the  PING

   IPTTL         The IP  datagram  (packet) time-to-live  value.   *DFT
                 is  the default.   A number between  1 and 255  may be
                 specified.    The value  is  passed thru  to  the PING




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     DUPTAADBF       Duplicate TAA data base file
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CVTPING       *CMD                   TAATCPM       QATTCMD
   TAATCPMC      *PGM       CLP         TAATCPMC      QATTCL
   TAATCPMR      *PGM       RPG         TAATCPMR      QATTRPG
   TAATCPMP      *FILE      PF          TAATCPMP      QATTDDS

Added to TAA Productivity tools April 15, 2009

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