TAA Tools
CHKLIBL         CHECK LIBRARY LIST                     TAALIBR

The Check  Library List command  allows you to  determine if a  library
exists on the current jobs library list.

The simplest form of the command is:

           CHKLIBL      LIB(xxxx)
           MONMSG       MONMSG(TAA9893) EXEC(DO)
             .             /* Not on list */

You  can  also  determine where  the  library  exists  on  the list  by
specifying  one  or more  return  variables.   Each  returns a  Y  or N
value, but only if the library exists on the library list.

           DCL          &SYSLIBL *CHAR LEN(1)
           DCL          &PRDLIB *CHAR LEN(1)
           DCL          &CURLIB *CHAR LEN(1)
           DCL          &USRLIBL *CHAR LEN(1)
           CHKLIBL      LIB(xxx) SYSLIBL(&SYSLIBL)
                          PRDLIB(&PRDLIB) CURLIB(&CURLIB)
           IF           (&SYSLIBL *EQ 'Y') DO

If the library does  not exist on the  list, the return values are  not

The  system prevents  certain  combinations, but  allows  others.   For

  **   A  Product  Library can  also  be on  any other  portion  of the

  **   A Current  Library  can also  be on  any  other portion  of  the

  **   A library on  the user portion of  the library cannot be  on the
       system portion of the library list.

If the library is not valid, TAA9894 is sent as an escape message.

Command parameters                                    *CMD

   LIB           The library to be checked.

                 If  the library is  not anywhere on  the library list,
                 TAA9893 is sent as an escape message.

                 If the library does not  exist on the system,  TAA9894
                 is sent as an escape message.

   SYSLIBL       An optional return  variable that will contain Y  or N
                 if  the   library  specified  exists   on  the  system
                 portion  of  the  library  list.    If  specified, the
                 variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(1).

                 If  an  escape  message  occurs,  the   value  is  not

   PRDLIB        An optional  return variable that will contain  Y or N
                 if  the   library  specified  exists  on  the  Product
                 library portion of  the library  list.  If  specified,
                 the variable must be declared as *CHAR LEN(1).

                 If  an  escape  message  occurs,   the  value  is  not

   CURLIB        An optional  return variable that will  contain Y or N
                 if the library specified is  the Current library.   If
                 specified,  the variable  must  be declared  as  *CHAR

                 If  an  escape   message  occurs,  the  value  is  not

   USRLIBL       An  optional return variable that  will contain Y or N
                 if the  library specified is  on the  user portion  of
                 the  library list.   If  specified, the  variable must
                 be declared as *CHAR LEN(1).

                 If  an   escape  message  occurs,  the  value  is  not




The following TAA Tools must be on your system:

     RTVPRDLIB       Retrieve product library
     SNDESCMSG       Send escape message


None, the tool is ready to use.

Objects used by the tool

   Object        Type    Attribute      Src member    Src file
   ------        ----    ---------      ----------    ----------

   CHKLIBL       *CMD                   TAALIBR       QATTCMD
   TAALIBRC      *PGM       CLP         TAALIBRC      QATTCL

Added to TAA Productivity tools May 1, 1996

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