TAA Tools

The  Compare  System  Objects   tool  is  designed  to  assist   in  in
determining  potential  problems when  dealing  with multiple  systems.
Because   naming  conflicts  between  objects   may  arise  when  using
multiple  systems,  the  CMPSYSOBJ  tool  may  be  used  to  assist  in
determining the conflicts.

Assume  you  have multiple  systems  and  you  want to  understand  the
potential  naming conflicts.   For  example, if you  have a  library by
the name of LIBA  on one system,  you may want  to ensure there are  no
other LIBAs  on your  other systems.   Other  typical naming  conflicts
may also occur between user profiles and authorization lists.

To use  CMPSYSOBJ, you must first capture  standard system objects that
exist on each of the systems.

You must have *ALLOBJ  special authority to use  CAPSYSOBJ.  A  typical
command you would run on each system is:


This will capture:

         - Libraries
         - User profiles
         - Authorization lists

Any  names  beginning  with  Q  and  the  S/36  #  libraries  would  be
excluded.   By  default, any  names beginning  with  TAA would  also be
excluded  (such as the TAATOOL library).   All the captured names would
be placed in the SYSOBJP file in the named library.

You must then transfer the  file to a central system where you  want to
make the  comparisons.  For example,  the transfer could be  done using
Save/Restore or DDM.

You  would then  merge each  file captured  on a  remote system  to the
file on the central system such as:

         MRGSYSOBJ    FROMLIB(xxx) TOLIB(yyy)

The data  in  the SYSOBJP  file  found in  the  From library  would  be
merged into the SYSOBJP file in the To library.

When  the central  SYSOBJP  file  contains all  of  the  data from  the
remote  systems,  you  are  ready to  make  a  comparison.   A  typical
command would be:


A spooled file would  be output with one  line for any conflicts  found
(same name  and type  of object).   For  example, if  the same  library
exists on  two or more  systems, a line  would be listed  for each with
the duplicates flagged.

The  default for CMPSYSOBJ is to  compare objects for all systems found
in the SYSOBJP file.   You may optionally  compare the objects for  two
named systems.

Capturing system objects

CAPSYSOBJ will  capture the object  types of Libraries,  User Profiles,
and Authorization lists.

Objects  beginning  with the  letter  Q and  the S/36  #  libraries are
implicitly bypassed.

By default,  objects beginning  with TAA  are bypassed.   For  example,
the TAA  Tools support  several TAAxxx  authorization lists.   You  may
have  different  authorizations  to these  authorization  lists  on the
central and  remote systems.    Since the  authorization lists  of  the
central  system   will  be   used,  you   must  ensure  that   security
considerations are properly handled on the central system.

Merging into the central SYSOBJP file

When the  MRGSYSOBJ command runs, it first ensures  that data exists in
the  SYSOBJP  file  in  the To  library.    If no  data  exists,  it is
considered an  error.  You  must begin the  process by using  CAPSYSOBJ
for the central  system to the SYSOBJP file or use  CPYF to the SYSOBJP
file in the To library.

When  MRGSYSOBJ  begins, it  determines the  system  name of  the first
record in the SYSOBJP library in  the From library.  When CAPSYSOBJ  is
run, it  creates a  DSPOBJD outfile for  the named  object types.   The
outfile  is  then converted  to  a simpler  file  definition containing
only the critical fields.  The originating system name is retained.

When the system  name in  From file  has been  determined, any  records
that already  exist the  SYSOBJP file in  the To  library for  the same
system are  deleted.  The  new records are  then added.   This allows a
'refresh'  capability so that you  may capture current information from
any system and merge it in as required.

Because  of  this  technique,   there  are  two  important  points   to

  **   The  SYSOBJP file  in the  From  library may  only contain  data
       from a single system.

  **   Each  use of the MRGSYSOBJ  command is a  complete refresh for a
       single system.   All records for  the system to  be merged  will
       be removed from the SYSOBJP file in the To library.

During the  merge processing, the  SYSOBJP2 file  is created in  the To
library  if it does  not exist.   The file will  contain temporary data
and will be cleared  at the end  of processing.   The file will  remain
on your system.

Removing a system from the SYSOBJP file

You may remove all  the records for a particular system  in the SYSOBJP
file  with  the  RMVSYSOBJ command.    Assume  you  had  merged in  the
records  from  SYSTEMA and  now  want to  remove  all the  records from
SYSTEMA.  You would issue the command:


All records for SYSTEMA would  be removed from the SYSOBJP file  in the
named library.

Security considerations

To  ensure that  all  objects  are considered,  you  must have  *ALLOBJ
special authority to use CAPSYSOBJ.

