TAA Tools
CRTTSTDTA       CREATE TEST DATA                       TAADBGE

The Create Test  Data command either adds  new test data records  to an
existing  member or updates  existing records.   A prompt  appears with
the  fields from the file  and various options may  be selected such as
consecutive  numbers,  random   numbers,  unique  numbers,   constants,
character  data, or  digit data.   Fields  not specified  are  added as
blanks or zeros or not changed during an update.

You  must have all rights to  the file to be  updated to use CRTTSTDTA.

A typical use  of CRTTSTDTA is  when a copy  of a  portion of a  master
file  is copied  for  test data  and  then changes  should  be made  to
protect  the privacy of  the information  such as names,  addresses, or
social security numbers.

For example,  assume you  copy  the employee  master file  (either  the
entire file  or a  portion) and  want to change  the sensitive  fields.
After the copy, you would enter:


A prompt screen  appears with all of the fields in  the file.  For each
field,  you may leave  the data as  is or request  one of the following
change types:

  **   *CON (Constant).   A  prompt appears to  describe the  constants
       that should  be placed in each  record.  For example,  you could
       enter  XXX or 123  into the Department field  for all employees.

       The length of the  constant may be less  than the length of  the
       field.   Characters  fields are  left adjusted  and padded  with
       blanks.   Decimal fields are right  adjusted with leading zeros.

  **   *CNS (Consecutive  numbers).   This allows  consecutive  numbers
       to be placed into the records.

       For  example,  you  could enter  consecutive  numbers  into  the
       employee number field.

       Characters  fields are  left  adjusted and  padded  with blanks.
       Decimal fields are right adjusted with leading zeros.

       *CNS  can be used when you have a  unique key and a large enough
       field  width.     If  the   consecutive  numbers  overflow   the
       available size, they  will begin again at 0  and could produce a
       duplicate key.

  **   *CHR  (Characters).  A prompt appears  to describe the length of
       the data  that should  be entered  into the  field.   It may  be
       less than  the full field length.   The characters will  be left
       adjusted and padded with blanks.

       For  example, if the employee  name is 20  characters, you could
       request the first  5 characters be  filled with character  data.
       The  first  record  would be  updated  with  ABCDE  followed  by
       blanks in  the remaining portion  of the field.   The subsequent
       records  would be updated with letters  A-Z on a rotating basis.
       *CHR could also be entered for the address of the employee.

  **   *DGT (Digits).  A  prompt appears to describe the length  of the
       data that  should be  entered into  the field.   It may  be less
       than  the  full field  length.   Either  a character  or decimal
       field could be  used.  Characters fields  are left adjusted  and
       padded  with blanks.   Decimal  fields are  right adjusted  with
       leading zeros.

       For  example, if  the telephone  number is  10 bytes  in length,
       you could fill the  field with 0-9.   The first record would  be
       updated  with  1234567890.   The  subsequent  records  would  be
       updated with letters 0-9 on a rotating basis.

  **   *RAN  (Random numbers).   A prompt  appears to describe  the low
       and  high  range  to  be used.    The  low range  must  be  0 or
       greater.   The  high  range may  be  less  than the  full  field
       length, but may  not exceed 999,999,999.  Either  a character or
       decimal  field  could  be  used.    Characters  fields are  left
       adjusted and  padded  with blanks.    Decimal fields  are  right
       adjusted with leading zeros.

       For  example, if  the salary  information is  9 digits  (decimal
       positions  included),  you could  fill  the last  6  digits with
       random numbers  by  entering  a  range  of  50,000  to  100,000.
       Random numbers would be placed into the field.

       Using *RAN for a  field that has unique keys may  cause an error
       as the  data is truly  random.  A generated  number may conflict
       with an existing value if any exist.

  **   *UNQ  (Unique numbers).   A prompt  appears to  describe the low
       and high range  to be used  for unique numbers.   The low  range
       must  be 0 or  greater.   The high  range may  be less  than the
       full  field length,  but may not  exceed 999,999,999.   Either a
       character or decimal field could be used.

