TAA Tools

The system supports the  capability (as of V4R5) to  retrieve a command
that is  about to be  run or to  change a command  that is about  to be
run.    This function  provides significant  capability, but  there are
important  considerations.    The  exit  program  cannot  be   used  to
guarantee  all  command  usage  will  be changed  and  you  can  expose
yourself to errors by using an exit program.

This  tool is a documentation member plus  sample source in a CL member
on how to do an  Exit program.  The  code shown handles the case  where
you want to ensure that a parameter value is not used.

You  can provide  an  Exit program  for most  commands  with the  major
exceptions being:

  **   Any  'CL compiler only' command  (such as DCL,  ENDDO, RCVF) and
       any RTV command that returns a value (such as RTVJOBA).

  **   The CALL command.

There are  a  few  significant  considerations when  you  use  an  Exit

  **   If the user  specified a command  with a library  qualifier, you
       cannot  change it.    For example,  CRTxxx can  be  changed, but
       QSYS/CRTxxx  cannot.   The  intent of  this  is to  allow system
       code that uses CL  commands to run without modification,  but it
       also  allows a 'back  door' for  users who  want to  bypass your
       change  function.   In addition  to system commands,  you cannot
       change a user command if it is library qualified.

  **   When you change the operation  of a command, you are exposed  to
       problems caused  by running  code written  by other  individuals
       that  are  not  aware of  any  potential  changes.   The  system
       protects against this by library  qualifying all command use  in
       its CL programs.   TAA Tool  commands do not always  use library
       qualifiers  within CL programs.   Other  products and  code that
       you  have  written yourself  or picked  up from  outside sources
       will also not be aware of your changes.

  **   Your exit program will only  be called once.  If the  command is
       prompted  for, your exit  program will  gain control  and should
       change  and protect the prompted version.   If you don't protect
       the  parameter  (prevent  it  from  being  changed  by  the   ?*
       function), the  user could  overkey and  defeat your  intention.
       Your exit  program is not called again  when the command is run.
       The example code shows how to provide this protection.

  **   You cannot send an escape message  and get the command to  fail.
       The system  monitors for  any escape  messages sent and  ignores
       them.   Consequently, if you are attempting  to use the function
       to  prevent the use  of a certain command  or parameter, you can
       only change a parameter  or change to a different command.   For
       example, you could run the TAA NOOP command.

       If you  want to send  an escape message  and prevent the  use of
       the  command,   see  the  later  discussion  of  the  SNDESCMSG4

In order  to  have  the  system  invoke your  Exit  program,  you  must
'register' the  request with  the ADDEXITPGM  command.   See the  later

Retrieve Exit

The  'Retrieve' function  allows  you to  determine that  a  command is
being run.   This function may  not seem very  exciting, but you  could
use it to:

  **   Prevent the use  of a command or  prevent the use by  a specific

  **   Log  the fact  that a specific  command occurred.   This  is the
       same  function  you can  get  with object  level  auditing which
       only requires commands to invoke (not writing a program).

  **   Log a command  if a  particular parameter value  was used.   You
       could also  do this using  object level auditing plus  a program
       that scanned for the parameter use.

  **   Notify  someone  immediately  that a  command  or  parameter was
       being used.  Note that it  is too late to stop the command  from

If  you want  to write  a Retrieve  Exit, follow  the example  provided
with   this  tool   for  the   Change  Exit   along  with   the  system
documentation for the 'Command Analyzer Retrieve Exit Program'.

Change Exit

The 'Change' function  is where  the real meat  is.   For example,  you
could add  or  change a  parameter value,  or use  a totally  different
command.     Remember,   however,   that  there   are   exceptions  and
considerations  as described earlier.  The  Exit program is not a 'fail
safe' form or protection.

Reading about the details

You can read about  the Exit programs by  using the Info Center  CD and
successively clicking on:

         - Programming
         - CL and APIs
         - APIs
         - APIs by Category
         - Program and CL Command

Then roll to the section on 'Exit Programs'.  Look at the details of:

         - Command Analyzer Change
         - Command Analyzer Retrieve

                Change Example

Registering the Exit

If you want  to use a Change  Exit, you probably want to  practice on a
command  that is unlikely  to be used  until you get  familiar with the
process.  For this  reason, the example code  uses the CRTDKTF  command
and  prevents  the  user  from   using  FILETYPE(*DATA)  which  is  the
default.    Instead,  the  example  exit  program changes  all  CRTDKTF
commands to FILETYPE(*SRC).   While this is  an 'academic example',  it
is typical of what many users may want to do.

