TAA Tools
CHKNAMFLD2      CHECK NAME FIELD 2                     TAADBLI

The Check  Name Field 2  command allows you  to check name  and address
values  for proper case  such as 'THomas  ThuMb' or 'Thomas  thumb' and
returns  a value  of 'Thomas  Thumb'.  The  return value  is ensured to
have the  first  letter  of each  word  capitalized and  the  remaining
letters to be lower case.

An optional  return value  allows you to  determine if  any differences
exist between the input and return values.

CHKNAMFLD2  uses  some of  the functions  of  the CHKNAMFLD  tool which
provides a  similar function  for all  records in  a file  for a  named
field.  CHKNAMFLD2 operates on a single value.

A list  of small words such  as 'and', 'or',  etc may be left  in lower

Only the  English language is supported in the  supplied code.  See the
later section on 'Non-English languages'.

Because business  names have  a lot  of acronyms  (eg 'ABC  Co.'  which
would cause  a return value  of 'Abc Co.'),  not every name  or address
should be changed.

A typical series of commands would be:

              DCL          &RTNVAL *CHAR LEN(50)
              DCL          &RTNCHG *CHAR LEN(4)
              IF           (&RTNCHG *EQ '*DIFF') DO /* Differs */
                           /*                                        */
                           /*  Your processing of different values   */
                           /*                                        */
              ENDDO        /* Differs */

Your processing  might check the RTNCHG value and  if *YES could prompt
both values to an operator and request which one should be used.

Editing rules

  **   First  letter of each  word must be  capitalized.  A  blank or a
       single quote determines the word delimiter.

  **   All  other  letters  in  a  word  are  lower   case.    See  the
       exceptions discussed later for 'Mc' and 'Mac'.

  **   Exceptions are  made for small  words such as 'the',  'and', etc
       which  are left in  lower case.   An exception is  also made for
       the first  word to  allow  a name  such as  'The Best  Inc.'  to
       appear with a  capitalized first letter even though  'the' is in
       the small word list.

Names with embedded capitals

The technique  used determines the beginning of a word  by a blank or a
single quote.  Checking  for a single quote  allows a name like  O'Neil
to be be properly handled.

However, some names  have embedded capitals  such as 'VanHoeven.   This
would be  returned as 'Vanhoeven'.  If the  name exists as 'Van Hoeven'
it would be properly checked.

An  exception is made for  names that begin with  'Mc' or 'Mac' such as
McKnight or MacIntosh.  If the  letters 'Mc' or 'Mac' are found,  it is
assumed that  the next character  is correct (regardless of  the case).
Note that the case must be 'Mc' or 'Mac' for this to occur.

Technique used

The  first letter  of  a word  is ensured  to be  upper case  using the

        a - i  (X'81' - X'89') are folded to A - I (X'C1' - X'C9')
        j - r  (X'91' - X'99') are folded to J - R (X'D1' - X'D9')
        s - z  (X'A2' - X'A9') are folded to S - Z (X'E2' - X'E9')

The following letters  of a  word are  ensured to be  lower case  using
the following:

        A - I  (X'C1' - X'C9') are folded to a - i (X'81' - X'89')
        J - R  (X'D1' - X'D9') are folded to j - r (X'91' - X'99')
        S - Z  (X'E2' - X'E9') are folded to s - z (X'A2' - X'A9')

Any other characters (such as digits) would be left as is.

Small words

The following small words will be kept in lower case:


unless they  appear at  the beginning  of the field  such as  'The Best

The  data  for  the  small  words  is  held  in  the TAADBKXP  file  in
TAASECURE.  This is the  same file as used by  the CHKNAMFLD tool.   As
an  *ALLOBJ user,  you  may  add or  subtract  words  in this  file  by


The words are entered twice such as:

          The       the

The  capitalized  version is  the  way  the word  would  appear if  the
SMALLWORDS  option was  not requested.   The lower case  version is the
way the word will be changed  to.  You may enter up to 100  words where
each word may be 7 characters or less.

Both versions  of each word  must be the  same length or an  error will

Non-English languages

The  TAADBLIR program (part of CHKNAMFLD2) may  be changed to allow for
additional or different character transformations.  Use:

             CPYTAA2   TOOL(CHKNAMFLD2)

This will copy the  source to QATTxxx source files  in TAATOOL.  Use  a
source editor  for member TAADBLIR  in file QATTRPG  in TAATOOL.   Scan
for  TRANSFORM and see how  the code converts various  characters.  The
ZONE field  should  be  set to  allow  the  zone of  the  character  to
transform to.  For  example, the a-i hex values of  X'81'-X'89' use the
zone of the letter 'A' (X'C1') to transform the character.

When coding is complete, enter:


This will re-create the required objects.

The  TAADBKXP file  in  TAASECURE holds  the  small words  that  do not
follow  the normal  rules.  See  the previous section  on 'Small words'
and change as required.

CHKNAMFLD2 escape messages you can monitor for

      TAA9891    The INPVAL is all blank,

Escape messages from based on functions will be re-sent.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   INPVAL        The input value  to be  checked.  Up  to 50 bytes  may
                 be entered.

                 If a name  has an apostrophe in it  such as O'Neil, it
                 must  be doubled  as  O''Neil.   See the  TAA CHKAPOST
                 command for a method of doubling.

   SMALLWORDS    A *YES/*NO option  for the  special handling of  small
                 words such as 'and', 'or'.

                 *YES is  the default to cause  these words to  be left
                 in   lower  case  (the   first  letter   will  not  be
                 capitalized).   An exception  is  made for  the  first
                 letter in  a  name to  allow for  names  such as  'The
                 Best Inc'.

                 *NO   may  be   specified  to   prevent   any  special
                 treatment of small words.

                 See  the  previous documentation  on what  small words
                 are provided by  default and how  to modify the  list.

   RTNVAL        The  return  value  which  may  differ.   This  is  an
                 optional  return value that if  used must be specified
                 as *CHAR LEN(50).

   RTNCHG        A return  value  of *SAME  or  *DIFF that  assists  in
                 determining if the  return value differs from  the the
                 input  value.     *DIFF  is  returned  if  the  values
                 differ.   *SAME  is returned  if  the values  are  the
                 same.  This is  an optional return value that  if used
                 must be specified as *CHAR LEN(7).


  **   Only the  characters for the  English language are  provided for
       in the supplied code.


The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     CHKNAMFLD       Check name field
     SNDESCINF       Send escape information
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHKNAMFLD2    *CMD                   TAADBLI       QATTCMD
   TAADBLIC      *PGM       CLP         TAADBLIC      QATTCL
   TAADBLIR      *PGM       RPG         TAADBLIR      QATTRPG

The  TAADBKXP file exists in library  TAASECURE to hold the small words
that may be retained in lower case.

Added to TAA Productivity tools September 15, 2006

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