TAA Tools

The Copy  IFS to Spooled  File (CPYIFSSPLF)  command creates a  spooled
file from  the output of CPYSPLFIFS STMFTYPE(*SYS).   The intent of the
two  commands  is to  allow a  spooled file  on a  source system  to be
converted to the IFS, sent  as an attachment to an E-mail,  received on
a  target  system, downloaded  to  the IFS,  and  then  converted to  a
spooled file.

Because  the CPYSPLFIFS  command converts  the spooled  file to  a data
base file and saves the file  to a save file, restoring the object  and
then  converting  the data  base  file  back  to  a spooled  file  will
require  the same  user name as  was used  on CPYSPLFIFS on  the second
system or an *ALLOBJ user.

For example, assume you have  a spooled file on  system A and want  the
spooled file to exist on system B.

  **   On system A,  convert the spooled file  to a stream file  in the
       IFS with the command:

             CPYSPLFIFS    FILE(xxx) TOSTMF(yyy) STMFTYPE(*SYS)

  **   Attach the IFS  stream file to an E-mail  and send it to another
       user who is attached to system B.

  **   On system B, download the attachment to the IFS and enter:

             CPYIFSSPLF    FROMSTMF(xxx)

  **   A  spooled file would  be created on  system B.   By default the
       same spooled  file name would  be used and  the output queue  of
       the  job for  the  user  on system  B.   The  user  on system  B
       becomes the owner of the spooled file.

On  the source system,  entering the CPYSPLFIFS command  can be awkward
in attempting  to describe  the  exact spooled  file (may  require  the
fully  qualified  job  name,  spooled file  name,  and  number).    The
WRKALLSPLF  command  may  be used  to  simplify  this  by providing  an
option which prompts  with the  correct spooled file  identified.   See
option 23 using the sample WRKALLSPL2 command.

CPYIFSSPLF escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    Not authorized to the IFS object.

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   FROMSTMF      The path  name  of the  stream file  to be  converted.
                 The path  name can be  either a simple name  or a name
                 that  is qualified with  the name of  the directory in
                 which the object  is located.   For example, it  could
                 be an entry like '/home/splf'.

                 The  stream  file  must   have  been  created  by  the
                 CPYSPLFIFS STMFTYPE(*SYS) function.

   NEWSPLF       The  name of  the  spooled file  that will  be output.
                 The default  is  *SAME meaning  the  same name  as  is
                 found  in  the  stream  file (the  name  used  on  the
                 source system).

                 A different name may be specified.

   OUTQ          The  name of the  output queue where  the spooled file
                 will be written to.   The default is *JOB meaning  the
                 output  queue  assigned  to the  job  of  the  current

                 A  different  output  queue   may  be  named.    If  a
                 specific  name is  entered, you  must enter  a library
                 qualifier of  a specific library  name or the  special
                 values *LIBL or *CURLIB.


  **   The  stream  file  must  have  been created  by  the  CPYSPLFIFS
       STMFTYPE(*SYS) function.

  **   Because  the CPYSPLFIFS command  converts the spooled  file to a
       data base  file and saves  the file  to a  save file,  restoring
       the object  and then  converting the  data base  file back to  a
       spooled  file will  require the same  user name  as was  used on
       CPYSPLFIFS on the second system or an *ALLOBJ user.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKIFSE         Check IFS entry
     CHKOBJ3         Check object 3
     CVTTOSPLF       Convert to spooled file
     RSNLSTMSG       Resend last message
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CPYIFSSPLF    *CMD                   TAASPNQ       QATTCMD
   TAASPNQC      *PGM       CLP         TAASPNQC      QATTCL
   TAASPNQR      *PGM       RPG         TAASPNQR      QATTRPG

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 2003

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