You need  to register  your Exit program  for the  command you  want to

Because  you  can have  multiple  Exit programs,  the  system uses  the
PGMNBR  parameter to  provide a  unique ID.   To allow  for inserting a
later exit, you might assign a value such as 50 to begin with.

As QSECOFR  (or  a user  with security  rights),  enter the  ADDEXITPGM
command.   The name  of your  exit program goes  in the  PGM parameter.
The  example  requests  the  program  be  called  whenever the  CRTDKTF
command in QSYS is used.

                            PGMNBR(n) PGM(yyy/xxx)
                            PGMDTA(*JOB 20 'CRTDKTF   QSYS       ')

If you want to remove an Exit, use the RMVEXITPGM command such as:


You can only have one change exit per command.

There is  also  a WRKREGINF  command  that will  let  you see  what  is
registered.    You  will  find  lots  of  system  function  is  already
registered.   In fact, the Exit  points for CHG and  RTV are already in
the list, but may not have any programs.

Use Option 8 to 'Work with exit  programs'.  A list of the programs  is
displayed along with  the unique PGMNBR  value you assigned.   Removing
is  easy  here,  but  adding  is  more  difficult  because  you  cannot
re-prompt  the  command in  case  of errors.    You may  prefer  to use
command entry when you want to do an Add.

Writing the Exit program

The  'Change  Exit'  documentation  (on  the  Info  CD)  describes  the
details of how to code the exit.

The exit program gets called in the following situations:

  **   Prompting the command

  **   Performing interparmeter checks

  **   Calling the validity checker program

  **   Transferring control to the command processing program (CPP)

but the  program is  only called once.   This means  if the  command is
prompted,  has a validity checker,  and is run, your  program will only
get one  shot at changing  the command.   Since  prompting would  occur
first,  that is  when your  exit program  will  gain control.   If  the
command  is prompted,  you can  insert your  value before  the prompter
displays the value, but  you will want to  make sure that the  operator
cannot change your value.  The example code provides for this.

The exit program receives  a standard parameter list that  includes the
command  name and  any  parameters along  with  the keyword  names.   A
return parameter is used for the command to be run.

If  you want  to send  an escape  message from  the exit,  a discussion
exists in the example as well  as a 'commented out' line of code.   See
the later discussion on SNDESCMSG4.

The example  code is fairly standard  if you have  the same requirement
of  forcing the use of a command  parameter value.  The example assumes
that you  always want  CRTDKTF  to use  FILETYPE(*SRC) instead  of  the
default of FILETYPE(*DATA).

Note  that  CHGCMDDFT  will  allow  you to  change  the  default  of  a
command, but  you cannot enforce its use.   The sample Change Exit will
enforce  the  use  of  *SRC   (unless  the  command  is  qualified   as
QSYS/CRTDKTF as described earlier).

Your requirements  could be different  in which case  you will need  to
make several changes to the example code.

You can view the example code with the command:

             DSPTAA     TAACMEMC

You can copy this code to your source file and member by specifying:


SNDESCMSG4 for sending an escape message

The  system monitors  for  any escape  messages sent  from  the Command
Exit   program  and  ignores  them.     Consequently,  you  cannot  use
SNDPGMMSG or a  TAA command like SNDESCMSG  to cause an escape  message
that will prevent  the use of the original command.   You cannot return
with  a different command  that is a  CALL to a program  that will send
an escape message because CALL is prevented as a return command.

You can however,  use a different  command from what  was entered  that
invokes  a CPP  that  sends an  escape message  to  cause the  original
command to fail.

This is  the purpose of the TAA command SNDESCMSG4.   You must build up
this command  as a  string and  then use  it as  the replaced  command.
The  function  exists in  the  example  code,  but the  branch  to  the
function is 'commented out'.

SNDESCMSG4  sends the  TAA1020 message  from TAAMSGF  in TAATOOL.   The
second level text identifies it as coming from SNDESCMSG4.


None, but the following TAA Tools are used in the example.

     SCNVAR          Scan variable
     SCNVARRGT       Scan variable from the right
     SNDAUDE         Send audit entry
     SNDESCMSG4      Send escape message 4


None, this is only a documentation tool.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

                                        TAACMEMC      QATTCL

Only source is provided for the example.

Added to TAA Productivity tools October 15, 2001

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