       For example,  if  the field  information  is 9  digits  (decimal
       positions  included), you  could  fill the  last  6 digits  with
       unique  numbers  by  entering  a  range  of 50,000  to  100,000.
       Random numbers would be placed into the field.

       Using *UNQ  for  a field  that  has unique  keys  will  generate
       unique values  for the added  records.   A generated number  may
       conflict with an existing value if any exist.

After making  all requests and pressing Enter (or  F3), an Exit display
appears  that describes what will  occur.  You can  return to the field
selection display,  continue with  the  update, or  cancel the  update.
If no requests  have been made, the exit  display prevents any updates.

Assuming  you requested changes, the updates  will occur to all records
in the member.   Any fields  not requested for  changes will remain  as


  **   A small  amount of test  data is  generally a good  solution for
       most  testing.   This  may  not describe  all  of  the potential
       problems such as the size of  total fields.  In some cases,  two
       sets of test data may be desirable.

  **   The EDTDBF  command may be  used to  make slight adjustments  to
       the data  such as changing a field value  to cause an exception.
       Any  record  in  the  file  may be  changed.    EDTDBF  does not
       require a  program be created.   It  operates on any  externally
       described file.

  **   If a  unique key  field exists, using  *UNQ (Unique  numbers) or
       *CNS  (Consecutive numbers) are  the best  solutions when adding
       records.  Even this may  cause a duplicate key if existing  keys

  **   Because CRTTSTDTA will  update or add records  interactively, it
       will be  a slow runner if a large number  of records exist to be
       added or updated.

CRTTSTDTA escape messages you can monitor for

None.  Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

CRTTSTDTA Command parameters                          *CMD

   FILE          The qualified  name of  the  file to  be added  to  or
                 updated.   The  library value  defaults to  *LIBL.   A
                 specific library or *CURLIB may also be used.

   MBR           The member  to be added to or updated.   *FIRST is the
                 default.   A specific member  or *LAST may be entered.

   RQSTYPE       The type of request to be made.

                 *UPDATE  is  the   default  to  update  all   existing
                 records in the member.

                 *ADD may  be specified to  add records to  an existing
                 member.   The member  may have existing  records or be

   NBRRCDS       The number  of records  to be  added if  RQSTYPE(*ADD)
                 is  specified.    100  is   the  default  to  add  100

                 If  RQSTYPE(*UPDATE)   is  specified,  the  number  of
                 records is ignored.


You must have all rights to the file to use CRTTSTDTA.

The maximum record length which can be used is 9999 bytes.

Only  character  (including  variable  length)  and  decimal   (packed,
signed and binary)  field types may be  changed.  When new  records are
added,  default values  as appear in  the default  record for  the file
are used for field types such as T=Time and L=Date.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     ADJVAR          Adjust variable
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     DSPFLDA         Display field attributes
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     GENRANNBR       Generate random number
     GENUNQNBR       Generate unique number
     HLRMVMSG        HLL Remove message
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     RTVDBFA         Retrieve data base file attributes
     RTVFLDARR       Retrieve field array
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CRTTSTDTA     *CMD                   TAADBGE       QATTCMD
   TAADBGEC      *PGM       CLP         TAADBGEC      QATTCL
   TAADBGEC11    *PGM       CLP         TAADBGEC11    QATTCL
   TAADBGER      *PGM       RPG         TAADBGER      QATTRPG
   TAADBGER2     *PGM       RPG         TAADBGER2     QATTRPG


   TAADBGEC   CL pgm
     TAADBGER   RPG Pgm - Updates or adds records
        TAADBGER2  RPG Pgm - Prompts for field requests
           TAADBGED  DSP file - Field requests
           TAADBGEC11 CLP Pgm - Does DSPFLDA

Added to TAA Productivity tools September 15, 2007

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