The  user of  CAPSYSOBJ becomes  the owner  of the  SYSOBJP file  for a
specific library.   The authorization  to the file  allows public  *USE
authority.  You may exclude the public if required.

The MRGSYSOBJ  and RMVSYSOBJ commands  require the proper  authority to
the file to clear the SYSOBJP file.

The CMPSYSOBJ command is available for public use.

CAPSYSOBJ Command parameters                          *CMD

   SYSOBJPLIB    The library  which will contain the  SYSOBJP file.  If
                 the file does not exist, it  will be created.  If  the
                 file does  exist, the  data is  cleared first and  the
                 new data is written to the file.

                 The object  types of *LIB, *USRPRF, and  *AUTL will be
                 captured.     Object   names  beginning   with  Q  are
                 implicitly bypassed along  with the S/36 #  libraries.

   BYPASSTAA     A   *YES/*NO  parameter   for  whether   object  names
                 beginning  with TAA should  be bypassed.   The default
                 is *YES  which prevents  objects such  as the  TAATOOL
                 library  and  TAAxxx authorization  lists  from  being

                 *NO may be specified to include TAA objects.

MRGSYSOBJ Command parameters                          *CMD

   FROMLIB       The  library which contains  the SYSOBJP  file data to
                 be merged in.  The file  may only contain data from  a
                 single  system.   Any  records  from the  same  system
                 name  in the SYSOBJP  file in  the To library  will be
                 removed first.  The new records are then added.

   TOLIB         The  library with the SYSOBJP  file which will contain
                 the  merged  data.    The  member  must  contain  some
                 records.   The  data  in  the file  must  come from  a
                 CAPSYSOBJ  command or  be copied  from a  file created
                 by CAPSYSOBJ.

RMVSYSOBJ Command parameters                          *CMD

   SYSTEM        The name of the system  who's records will be  removed
                 from the SYSOBJP file.

   SYSOBJPLIB    The  library   containing  the  SYSOBJP  file.     The
                 default is *LIBL.  *CURLIB may also be used.

CMPSYSOBJ Command parameters                          *CMD

   SYSOBJPLIB    The   library  containing  the  SYSOBJP   file.    The
                 default is *LIBL.  *CURLIB may also be used.

   SYSTEM1       The first  system  to be  compared.   The  default  is
                 *ALL.   Using the  default, all  systems found in  the
                 in the SYSOBJP file will be compared.

                 You  may compare two  systems (any other  system names
                 will  be ignored).  If you  name a system for SYSTEM1,
                 you must also name a system for SYSTEM2.

   SYSTEM2       The second  system to  be  compared.   The default  is
                 *ALL.     See   the   explanation   for  the   SYSTEM1


See the previous discussions.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKALLOBJ       Check *ALLOBJ authority
     CRTDUPPF        Create duplicate physical file
     EDTVAR          Edit variable
     RTVSYSVAL3      Retrieve system value 3
     SNDCOMPMSG      Send completion message
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message
     SNDSTSMSG       Send status message


You  must capture the  information from the central  and remote systems
in order to make a comparison.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CAPSYSOBJ     *CMD                   TAASYSP       QATTCMD
   CMPSYSOBJ     *CMD                   TAASYSP2      QATTCMD
   MRGSYSOBJ     *CMD                   TAASYSP3      QATTCMD
   RMVSYSOBJ     *CMD                   TAASYSP4      QATTCMD
   TAASYSPC      *PGM       CLP         TAASYSPC      QATTCL
   TAASYSPC2     *PGM       CLP         TAASYSPC2     QATTCL
   TAASYSPC3     *PGM       CLP         TAASYSPC3     QATTCL
   TAASYSPC4     *PGM       CLP         TAASYSPC4     QATTCL
   TAASYSPR      *PGM       RPG         TAASYSPR      QATTRPG
   TAASYSPR2     *PGM       RPG         TAASYSPR2     QATTRPG
   TAASYSPR3     *PGM       RPG         TAASYSPR3     QATTRPG
   TAASYSPP      *FILE      PF          TAASYSPP      QATTDDS

The SYSOBJP file is  created from the TAASYSPP  file in TAATOOL by  the
CAPSYSOBJ  command.   The SYSOBJP2  file  is created  by the  MRGSYSOBJ
command.   The file is  used to temporarily hold  data during the merge
and will cleared at the successful completion of the command.


   TAASYSPC   CL pgm

   TAASYSPC2  CL pgm

   TAASYSPC3  CL pgm

   TAASYSPC4  CL pgm

Added to TAA Productivity tools November 1, 1997

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